Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Dear Luke,

Today you are six.

You are charming and smart and you ask the best questions.
You want to know everything.
Every.  Thing.

You are sweet and tender and you get weepy when you're tired.  
You are task-oriented, determined and you drive me crazy with your persistence sometimes :) 

You love building.... Legos, Minecraft and the toilet paper rolls in the bathroom at school.
You have a total engineering mind and always have to know the "why and how" behind processes and functions. 

You are silly and goofy and you make the best face when you're dancing and playing air guitar.
You haven't lost your "giggle" and I can guarantee that I get to hear it if I tickle you on your lower back.

We joke that you're going to be a lawyer one day because you are constantly negotiating and if there's a loop hole you'll find it.  You are logical and rational and your number sense is CRAZY.

You are joyful and caring and you squeeze my hand three times (for I Love You) every day before you walk down the deck to your class.

You only want to wear sweat pants and other "comfies" like pajamas... but I think you come by that naturally.

All of a sudden you have "big boy feet", you can get yourself ready for bed and you can reach the tap to turn on the kitchen sink.

From the moment I found out about you life changed completely.
My focus changed and I saw you in everything that I did.

I love you to the moon, to mars, to Maine and back.  Times infinity.

Forever, for always...

... and no matter what. 

Love, Mommy


  1. Happy birthday handsome!!!


  2. Happy birthday handsome!!!


  3. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Love every single thing about this post. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUKE!

  4. No! He cannot be six! I just can't accept that! I remember exactly where I was the day Dave called to tell me it was a boy. I thought it was an April Fools joke. I can't believe it's been six years. Happy birthday sweet Luke! We just love you so much!!

  5. Awe!!! Your note was so sweet!! He is such a SWEET 6-year-old!! Happy Birthday Luke!! Hope he has a GREAT day!!

  6. This is too sweet! Happy birthday Luke!

  7. What a sweet little man you have!!

  8. This is the sweetest post! I love that he squeezes your hand 3 times-how special!!! Happy Birthday to your sweet boy!

  9. Happy birthday, Luke! We share a bday....it is the best bday too! :)

  10. Awww I'm crying! So sweet!!!! Happy bday Luke!

  11. Happy Birthday Luke! He is so adorable!


  12. I really love this letter to Luke and those pictures of him are all SO cute....what a sweet boy you have! The part about him squeezing your hand 3 times....sweetest thing ever! Happy 6th Birthday Luke!!!!

  13. So sweet! Happy Birthday Luke!
    And I love that 2nd photo...he looks like such a little man at that age! What a cute kid!

  14. What a cutie pie! Such a sweet letter, too! :) Happy Birthday to your Luke! Hope it's a great day!!!!!

  15. You are such a sweet mommy!!! This post made me tear up. I can only imagine how you feel today. Happy Birthday to your adorable boy!!!


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