Thursday, July 20, 2023

Christmas in July

 We had a Christmas in July day back in 2021 and I meant to do it again last year, but time got away from us so this year I was determined to bring it back.  I started brainstorming ideas and at the end of the day ended up keeping things relatively simple and I wanted to share while there are still a couple of weeks left to get this in with your family!

If my kids had been little I probably would have had a few fun activities during the day - Christmas coloring, some sort of craft, reading some Christmas books, etc.  Since my kids are a bit older we made it more of a Christmas movie night complete with a festive dessert...

... with paper plates and napkins I had in my stash.  The Santa glasses were in my kitchen cabinets so I got those down as well. 

My intention was to do a fun garland on the table BUT when I went to get some supplies from my bins in the attic it was literally like 125 degrees in there and I decided it wasn't worth it. hahaha

I made the most delicious cake EVER (I'll share the recipe next week) and we enjoyed it after our regular dinner.

When we cut the cake I asked if anyone wanted ice cream and (of course!) the kids said yes and look what Griffin found when I asked her to grab the ice cream ;)

(she was touching the envelopes NOT the elves - hahaha)

Aren't  these envelopes the cutest?!?!?!

After dinner we played a couple of games and then when it was dark headed outside to watch Christmas with the Kranks on the big screen ;)

Christmas floats included!  (candy cane / wreath)

You can find the details on the floating lights as well as the little fairy light "sprays" HERE.

They're all solar powered and I was SO IMPRESSED with them!  The floating candles make me feel like we're in Tangled ;)

We swam, watched the movie and hung out and it was simple and fun.

I kind of overcomplicated this idea in my head thinking of activities and decorations and little presents and at the end of the day it was pretty much what we do nightly (minus the Christmas plates) and the kids LOVED IT!

10/10 recommend a Christmas in July dive-in movie night!!!

Another fun option would be to have "Magic Popcorn" while you watch the movie inside!

Happy Thursday and happy Christmas in July, friends!!!


  1. How cute is this?! SO STINKIN' CUTE!!

  2. What a cute idea! I think I will copy it with my grandkids.....they will love it!!


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