Friday, July 21, 2023

Friday Favorites


  Erika and I are so excited that lots of y'all are linking up with us every week.  Make sure that you're grabbing our graphic, linking back to us and sharing your own Friday Favorites post ;)

My FAVORITE picture from the week is this one of G and Jelly Bean ;) hahaha
Who else remembers when I said she was going to be an outdoor only cat?  That's obviously going well! (kitty house HERE)

I forgot to post this on my Christmas in July post yesterday - that smile is my FAVORITE!

My kids FAVORITE snack this week? Deviled eggs.  You can find my recipe HERE.

One of Mason's favorite people got to help coach his basketball team this week (one in addition to Dave - hahahaha)

This sunset was a FAVORITE...

... and so was some girl time with this cutie.

I saw this on Facebook earlier this week and Max was immediately my FAVORITE!

Excuse me, ma'am... thinking about this is not my favorite ;) hahaha

Last weekend we got to celebrate our FAVORITE six year old!

With some cousin time which is always a FAVE!

Happy Birthday, Davis!

Speaking of birthdays - my FAVORITE gift to give teenage girls?   This!

I came across a few new books on Amazon this week and they're new favorites on our bookshelf upstairs.  I've caught all three kids reading through them at different points this week and the illustrations and artwork in all three are SO GOOD!

Every page has a different interactive element detailing facets of the constitution and making the content accessible.

It's visually engaging with tons of great info!

I LOVE this foldout anatomy book.  The illustrations are STUNNING and the info inside is great.

I love that it talks about the different body systems as they apply to humans as well as animals.  I've always approached anatomy with my kids as something super cool and amazing and intricate which has come in handy when it has been time to have "the talk" because really that's just explaining the "how" of the cool body system they already know about.  I feel like if your kids have no idea what's happening inside their bodies than that can be A LOT of info to take in - so having those anatomy conversations makes everything seem more "normal" if that makes sense. hahaha

This inner workings book is another winner...

... it explains the "inner workings" of every day things that we encounter and is a fun way to build up some general knowledge.

Last, these girlies looking like little pre-teens at a sleepover was a FAVORITE!  Grateful for sweet friendships!

HAPPY Friday, friends!!!

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  1. Those books look AWESOME! Thanks for sharing :). And you are going to love pulling out that picture of G the day she gets her permit ;)

  2. hehehe! That photo of cat did make me chuckle. The kitty house is just brilliant.
    Those Deviled eggs do look good, I've never tried one before. I think I might need to give them a go.
    All the cousins look like they were having a lot of fun in the pool and those books look fantastic!

  3. That cat house is hilarious! Those new books look fabulous. I love the cousin time photos and those Christmas pool floats are so cute and just perfect for Christmas in July.


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