Thursday, October 21, 2021

Favorite Board Games

A few weeks ago I shared our favorite card games to play as a family and today I thought it would be fun to share our favorite board games. 

First up is  Ticket To Ride - our counselor at family camp taught us how to play a couple of summers ago and it's been true love ever since.  We love the Europe version as well but original is still my personal favorite.  It can take a little while to play and get the hang of but once you do it's a blast!

Blokus is another fan favorite - it's almost like Tetris (but only the corners can touch) but with other people playing on the same board.  There's more strategy involved than you initially think and the only downside for us is that only 4 people can play.

Rummikub is a classic - I used to play this with my grandparents.  Luke is EXCEPTIONALLY good at this game and it's probably in my top 3.

Labyrinth is another favorite from my childhood - you move the pieces around (some pieces are static and other rows/columns move) and the board is constantly changing.  Dave and I have actually played this after the kids have gone to bed because it's so much fun.

Sequence is another oldie but goodie that we all love.

My kids LOVE playing  Sorry! I don't love how long it can take sometimes ;) but it's always a good time and it's easy for kids of all ages.  

When I think about  Triominos I automatically think about my Oma and Opa.  We played ALL THE TIME with them when we would visit them or they would visit us.  It's essentially dominos but with triangular pieces.  My boys will often play this just the two of them which I think is so sweet.

Qwirkle is another personal favorite.  We've played this for years and everyone loves it.  You're making color/pattern sequences and it's simple enough for younger kids to catch on but there's still some strategy involved which keeps it interesting for older kids and adults. 

Codenames is newer to us but we just can't quit.  The ONLY downside is that you have to play with partners so you need an even number of players.  

Crokinole is a Canadian game that we grew up playing. I bought our board from a Canadian craftsman but this one looks great as well!

Sjoelbak is our family's very favorite game.  It's almost like a tabletop shuffleboard.  My grandparents taught us how to play (it's a Dutch game) on a board that my grandfather built and a few years ago we bought a newer board and we get it out ALL THE TIME.  My kids love to play with friends with they have them over, we play every holiday and we sneak in games on the weekend when we have a free evening.  

And there you go! All our favorites in one spot.  Our family LOVES playing games and I hope that you found a couple for your family to try.  I feel like games make great gifts and our elf on the shelf has even been known to deliver a new family game with a note about game night ;)

HAPPY Thursday, friends!!!

PS - this post contained affiliate links - thank you so much for reading and supporting my blog!


  1. Code names is our couple favorite , and we play it with our supper club or for date nights, on teams (guys against girls usually), and it is SO fun! We once played with an uneven number of people and just took turns being on opposite teams, which was fun, too!

  2. Love this post Andrea!! Perfect timing with Christmas coming up and supply chain issues being what they are :)

  3. The first 6 you listed as well as Qwirkle are some of favorites too! My boys also love Clue (both the original and the Harry Potter edition).

  4. We have two college kids and one senior in high school...which of these games would you recommend for this age group? I would love to add a few games to our collection for Thanksgiving/Christmas. Btw, our entire family loves Listography...a great game for older kids and easy to take on vacation!

  5. Thanks for sharing these! We have a 25 people family vacation coming up right after Christmas and it will be fun to have a few new games to take along.


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