Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Day in the Life: Last Thursday

Well - welcome to an impromptu edition of a day in the life.  I never really plan out which day to document, but when I wake up and feel in the mood I go for it.  Regretting picking this day because LOOK AT ME! hahahaha That's a head full of dry shampoo from the night before and some serious bedhead.

6:34 a.m.

Breakfast of champions... hot tea and vitamin C because flu is running rampant right now

Quick messy (but not too messy) bun...

... and a quick mirror selfie (7:05)...

... and these two and I were headed out and got to school around 7:15 a.m.  Luke drives himself and has a study hall first period this semester so I don't see him most mornings before we're out the door.

The kids headed to their lockers (and their friends) and I got settled in my classroom and started getting things prepped and ready for the day.  I lay out all my copies, turn on all my lamps, pull out my to-do-list, log into my computers, etc.

I also spent a few minutes putting some new stickers on graded papers ;)

After announcements I took attendance using a new game I found while we were in Arkansas.  I do an attendance question every day and I decided to pull two cards from the deck, put them up on my screen and then asked kids which one they picked as their attendance response ;)

After that I taught my first class (7th grade Pre-Algebra) and we went over a practice test that they'd worked on the day before...

... and then they played a Gimkit covering exponent rules (they LOVE the "trust no one" (Among Us) game mode). 

In between classes I ran to the work room to try to get a couple of copies made and was met with the red flashing light of doom.  I wrestled with some paper jams for a couple of minutes before heading back to my next class.

I taught a section of Math 7 where we went over parts of a circle...

... and then since I was talked into letting them do a quick round of color clash to review some of the vocabulary I had just introduced ;)

After P2 we have an extended break where I (shocker) fought the copy machine a little bit more while also chit chatting with some co-workers...

... then I taught a section of 8th grade Pre-Algebra followed by an Honors Algebra 1 (with another funny attendance question to kick it off).

While they were getting started on their homework I got some info up on my board for the next day....

.... and got a few things ready for my next class (a section of Math 7).

They heard that I let my P2 class play Color Clash after notes so I had to let them play a round after notes as well...

... and then it was time for lunch.  I was STARVING and chatting with Sharon and I totally forgot to snap a pic of my leftover Swedish meatballs until this was all that was left.  Whoops.

After lunch I have one last PreAlgebra class and we did a test review...

... and at 1:36 I had an empty classroom and after I had a moment to decompress and just sit in the silence (teacher friends, you get this!) I picked up a bit and started tackling my to-do-list.

First stop, work room to refill my water bottle...

... and then I buckled down for an hour or so to grade papers, send emails, etc.  I didn't take any pics because I get distracted. hahaha

Right before 3:00 I turned on a podcast and decided to tackle the copy machine yet again.

SWEET BABY JESUS this was not my day!

The copy machine and I battled for a bit and then I. headed back to my classroom....

... and found these two straight out of strength and conditioning and choir making themselves right at home ;) 

I put them to work making sure the Chromebooks were all plugged in and organized while I packed up...

... and we headed out right around 4:00.  This day very much felt like I never stopped but wasn't super productive, you know? 

We were home by about 4:15...

... and after letting the dogs out, giving everyone some ear rubs, grabbing the mail, etc. it was time to put away some laundry.  Dave goes in later than we leave for school so he folded/sorted a load and left it on the couch for everyone to grab their stuff when they got home.

Hello, tired lady.  Time to change from my work comfies...

... to my home comfies.  Amen.

The kids ran upstairs to change, have some screen time, etc. and I did something that (oddly enough) I find relaxing and vacuumed the downstairs floors.

This is gross but it brings me great joy after a day at work.  And yes... with dogs this is pretty much a daily occurrence. Sigh.


Luke had indoor track practice and was home (and cheesing) right around 5:00...

... and it was time to try and get a birthday cake picture of Frank before it got too dark ;)

It was a whole situation but we laughed A LOT.

Showers and homework underway I was STARVING and so I made myself a snack...

... and sat on the couch to just sit for a little bit.

I worked on my blog, graded a set of papers, helped with a bit of homework, Dave got home around 6:00 and we caught up and then got dinner started around 6:30.  Later than I intended but it is what it is.

While I got dinner going G (and Mason) worked on her dodgeball shirt for the next day...

We sat down to eat as a family right around 7:00....

... and then after dinner the kids and I giggled over a bunch of IG reels I'd saved to show them...

... and I changed out of my "comfies" into my pjs (I know, I'm ridiculous)...

... and got my face washed and moisturized.

I was in bed by about 9:15 and left my phone plugged in on my dresser (a new practice I'm attempting) but I had kids in and out of my room for goodnight hugs, homework help, gossip, etc ;) while I wrapped up my blog, had my quiet time, read a few chapters in my book, etc.  My guess is that I was asleep by 11:00 or so.

Phew - it doesn't seem like a lot in the moment but when you try to document it it can be a lot ;)   Thanks for tagging along with me!


  1. What a day! Do you middle school kiddos still wear uniforms or do they get more fashion freedom?

  2. what is the handheld cheese grater you recommend? Trying to search your blog for it but can’t come up with it.

  3. Fellow middle school teacher here. I'd love a link to the stickers and also, what is color clash?


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