Monday, January 27, 2025

FREE Valentines Printable Hearts

 Hey, friends! Today I'm sharing some free printable hearts along with some ideas on how to use them.

- Print a few sets, have your kids color them and string them together to make a banner

- Use them in your classroom as a "you finished early" sort of thing and cut them out and put them in your windows

- Have your kids color them, then write a note to a grandparent on the back.  Laminate and put a couple of little magnets on it.

- Print and color, then laminate and use as a placemat.

And... I also made a few that would be easier for younger kids to color in as almost like a stained glass heart OR for kiddos who want to draw their own designs/patterns in the different sections.

These could also be cute if you did a "bubble letter" for their initial inside and then had them color the blocks outside the letter warm colors and inside the letter cool colors to differentiate.

You could incorporate these into the ideas above as well (garland, cards, etc.)

You can click  HERE to download them for free and if you end up using them I'd love it if you'd send me a picture ( or share on IG and tag me!

HAPPY Tuesday, friends!!!

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