Wednesday, January 29, 2025

What's Up Wednesday

   Today I'm linking up with  Shay and  Sheaffer to talk a little bit about what's been going on around here!

We LOVE the Carbone spicy vodka pasta sauce and this week paired it with the CUTEST heart pasta. I found mine at Walmart HERE.

Valentine's Boxes!!! I'm considering hiring myself out just so I can help make one this year!

Luke always preferred the "name on a Trader Joe's paper bag" method which I respected ;) 

I ordered one of these vibration plates because I found it on sale and we're all loving it! I can't speak to any benefits as of yet but everyone in my family has been standing on it for 20-30 minutes a day and looking forward to it!

Well... Mason and G have been making slime ;). I HATE SLIME but they really love making it.

We're about to experience "Fool's Spring" here in Texas and I'm dreading Second Winter at this point ;) 

We've been working on showing our kids lots of the "classics" from our child/teen years and this past weekend we watched The Truman Show and I had forgotten how good it is!  Other "classics" have included Black Sheep, Tommy Boy, Blue Streak, etc.

Spirit days. Always.  Last Friday was ski/winter wear ;)

I'm currently reading (and loving) The Frozen River...

... and watching Beast Games with my kids.

These leggings every day until it's warm enough for dresses.

Luke and I are headed out of town for one last indoor track meet.  If any of y'all have Lake Charles, LA recommendations let me know!

Valentine's Day and a trip to Big Bend with Mason!

I picked up this kitchen tool recently and I cant' get enough! We've been using it for everything!

HAPPY Wednesday, friends!

PS - this post contained affiliate links... thank you so much for reading and supporting my blog!


  1. Highly recommend Steamboat Bills in Lake Charles! Delicious Cajun food!

  2. For food in Lake Charles, you have to go to Darrell's Famous Poboys. Little hole in the wall place but they are soooo good that my brother-in-law will drive from Houston just to pick them up for dinner for the family.

  3. I loved The Frozen River! Safe travels this weekend! My aunt graduated from McNeese many years ago!

  4. Can you share your slime recipe on a future post or on Instagram!? I would love to make some with my kiddo.

  5. I'm a long time reader and so glad you shared your V'day boxes again. My kids school normally just gives the kids bags to put out. However, my second grader just came home saying she needed a box. Ironically she is a competitive dancer and her one routine is disco this year. How did you do the disco ball? Is that a bowl? Do they put the valentines in the bowl and the box was just her name? Thanks!

  6. I second Darrell’s. Get the Darrel’s Special & grab lots of napkins. Also, Tony’s Pizza. It’s an old school Italian place with the best lasagna. 😎


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