Tuesday, July 9, 2024

PNW Trip: Olympia (Part II)

Okay - on to other things we did while in Olympia.  

Enjoyed the GORGEOUS view and ocean sounds...

... had lots of SLOW mornings on the porch...

And played a TON of games.  A TON.

We're a big game family and we discovered a few new favorites... taco vs burrito and Rook have landed high up in our rotation and we can't get enough!

The bottom floor of the house had a pool table (with a ping pong table top as well), foosball, darts, a tv/game area, puzzle table, laundry room and snack room.   It opened up to the backyard and, honestly, is what sold me on the rental in the first place.

There was also a firepit and we loved hanging out here at night making s'mores.

Okay, meals.  I LOVE to cook.  LOVE IT! But when we're on vacation I absolutely don't want to be cooking... I want to be out on the water with my crew, playing games and enjoying the porch.  We did a grocery run before we arrived at the house and bought several of the Costco oven-ready meals and they were fantastic. We also love a restaurant meal - but all five of us much prefer a meal at home on trips like this.

We love our life in Texas, but there is nothing better than dinner outside in a hoodie in June ;)

Breakfasts were super simple and enjoyed outside...

And the same went for lunches which included ALL THE CHERRIES and every meal outside because we couldn't get enough of the GORGEOUS WEATHER..

I talked extensively on my IG stories about the house we rented and showed lots of pictures but one of my favorite parts was that we could use our Walmart+ and Prime subscriptions and never have to leave the house.  It was AWESOME!

A few other random things worth noting ;)

We spent a lot of time checking out things across the inlet with binoculars...

... napping ;)

... being silly...

... hitting golf balls...

... and playing corn hole.

The only time I left the house was to check out the farmer's market in Olympia...

... which was such a great spot.  I picked up a bunch of apples and cherries, some chocolate croissants, a pair of earrings and a tote bag ;)

So there you have it!  Slow, simple days - which were absolutely wonderful.  We were all so sad to leave!

These kind of days remind me so much of the time I would spend at my summer's cottage in Canada.  Lots of time on the water, meals outside, games and campfires, cool nights and I'm so glad that our kids were able to experience a bit of that!

We booked this house through VRBO and couldn't have loved it more.  You can find the listing HERE and I'd also recommend checking out my WA2 highlight on IG for a little walk through tour with more details.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing! I always love your summer trips!

  2. It sounds like such a relaxing trip!


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