Monday, June 24, 2024

Seven Questions

It's the All That To Say podcast - it's two best friends and they crack me up.  I'd recommend starting at the beginning and working your way from there.  They talk about anything and everything and as the seasons progress the inside jokes and little "bits" accumulate so it just gets funnier.

ALL THE PRETTY (comfy) dresses!  Y'all KNOW I love a good dress and they're my favorite thing to splurge on (well... that and a good antique mall haul).

The one shoulder, the tie and the unique fabric of this one makes me SWOON!

This dress would be a closet staple... I love the square neckline and thin this style looks great on everybody.

I have and love this dress - the sweatshirt bodice is darling and the bottom fabric makes it feel super special.  I love finding dresses with a short sleeve because I don't need anything over them to wear to school and they still work in the one million degree TX weather.

 I recently found this shop on Etsy that sells the PRETTIEST block print dresses.  They run true to size (they're meant to be oversized a bit) and arrived way faster than I anticipated.

I heard a cruise described the other day as being trapped in an Applebees which made me laugh really hard.  I try not to say never BUT I don't necessarily think they're high on our list.  I love that lots of people love them and can see the appeal of having to plan nothing once on board (planning trips is a TON of work) but we do kind of love the autonomy of doing our "own thing" and none of us really love a crowd so it would have to be a pretty special cruise ;)

Every day is a little different - some we have a LOT to do and others we have NOTHING.  I will say that this summer looks A LOT different now that Luke is driving.  I was kind of hating it at first (shocker, because I was the first person to whine about 7:30 am cross country practice) but watching him and Mason pal around together to and from cross country practice and strength workouts has made me a little less sad ;)   Some constants every day are the boys workouts, a BLT, some pool time and games.

I wrote a day in the life post last week that you can read HERE.

I typically use the same thing - and my millennial is showing because I LOVE Pantene ;) hahaha I use their sheer volume shampoo and conditioner and will mix it up with the occasional Sephora sample and I can honestly say I don't love anything as much.  I only wash my hair 2-3 times a week (typically every fourth day) and really haven't found anything that works so much better that it makes the $$$ worth it.  

I answered this on my stories a couple of weeks ago but felt like this question was worth a re-share.  Dave and I both LOVED sleepovers as a kid and never had anything but positive experiences so I know that that is coloring my response. We're blessed in that we've developed relationships with families who I have felt comfortable letting my kids spend the night at their homes BUT I also know that this isn't any sort of "guarantee" that something awful won't happen.  Since I can't control every factor surrounding a sleepover what I CAN control is that my kids know and understand what isn't okay under any circumstance and that they have an "out" no matter what if they don't feel comfortable. 

I get not wanting to talk about sexual abuse with our kids but if you don't HOW will they know what to do if/when that situation presents itself?  Is it awkward to tell your 6 year old, "hey, buddy.  Nobody is EVER allowed to look at or touch your penis or ask you to look at or touch theirs and here's what you do if they ask or try"?  ABSOLUTELY but it's worth the awkward to empower them with the knowledge to navigate a situation they might be in.  Also... I know people like to give sleepovers a bad rap BUT, unfortunately, this kind of thing happens in the locker room at the community pool, at sports day camps, at churches... so if you think you can avoid the conversation by avoiding sleepovers you're doing your child a disservice. 

I also know that sexual abuse isn't the only hangup with people allowing their kids to have/attend sleepovers and I absolutely support and respect whatever anyone feels is best for their family.

 Okay, stepping off my soapbox now ;)

I LOVE that I'm a go-to for puzzles ;) hahaha. I've loved puzzles FOREVER, but I'm definitely picky.  I don't love a landscape, ocean scene, etc.  I'm picky about the pieces and don't love puzzles that are marketed as "impossible". 

I wrote this post last year that details the brands I love and what I do with my puzzles when they're completed.  

Make sure you're keeping up with my Amazon posts (as well as Friday Faves, What's Up Wednesdays, etc.) because if I'm doing a new puzzle I'm typically linking them up there as well.

HAPPY Monday, friends!!!


  1. I am SO happy that I can access your blog again! I was trying to view it on my phone and it was full of ads, to the point that it was really hard to see the actual post. I want to support you though so I figured they must just bring in extra income? Either way, it's back to normal on the computer and I missed your blog so so much!

    1. The ads have been a pain in the butt! They do generate income for me but shouldn't be covering up my entire site - I have a company that manages them and I feel like it's been better. Keep me posted please so I can make sure it's not acting a fool again ;)

  2. I just love these posts so much!! I know so many of the answers, but I still like to read your detailed explanations.

  3. I really appreciated your answer about sleepovers as I have a toddler and have been wondering how we should handle that as he gets older.

    1. Go with your gut BUT don't let fear dictate your motherhood either!


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