Tuesday, September 12, 2023

All Things Puzzles!

  It's no secret that I LOVE doing puzzles.  LOVE THEM!  I've always enjoyed a puzzle and once my kids were all out of toddlerhood have pretty much always had one going during summer and breaks from school.  During quarantine back in 2020 my love really ramped up and this is when I was able to get my kids a bit more in love as well.  Today I thought I'd share some of my favorite kinds of puzzles, brands of puzzles and answer some puzzle questions I get ;)  

We pretty much always do puzzles on our dining room table.  It's a big space, but doesn't interfere with daily life and we don't use a puzzle board or anything and it works just fine!

When we're done with our puzzles we take them apart, put them back in the box and keep them in our game closet.  Yes... we have quite the collection but we like to do them again and share with friends who love puzzles as well.  In the last year or so we've started putting the edges in ziplock bags when we pack them away which my mom says is cheating but I say is smart ;)

As far as choosing puzzles I steer clear of landscapes and puzzles that have a lot of the same colors... we like puzzles that have lots of colors, sections, etc. as we find that they make them way more fun.

I bought several of these Elena Essex puzzles this summer and was SO IMPRESSED!

White Mountain puzzles are some of our favorites - specifically the ones with lots of little sections like this...

Galison puzzles are always GORGEOUS when they're finished but they can be a CHALLENGE!  Still super fun though.

Mud Puppy 500-piece puzzles are so fun and perfect if you don't want a puzzle on your table for an entire week.  My kids can't help but jump in on these which I LOVE!

Last, but not least - Magic Puzzle Company! These are unlike any other puzzles out there... they're weird and super detailed and have a really cook "magic surprise" at the end.  It's hard to explain without ruining the surprise but TRUST ME and give them a try ;)



  1. Funny enough I tend to look for ONLY landscapes but I happily put together any puzzle my mother in law brings over for us.

  2. I love puzzles! Grew up doing them all the time. I just don't have a good table or space now. Need to fix that!


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