Monday, June 17, 2024


 Did you feel safe with just you two?  My daughter and I want to go alone - husband is hesitant.

We did!  We didn't get far off the "touristy" path and we both commented on how many police/secret service there were EVERYWHERE. We never felt like we were "alone" (even late at night walking around) or vulnerable and the whole city felt VERY safe/clean to us. 

Thinking of going in August, but have a 3 year old.... would that be an awful idea?

I really think it's all about your expectations.  You're not going to cover as much ground as Luke and I did but I think there is still a LOT to see and do and I think there would be lots that a three-year old would have fun doing.

Did you eat at Old Ebbitt Grill? My fave!

We did!!!  We ate there on our first night and it was a highlight for sure!  There was a lengthy wait so they offered us a spot at one of the bars and it was GREAT!  The service was top notch and the food was AMAZING! I also felt like it was a great value for what you got.

Were you able to easily get around without a car? / Why did you Uber so much and not use public transportation?

I opted to use Uber simply to optimize our time.  We had A LOT that we wanted to see and not a lot of time so we opted to Uber on several occasions to make the most of our time.  I'd heard that the Metro in DC is easy to use, safe and clean but, honestly, I didn't have enough time to figure out how to use it and so we just opted for Ubers when necessary.  Everything is super walkable BUT we were just pressed for time.

Would love to know the timing... how much time you needed at each event like your NYC post.

It really just depends on who you're with and how interested they are in different things.  I noted in each of my posts how long we were at each stop - but Luke LOVES history and reading and he reads EVERY THING in a museum.  If it had been me and Mason we would have breezed in and out of more places without all of the attention to detail. 

How many days would be an ideal visit?

Oh gosh! Again, I think it decides on the size of your group and how much y'all want to see.  Luke and I were there for half a day on Monday and then all day Tuesday and Wednesday and we both wished we'd had another day to do a few more things.  In hindsight, I kind of wish we'd flown home later in the day and had a full morning/afternoon in DC on our last day.

Did you wait for Luke to be this age before going? Would younger kids (3 & 6) enjoy DC?

It wasn't necessarily a plan to wait until a certain age BUT traveling with him at the age he is is SO EASY and he was super interested in what we were seeing.  I think younger kids would still enjoy it!

Where did you stay?

We stayed at Hotel Washington and you can find details and pics in this post.

A first timer's top 5 must sees!  We're going for just 2 days in a few weeks.

Eeeeek! Although I've been to DC multiple times this is my first trip in probably 10 years so I kind of consider myself a first-timer!  But these were Luke and my FAVES!

1) International Spy Museum

2) Arlington National Cemetery 

3) National Museum of American History

4) Night Tour of the Monuments

5) Tour of the Capitol 

Is the White House smaller than expected?

Yes! It's more that it's just so much smaller than the buildings it's in between that when we saw it we were kind of like "that's it?" hahaha. Still so cool to see!

We are going this summer and curious if you toured the White House?

We didn't!  I planned everything pretty last minute and I've heard that you need to submit a request at least 3 months in advance.

What shoes did you wear for all the walking?

I wore my nice sneakers on the first day and I ABOUT DIED.  I wish I was exaggerating... now I'm talking more "fashion" sneakers than actual sport sneakers but still.  My feet were a hot mess.  I spent the second day in  THESE and could not have been more comfortable.  I still can't believe I wore Tevas around DC but I think the skinnier straps make them a little less "camp" ;) hahaha

I want to take a trip like this but worried siblings will be upset - how did you manage?

Mason and Griffin were at camp while Luke and I went so that softened the blow a bit ;) But the plan is to take each of them on a trip suited to them (maybe DC, maybe somewhere else... I haven't thought that through!).  

Favorite travel bag/seeing the city bag.

I use this bag on the plane to hold my laptop and #allthethings and I love it so much but for walking around the city I used an older Frye bag that I've had for years and it was perfect for just the essentials.

How far in advance did you plan this trip?

About a week.  hahahaha

How many of the activities that y'all did were free?

Air and Space Museum (FREE)

Shear Madness ($$$)

Museum of the Bible ($$$)

Capitol Tour (FREE)

Library of Congress (FREE)

National Archives (FREE)

Nighttime Monument Tour ($$$)

Arlington Trolley Tour ($$$)

Museum of Natural History (FREE)

Museum of American History (FREE)

International Spy Museum ($$$)

Georgetown Ghost Tour ($$$)

Did you plan your days yourself or find an itinerary to follow?

I planned them based on the time we had and (kind of) where things were located.

Is this something you'll do with each child?  So memorable for both of you!

Yes! Maybe not DC but a trip for sure!

Anything you wanted to see but didn't get to?

So many things! More of the Smithsonian Museums, The Holocaust Museum, Tour of Pentagon, watch a house session, etc.


  1. The spy museum was our favorite too! We could have spent all day there. Then we did the one in NYC and it's great too!

  2. Thank you for answering all of these questions, including mine! Mine was the top 5 for a first timer :). We'll be there next week!

    1. YAY! Come back here when you're home and tell me what your top 5 was!

  3. Some of my comments aren't loading but YES to whoever said the Museum of African American History and Culture - we tried to get timed passes but couldn't get the for the days/times we were there. Next time!

  4. Some of my comments aren't loading but THANK YOU for the recommendation for the National Building Museum - I heard they had a great Lego section but we couldn't fit it in this trip. Next time!

  5. Loved reading about your whole trip! May I ask how long you were at Arlington?


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