Monday, December 11, 2023

Weekend Recap

 This weekend was filled with lots of festive fun... I still haven't hit the slow-mo button so I'm trying my best to soak it all in!

Saturday night was the downtown McKinney parade of lights which has been one of our favorite events for years and years.  My kids have opted to ride on the school floats off and on over the years, but Griffin has always wanted to watch instead of ride.  This was her last year to be a part of one of our elementary school floats and I'm so glad she chose to ride with her friends. 

Can't believe these cuties will be in middle school this time next year!

We had to drop Luke and G off pretty early so Mason, Rosie and I found a good corner and got settled in to wait for Dave to get there from work and for the parade to start.

So, Mason is fun and funny and all things joy and jokes BUT he's also a really diligent student.  Exams start this week and so he brought a couple of his reviews to work on while we waited ;). SWEET BOY!

The parade was pure small-town magic as it always is.  McKinney has changed A LOT in the 26 years I've lived here but the parade is something that, while it's grown, is still super reminiscent of McKinney years and years ago.  We love it.

That's Luke with the tenor drums on the far side...

... and our big fifth-grader...

Sunday afternoon we headed out to see The Big Guy ;)

My kids humor me with these and I cherish them!!!  

I.  Mean.

Saturday afternoon I hit the mom-jackpot and both of these cuties had games at the same place at the same time!

Wins all around and a happy mama who felt like she just killed two birds with one stone.  Sidenote: dance rehearsals all morning meant that this girl was looking a little glam for her game ;)

We spent lots of time resting, studying and coloring.  The best.

We had pasta lunches...

... and relaxed on Rosie's new bed ;)

... and in case you thought the weekend was all cute and festive we also had a bathroom leak.  So that was fun

HAPPY Monday, friends!!!


  1. I just love Christmas parades! Ours was this weekend too! I love that the kids still get Santa pictures. So sweet. So sorry about the bathroom leak! That is the worst! Praying it's an easy job to fix.

  2. I am so sad we didn't get to you guys at the parade. It was extra, extra magical! We were SO EXCITED to see Griffin!!


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