Monday, August 14, 2023

Weekend Happies

I'm not sure I've ever been so as grateful for a weekend as I was for this one ;) hahaha. I caught up on laundry, got control of my closet (praise hands!) and had plenty of "nothing" time which was much needed.  Thought I'd share a few things from the weekend that made me HAPPY!

The boys ran in their first XC race of the season.  It was a community event raising money for McKinney parks and they had a great time.

While they were running G and I were sleeping in, doing eye patches and taking our sweet time "preheating" on a sunny Saturday morning ;)

I wore this dress on Sunday which always makes me happy because it's EASY and cute!

This little scene made me happy - she pulled out all the playmobil and magnatiles this weekend and made me smile BIG!

I sorted through a few Halloween things I ordered which made me the teensiest bit hopeful about it maybe cooling off at some point in the next 6 weeks?  A girl can dream!

Y'all.  I haven't had a plum in forever.  I added a big container of them to my Costco order and I am obsessed. 

Mason and I played about 25 rounds of Backgammon this weekend...

... I baked this banana bread (again)...

... and Griffin's teacher asked us to send in an ultrasound picture which had me digging through my archives.  That little profile made me smile!

This cutie casually reminded me that this was her last year in the Children's building at church and my last year to have a kid over there which, while sad, made me smile because look how big and cute she is ;)

One of my FAVORITE pairs of earrings is a pair I picked up on a girls trip to NYC and wearing them always makes me remember that trip and how much fun we had.  Definitely made me smile this morning!

The fact that she's still on tippy toes made me happy...

... as did finally getting to celebrate Dave's birthday at a dinner at one of his favorite places. 

His birthday was actually Tuesday (our first day of school) and when we got home and he saw how exhausted we all were he pushed it to last night ;). Celebrating him always makes me happy!

Last, but not least - my kiddos were watching Father of the Bride in the car this weekend and when we pulled in at home it was wrapping up so we had to sit out there for 10 minutes and finish it.  This movie will never not make me happy.  It's seriously the best.

HAPPY Monday, friends!!!


  1. I love the bag you used with your Sunday dress! I would love to see a post dedicated to all your wonderful bags...both for purses and organizing.

  2. And now, I'm going to watch Father of the Bride while I work today :) .


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