
Monday, July 31, 2023

Back-to-School Brinner Inspo

Today I thought I'd share a recap of one of my favorite family traditions - our Back to School Brinner in case you wanted to plan one for your own family in the coming weeks.  We'll be having our 8th brinner next Monday night but wanted to share early so in case you're going back next week you'll have time ;)

This tradition was born in 2016 when I really wanted to do a cute themed first day of school breakfast BUT knew it was impossible since we leave so early for school.  I decided to do "breakfast for dinner" the night before school and it's PERFECT because it's a special meal we don't do often and we have plenty of leftovers for breakfasts during the week.

Our menu has kind of been nailed down over the years and if I even suggest mixing things up a bit my kids protest A LOT ;). I make a double batch of  Shay's Ultimage Sausage Ballsscramble a ton of eggs and then set out fruit/yogurt and misc pastries ;)

The decor changes year to year with fun finds I've picked up, flowers I can find, etc. and you can click on the years below to see how it started, how it's evolved and how some things never change ;). 

This is one of our family's very favorite traditions and is, honestly, one of the simplest.




Happy Monday, friends!!!