Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Teacher Tuesday - The Best Medicine

I'm down to my final two weeks of online teaching and I'm not sure if the memes are getting funnier or if I'm just getting way more tired :)  I'm hoping that whether or not you're a teacher these will make you chuckle...

This one made me laugh for WAY TOO LONG!

And this one...

... and this :) 

This is pretty much how I've felt most days :) 

And I feel this next one HARD :) 

This made me spit out my tea...

As did this one :) 

I've watched both of these multiple times and laughed EVERY SINGLE TIME...

But this is easily my favorite EVER...

HAPPY Tuesday, friends!!!

(PS - I found all of these HERE)


  1. Those are all hilarious and I'm not even a school teacher!

  2. I am not a teacher but these are hilarious! I especially like the one for how long we’ve been in lockdown. 🤣🤣

  3. I laughed at EACH ONE OF THESE!!

  4. These are perfect!! I wish we only had two weeks left of distance learning!! We have over a month, and it may be the longest month ever! Happy Tuesday!

  5. These provided a much needed laugh! I was laughing so hard at the videos I disrupted my husbands zoom call!!

  6. I am a 6th grade teacher, and these are SO accurate!

  7. I love these! And Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to a fellow educator! We are all in this together! :)


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