Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Conversation Heart Activities

It's conversation heart season which has some of us VERY excited and some of us VERY grossed out.  I feel like I've eaten WAY too many TUMS in my 2+ years of pregnancy to enjoy a conversation heart ;)

In case you happen to have a bag on hand at your house and/or find a few packages in your kids valentine's loot this weekend I thought I'd share a couple quick and easy activity ideas using the chalky treat...

I first came across  the idea of dissolving candy hearts on a random teachers pay teachers search for a math worksheet and I knew that my kids would  be all over it.  We had  this set of beakers on hand and started off putting the candy hearts into different temperatures of water to see what would happen.

We did ice water (far left), water out of the fridge, room temp water, hot water out of the sink and boiling water.  The kids dropped candy hearts into each one and we observed what happened to each of them.  

Then they each picked out another liquid and we ran their experiment again...

None of them fully dissolved but we did note differences in size, which ones had writing come off, etc.    We made predictions before and it was fun to talk about why they made the predictions they did and why they did/didn't happen as they predicted.

Next up was an activity I didn't anticipate but I think they enjoyed even more than the dissolving...

Mason and Griffin dumped the whole bag of hearts out onto a big piece of paper, sorted and hten counted all of them...

Before they sorted them they guessed how many there would be of each color and how many there would be total.

They worked really well together and both commented that they wanted to do it again with jelly beans or M&Ms.  Of course my math teacher heart was ELATED and I loved how the activity came about completely on their own.

If you have a candy heart activity I'd love to hear about it!  We still have these candy hearts and I think we'll do a minute-to-win-it style one-handed stacking game on Friday night and Mason has asked if he could hot glue them to popsicle sticks for a "project" - we'll see what that ends up being :)

Happy Wednesday, friends!!! 

PS - this post contained an affiliate link... thank you so much for reading and supporting my blog!


  1. What fun activities! My students always enjoyed stacking them to see who could get the tallest tower and measuring them (the bigger hearts work best for stacking). They also loved to put the messages in ABC order or to try to write stories with the funny conversation heart phrases mixed in. My little kids will love sorting and counting hearts at home this weekend!

  2. Our Valentine's Party is first grade is ALL minute to win it games with conversation hearts!


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