Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Thankful for BOO Dinner

The night of HAlloween is always super busy - everyone is hyped up to trick-or-treat, there are costumes to get together and what feels like a dozen other moving pieces.  We like to keep dinner on Halloween simple and easy and so I put together something special and fun on Sunday night to kick-off Halloween week...

I set the table using  these Halloween platesthese napkins and  these chargers.

I've made "mummy dogs" before, but opted for "meatball mummies" this time instead.  I made meatballs, wrapped them in strips of pizza dough and added some edible eyeballs.  

(sidenote - I attempted to make eyes out of string cheese and olives like  this post suggested but it was NOT working so I used candy - which looked cute, but sounded gross - but my kids picked them off and ate them so I'm counting it as a win!)

Each of the  little cocottes had some white mac and cheese topped with string cheese to look like a spider web...

And for the fruit course :) I put together these "monster apples" I saw on pinterest.  All I did was cut out a wedge from an apple quarter, fill it with peanut butter and then add the strawberry tongue and sunflower seed teeth.  The same candy eyeballs I just stuck on with a dab of peanut butter.  So simple and a surprisingly delicious combo!

Simple and kid-friendly crowd pleasers.  Yes ma'am.

Dave and I wrote a little note in a card for each of the kids - just a little encouragement and affirmation.  They all took them up to their desks after as some Halloween decor :) 

Dessert was simple... a spooky candy bar that they could pick and choose from.  These will be treats in their lunches this week as well.

 Okay! So here's the recipe for the meatball mummies in case you're needing an idea for a festive dinner.

- 1 lb ground beef (I use 96/4)
- 1/2 cup Italian bread crumbs
- 1/4 cup grated Paremsan
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- 1 roll refrigerated pizza dough
(I doubled the recipe for the meatballs to have leftovers)

1) Mix all the ingredients together
2) roll into balls (I use a 1/8 cup measuring cup to portion out the meat)
Each pound of meat will yield about `8 meatballs
3) Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes, flip them over and bake for an additional 5 mins
4) When the meatballs are done, skewer three of them together, cut the dough into slices and wrap them with the dough.  Remove the skewer and place them on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
5) Bake at 375 degrees for about 20 minutes or until they're golden brown
6) Serve with marinara for dipping


So easy and YUM!

Happy Halloween Eve, friends!

PS - This post contained affiliate inks... thank you so much for reading and supporting my blog!


  1. You’re like super Mom! No idea how you do it all!

  2. You are so creative and fun!

  3. Love how Mason how had his necklace with him. You can tell how proud he is! :)

  4. So fun! I'm planning on doing mummy dogs for the first time this year and can't wait to see how they turn out! Here's hoping for a better weather forecast in the metroplex!

  5. Andrea this is the cutest. We trick or treat on the 30th here, don't ask me why but we always do a spooky dinner! The kids love it, they reminded me this year to get all the things ;)!

  6. You are so creative! You make every holiday so fun. Can't wait until our next round of holidays (my little girl is 3 months old now).

  7. So fun! Your creativity knows no bounds:). Also, Mason's cross necklace:)

  8. I love how Mason has the necklace out! What a fun dinner for your family!

  9. The memories you are creating for your children are incredible. Hope everyone has a safe,fun Halloween!

  10. You have to be the most creative person, I know (not IRL!)!!! I'd love to have your talent and time to do these things!!!

  11. So stinkin' cute! I love these fun dinners...almost makes me wish I had little kids again. Hopefully I'll have grandkids eventually!

    1. Shelly, my thoughts exactly! Holding out hope for the grandkids someday! HA! But I will say that Tony would love this whole meal!

  12. Love your silver ware where did you get it!?

  13. you always do the CUTEST things! so inspiring!

  14. I wish my kids were little again! This looks so fun.

  15. Those mummy meatballs are awesome! I think I'm going to do it with hot dogs tomorrow before trick or treating just because I'll be short on time, but I love the idea!

  16. You helped me again! (BTW: my tennis shoes look great after a wash!) I was going to cut my apples all the way thru, but didn't think they'd hold well. Duh, don't cut all the way thru. :)


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