Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Show and Tell Tuesday: A Day In The Life

I LOVE these posts!!!  They're a pain to put together, but I always enjoy getting a peek into other peoples days and looking back at my own day in the life posts and remembering how my daily routine  used to be.  

I wish I was an early riser - but I'm just not. hahaha  I've tried - but sleep ALWAYS wins out.  ALWAYS.  Yesterday morning I had my alarm set for 5:15 so I could get a few Slightly Askew things done before I had to start our normal routine and I hit the snooze button at least 10 times.  I am a super heavy sleeper and a lot of mornings I don't even hear the alarm.

I ended up getting out of bed around 6 a.m. and at the time I was the only one up.  And yes... my hair looks that big almost every morning :)

I brushed my teeth and washed my face, made a cup of tea and an English muffin and then got a few emails answered and grades entered.

I checked the weather and was less than thrilled with the humidity.  Ick. ;)

About 6:20 this girl made her way into our bed and requested Sofia the First.  Dave usually gets up when I do (or a few minutes after) and he does lunches.  PRAISE JESUS!!!

Griffin is our earliest riser and she likes to lounge and munch on Kix while taking in either Sofia or Bubble Guppies.

Makeup on and time for clothes.  Typically I'll pick something out the night before, but I wasn't feeling it on Sunday night (plus, I was up until about 1:30 am doing cards... so the last thing I wanted to do was pick out that day's outfit.) so I debated for a minute or two and settled on comfy layers.  Duh.

I turned around and look who was up!  He NEVER puts his uniform on in his room.  He runs into our room in his underwear, climbs into our bed and takes at least 10 minutes to mentally prepare for starting his day. :)

Every morning, this thank you note that Luke wrote to a husband-wife author team last year puts a smile on my face :)  It's tacked up on a bulletin board in my closet and I giggle almost daily.

Half dressed and time to tackle the mop.  I washed and flat ironed my hair Sunday morning and so I was working with second day mess.

After snapping the above pic I realized it was time to break out the steamer. hahaha

 Monogram and oversized chambray for the win!

This kid is pretty much ALWAYS happy and compliant in the mornings. He's ready fast and is usually working on Legos or some other project while the rest of us are dragging our hineys :)

Dave ran to Kroger to get juice boxes for the boys lunches (poor planning on my part. OOOPS!) and so I got Griffin dressed and we all headed out to the van.

 I typically pull out of the driveway by about 7:10 and Griffin usually pouts for dramatic effect and then goes about her business after the boys and I leave :)

Yes ma'am!  There's a Starbucks in our Kroger - which is about 90 seconds drive time from our house.  

When we get to school and park Luke JETS off to the Lower School multi-purpose room to trade Lego mini figures with his buddies.

Since we were at school prior to 7:30, Mason hung out in my room for a bit and worked on some art.

Around 7:35 he made his way through the big kids and headed all the way down the deck to his classroom.

 My classes start at 7:45 and I teach 5 classes back-to-back before lunch.  I snuck in a mid-morning snack during passing period...

And then Dave sent me these pics of Griffin taking in the fog at the club.  Usually Mondays are Dave's day off, but he had a golf tournament yesterday, so he and Griffin went and checked in on his employees before heading to Miss Lisa's.


I led my girls small group in a great discussion about temptation and I managed to resist the temptation of the donuts I brought for them. hahaha

I spent a TON of time in between classes scanning in answer keys to reviews my kids have been working on...

... and as I was heading to the lunch room for my lunch duty I spotted Mason's class!

 Sweet boy ;)

And then I got a glimpse of Luke in Music! I grabbed a hug from him and made my way to the teacher table ;)

Nothing like enjoying your lunch in a gym with 180 twelve to fourteen year olds ;) hahaha

After lunch I taught one more section of Seventh grade and then I got this text from my mom (who's been in Canada for two weeks) that made we want to scream with jealousy.

I tried to put myself in a happy place again as I made an Algebra test with the help of a Reeses :)

My classes are over at 1:15 and then my planning periods are 1:15 - 3:15.  I try to be CRAZY productive during that time so I don't have to bring lots of grading and prep home.  3:15 - 4:00 I tutor after school.

I'm a BIG list maker - I like to be able to see exactly what I need to do and nothing feels better than checking it at the end of the day and being able to put a big check mark over the entire list.  #victory

On my way out to my car I spotted Dave starting 1st Grade soccer practice in the center circle since the fields were still pretty wet from the weekend.

Luke was at practice with Dave, Mason wanted to stay at extended care until Dave was done with practice and so I went and picked up Griffin from Miss Lisa's house around 4:15.

She chatted my ear off the entire way home and we made a quick detour...

She was a little sad that her brothers weren't there to play with when we got home, so she got her pillow and laid on the kitchen floor while I prepped dinner.  Dramatic much?

When the boys got home it was folder time and Mason is always super excited to tell me all about his work.

It's at this point that I feel like our world explodes as piles of junk pop up all over our kitchen :)

How sweet is Luke's Family portrait?!?!?!

Dinner was in the oven and these three spent about 30 minutes looking through the Christmas catalog and putting their initials by things that they liked.

We all sat down for smoked sausage penne and I took zero pictures because it was family dinner time :)

After dinner these three did the dishes...

... and the boys got their 30 minutes of electronics time...

While I had my favorite 20 minutes of the day :)  

I've been doing this for a long time, after dinner I like to wash my face, put my moisturizer on and soak my feet in REALLY hot water. I sound like a total old lady :)  I sit on the counter and have a few minutes to myself - sometimes I'll read a chapter or two in a book, sometimes I'll play a couple rounds of Candy Crush and other days I'll lay my head on my knees and just kind of collect my thoughts. So do y'all think I'm crazy?!!?!?! :) hahaha  I can' tbe the only one who does this!

Dishes are done and this little girl is ready for story and bed!

We played kitchen for a bit, danced to the train song and then headed to Griffin's room for a story.  Dave read and I picked out her clothes for tomorrow.  She was in bed by about 7:20.

After Griffin went to bed, the boys laid out their clothes for tomorrow, showered, etc. and I took a few minutes to cross a few things off my personal calendar and go through their folders and pull out any important parent info before I forgot.  I also threw in a load of laundry and started the dish washer.

Next up was a clothes-optional game of UNO followed by stories and bedtime for these two (around 8:00)

After the boys are in bed, I hopped on the computer to wrap up this post and work on Christmas cards.  Our office connects to our bedroom and so Dave and I will watch the same show (currently we're working through episodes of The Voice) and discuss it during commercials :)  I have so many amazing clients this season and I am BUSTING it every night to get proofs out.  I'm wrapping this post up around 10:00 p.m., but I'll probably be up for at least a couple more hours.  It's crazy - but I get in creative mode and have some cereal and I deal :)  I also managed to throw on a some Bogota Blackberry by OPI while I was at it.

So there you have it! A typical Monday in the McAnally house!  I can't wait to look through y'alls posts and see what your days look like!  Happy Tuesday, Friends!!!


  1. One of the most productive days I have ever seen!!! Nice work x

  2. I am cracking up about you soaking your feet!!! I've never done that but maybe I need to try??

    1. I think I may be the only person who does this :) hahaha I really thought I wasn't alone! It's so relaxing!

  3. Loving the picture of you and GG holding hands. :)

  4. These are my very favorite posts!! I'm so glad you included this in our link up! I can't wait to go through and read everyone's! Happy Tuesday friend!

  5. I love that you have a Kroger and Starbucks so close to your house! I miss my Starbucks now that we live in the country!!

    1. It's awesome! We can walk there when the weather is nice - it's great!

  6. My favorite blog posts! I can imagine that they are a ton of work so I appreciate the effort:) I bet you sleep well at night; )

    1. Hahaha - I've never had a problem falling asleep - being wiped out helps with that :) Thanks so much for reading! :)

  7. Soaking my feet in really hot water would make me want to pee. You're welcome.

    1. Hahahaha. If we ever have a sleepover you better not fall asleep first :)

  8. oh i loved this post! we're all so busy with so much fun! while i loved it all, my favorite was how you hop on the bathroom counter and soak your feet in really hot water! what does that do for your feet? i'm interested! i pictured you reading or just laying your head down. so cute. i'm absolutely gonna check out the nail color!

    1. I don't know if it actually does anything - I just think it's relaxing ;) hahaha

  9. Love this post! I wish I could commit to being so thorough when I make lists!

    This might have been pointed out already, but in the picture of Luke's family portrait, your address is visible... Just a suggestion, you may want to crop that out... There are some creeps out there!

    1. Oh my goodness, thank you!!! I didn't even notice that! Switched it out for a cropped pic :) THANKS AGAIN!

  10. Love how real! Yes to not being a morning person, it's seriously a goal of mine but I literally don't hear my alarm the majority of the time so YES!
    Linds @ Not A Mom

  11. First off, I have major hair envy! Your hair is gorgeous!
    Second of all, I am very impressed by the organization and routine that you and your family has. We are working on finding the right routine order that works for all members of our family. it has been challenging, but hopefully once we find what works for us it will be seamless.

    Chels @ Red Velvet Rooster

    1. Thank you!!! I'm not someone who loves to do hair, so I feel like mine is kind of a hot mess a lot of the time - so that made my day! :) hahaha
      Hoping y'all find your routine and groove soon!

  12. I really hope you just forgot to mention that you took a shower before going to work. Especially since you said you showered/washed your hair Sunday morning. Ick.

    1. Wow. I shower every other day, as recommended by most dermatologists.

    2. Weird. My dermatologist AND regular doctor both recommend showering every day for good hygiene. They do recommend washing hair less often. I just feel gross if I don't wash myself every day. To each his own I guess!

    3. I don't understand rude people. Why waste the time to write something like what Anon wrote above. I just don't get it. You look beautiful, Andrea...yesterday and every day, shower or no shower.

      "Insults are the last resort of insecure people with a crumbling position trying to appear confident".

    4. Of all the crazy comments you get, that shower comment has got to be the most ridiculous! Lol! And FWIW I'm an every other day showerer too as are many people I know!

    5. Shoot I shower every other day too! Who cares! I've noticed my skin is way softer and more hydrated, and if I'm not sweating then why bother! Andrea, you're beautiful and people can be so ridiculously rude. Whatever! :)

    6. I would agree that this comment topped the ridiculous list :) My grandparents immigrated from Holland so can I blame my showering habits on my European roots???? hahaha

    7. I just don't understand! That is so rude! I agree with the ladies above - you are beautiful inside and out. Don't let people get you down with their mean comments.

  13. I love taking hot baths at night, but I might need to steal your idea of just soaking my feet. Quick and relaxing at the same time!!!
    And what markers do you use for your planner? Are they the Bic ones?

    1. Try it! It's a quick fix ;) hahaha They're the flair pens... I pick them up on Amazon

  14. I love those pants in your soaking picture! Are they pajama pants!? I think I need them!

    1. Yes! They're actually the bottoms from a set! They're by BedHead and I think they were called cabbage rose

  15. Wow girl, you're busy! I totally meant to link up with this and completely forgot to document my day so I may have to do one later in the week and then link up a little late. I feel nosy, but I love a sneak peek into other people's days! Thanks for sharing your day with us!

    1. You should! The link up will be active for a few days and I'd love to read it!

  16. I love these kinds of posts! I love that you keep it real with how busy and chaotic the life of a working mom can be. The morning and evening craziness is a real struggle for us because we can't catch up on home stuff during the day or keep on top of it. I would love if you would share how you manage to keep your house clean? Do you have someone help out with that on a regular basis? Or do you set a certain day of the week or month to tackle the house cleaning? I would really appreciate any tips on that front. You always have such great ideas and are an excellent multi-tasker.

    1. Hey! I have been BLESSED to have a wonderful housekeeper who comes every other week to deep clean for us. Last year I had one lady who came every week and this year I decided to have a small crew come out every other week and it has been the best! We do laundry every night and then wipe down the counters and sweep/vacuum as necessary. Before we had the housekeepers, I had a schedule where I focused on one (or two) rooms and/or tasks a day and rotated through. Then I would do "big" cleaning on Saturday mornings. Hope that helps!!!

  17. I'm Starbucks addict as well ;) What is your go-to choice each time?!

    1. Addicts unite! :) I get a venti english breaksfast tea with a couple splashes of skim milk and three sweet and lows.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Love these posts...just linked up. I love that Kroger for that reason alone...plus 10th drink free :) And holy moly that is a great conference time! I'm amazed at the conference time in middle and high school (my hubby has a big chunk too, but definitely needed for teachers). Our evenings are so similar...kids in bed, then work! Love your nail color too!

    1. Yes!!! Between the 10th free at Kroger and 12th star on my card it's AWESOME! Thanks, Olivia!!!

  20. I have been reading your blog for a couple of months. I love it. you are amazing. Ignore the ridiculous jealous posts people send you. Insecure people don't understand a woman like you. Keep blogging and be you!

  21. I love, love, love these posts!! Your feet in the sink is too funny - I love a bath every night, but maybe if I am crammed for time I will give this a try!

  22. Your day sounds exactly like mine... NONSTOP!!!! I love this post, and I think that these types of posts are some of my favorites. So weird since it's a little stalkerish, but it's interesting to see what everybody does on a daily basis!

  23. I love how much you and Dave share responsibilities! You dont see that too often!

    That has to be the coolest coffee building I've ever seen! I love the stone. Gorgeous!

    Every time you post about school, it makes me want to go back to teaching. Maybe one day....

    Finally- I love Griffin's expression when she is giving you kisses before you leaving for the day. She's such a cutie.

    1. Dave is THE BEST!!! Seriously - he is an amazing partner and we definitely share all the responsibilities. I picked a great one! :)
      You should google Adriatica McKinney - it's an entire little village modeled after a Croatian seaport - GORGEOUS!
      :) Andrea

    2. That has to be the best place ever. Absolutely beautiful!

  24. My little ones are doing the same thing with all of the toy circulars. Love you and your blog!! Keep up the great work!

    1. Isn't it fun to watch them decide and debate and discuss? LOVE!

  25. Your teacher to do list makes me feel like a slacker!! I wish I was that productive during my planning time! Thank you for the inspiration. 😀

    1. Well, today I ate a piece of cake and didn't have a chance to cross of several things :) hahaha

  26. Wow! Busy day but such a good one! Props for working full-time and having such a successful blog! :) I love that you soak your feet and read. That sounds perfect!

  27. "Comparison is the thief of joy." Love that. It might find its way to my mirror too! :)

    1. I have it stuck several places - it's such a good reminder!

  28. I love reading day in the life posts! Your day was definitely busy! XOXO

  29. Hi Andrea… I've been reading your blog for a long time, but don't think I've ever commented. Anyway, love your blog and you have an adorable family! I have a questions for you… Are you available to do Christmas cards for the public, or do you try to stick to personal friends and locals? If you do, I'd love to get some info from you on making my family cards this year. How can I do that?
    Lisa Blankenship

    1. I am! If you'll send an email to slightlyaskewchristmascards@gmail.com I'll get you the info! :)

  30. I love day in the life posts. Your teacher to-do lists are VERY productive. I always have intentions of being super productive during planning, but sometimes I just need a minute to collect my thoughts and enjoy a moment of silence, ha! 12th graders can be exhausting some days. Some days are better than others though. Also, did you see TOMS on Hautelook today?? I scored a pair of leopard desert wedge booties for $50--yes mam!!! From my classroom to yours, cheers to a productive day! :) -Sabrina

  31. Seriously, how do you do it all? Most days I can't hardly keep track of what needs done for one kid, plus work, handle dinner, house, etc. Major props to you Andrea!

  32. Girl! I love it, you manage to get so much done, and still spend lots of QT with your husband and babies! Thanks for sharing! :)

  33. The amount of money you spend on Starbucks is insane and irresponsible.

    1. How do you know the amount of money she's spending? I'm a teacher and get tons of gift cards to starbucks as gifts from students. I also use my rewards from my credit card to get gift cards as well. So I get a lot of starbucks but rarely spend money there. Just remember you never really know someone else's situation so try not to judge.

    2. So much judgement with so little information. Sigh. I must have missed the part where you have ANY idea what our finances are/aren't. Thanks for reading!

    3. I am a starbucks addict too. I spend $3 everyday on tea. But, I make and earn my own money so I feel if this is what I like, I can do it!! I am still hooked on the Iced green tea, missing the peach!

    4. Theirs no judgement when you talk about the "Sacrifices" you make to work where you do because you don't earn a retirement remember? If you put the money you spent on Starbucks in a retirement you would A. have a retirement and B. we wouldn't have to listen about how you "sacrifice" SO MUCH to work where you do.

    5. I didn't publish your first comment, but when you left the same one a second time I thought I'd address it... What I ACTUALLY said in my post a while ago was that the sacrifices Dave and I made to send our kids to private Christian school were worth it.... when I was called out on using the word sacrifices I referenced that one of the things I've sacrificed by teaching outside of the public schools system is that my salary is significantly less than it would be otherwise and I'm not teaching toward a state pension as a public school teacher is. I NEVER said that I don't have a retirement fund (believe it or not, me buying Starbucks and clothes from our kids doesn't prohibit us from saving for both long and short term goals). I've referenced sacrificing things to send our kids to the school we do ONE TIME. The way we spend and budget our money is our business - just because it's not what you would spend your money on doesn't mean it's wrong or irresponsible.

    6. Andrea you have handled yourself well and with class but I still feel the need to go to bat for you. What you said is absolutely correct - your money, your business! Everyone has something they like that they are willing to put in their budget and spend money on. Yours is Starbucks and there is nothing wrong with that! Your family is cared for and so obviously loved. You are a great mother and I certainly think if a Starbucks drink makes you happy and is something you do for yourself, by all means do it! Don't let people and their rude and unnecessary comments get you down. Xoxo

  34. I love posts like this! I think it's amazing how much you do! I know some people are more productive by nature and I wish I could be more like you. Also- I want you to know that I admire your kindness and patience with some of the comments. It's unbelievable to me that someone would even have a negative thought or opinion of a post like this, but then be lame enough to take the time to type it up! It says everything about them and nothing about you. You keep bathing according to your own agenda because DUH and keep posting for the rest of us to read and be inspired! Your day has truly inspired me to get a little more done tomorrow! And it may just take me an extra trip to Starbucks to get it all done! XO

    1. Hahaha - I was laughing so hard this afternoon at the whole "shower-gate" as Dave lovingly referred to it :) I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but the "ick" comment was over the top. :) Thanks for your sweet words!

  35. You may not be a morning person but it clearly doesn't stop you! Wow! I don't think I've ever met someone as crazy busy as you!! Wish I had your energy :)

  36. You have a lovely blog and a very busy day. My only concern is that you have posted a shot of a computer screen that has (presumably) your students' first and last names. This would be a violation of their privacy and also safety, since you are public about where you teach. As a parent, I would be very concerned that this type of information was being compromised. I'm certain, however, that it was just an oversight. (And your Christmas card client's full name and email is also visible). Just thought I'd let you know. ;)
    Have a good day!

    1. Hey, Liz! The computer screen doesn't have any names on it... if you click on the picture it's a menu (gradebook, attendance, behavior, etc) of our online gradebook system, no names. The picture of the copier screen shows staff names, which are all listed on our school website. Thanks for your concern!

    2. Certainly makes sense that it would be a list of teachers! Have a good one.

    3. Certainly makes sense that it would be a list of teachers! Have a good one.

  37. I just love reading about your sweet family! I am not ready for kids yet, but you and all the fun you have with your family doing every day things makes me feel like I may be more ready than I realize! :)

  38. You are such a busy lady!! I don't know how you do it all, but you are Superwoman! :) :)
    Thanks so much for doing this link-up, Andrea!

  39. Great post! I can't believe how people choose to show their ignorance, as we say in the south "bless their heart!"
    Do you mind sharing where you got those emerald and black earrings in the picture of your closet? I have been searching for emerald forever!

  40. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who puts my feet in the sink!! Busy day and I can't believe how long your planning period is!

  41. Loved this post! Thanks for taking the time to record everything that goes on in your busy day! I don't know how you do it all but you seem to be an amazing mom, teacher, wife, & friend so you must be doing many things right! Even if showering everyday isn't one of them :-P Also, the comment about you getting Starbucks being irresponsible was ridiculous and you handled it with more grace than I would have! What you spend your money on is your & Dave's business and no one else's. Love reading about you and your sweet family so keep being you! God bless!

  42. Andrea, I stumbled upon your blog a few months ago and I have linked up only a couple of times, but I wanted to really thank you for the grace you show. I LOVE reading your posts. I am also a full-time working mom, so I like to see how you are able to schedule so many fun things with your family! Truly inspirational. My husband and I love Starbucks. Who says you can't treat yourself as an adult? Thank you for the gracious answers you chose to write to the Rudey Judy's out there. The love of Jesus resonates in your posts.


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