Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Boursin Brussels

If you were to look at the instagram messaging between me and my friend Meagan you would see memes and ridiculously delicious-looking recipes.  One of the recipes that she shared with me was this Boursin cheese Brussels sprouts recipe and OH MY WORD it was delicious!

Full disclosure, my kids don't like any kind of Brussels sprouts but Dave and I have no problem eating them all. hahaha

Here's what you'll need...
- Brussels sprouts, halved (I bought mine in a bag already halved... it was 12 oz)
- Garlic and herb Boursin cheese (I used 3/4 of the package) 
 - olive oil (about 1.5 tbsp plus a bit for drizzling)
- hot honey (or regular)
- seasoned salt
**note** my package of sprouts was 12 oz so I adjusted accordingly.  If I had a 16 oz package I would have used the entire block of cheese and 2 TBSP of olive oil.

Here's what you'll do...
1) Half your sprouts unless they came halved ;)
2) Mix the Boursin cheese with 1.5 tbsp olive oil and spread it into the bottom of a 9x13 (I used about 3/4 of my dish)
3) Place the sprouts cut side down into the Boursin.  Really push them in there good.
4) Drizzle on some olive oil and use a brush to coat.  Sprinkle on some seasoned salt.
5) Bake at 400 for 30 minutes, take them out from the oven and immediately drizzle on the honey or your choice.  Let them sit for about 5 minutes before serving.

If you make these I'd love to hear what you think!

Happy Wednesday, friends!


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