Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Thanksgiving Decor


This past weekend it took all of my willpower to NOT pull out my Christmas tree BUT when I went up into the attic to put away Halloween I saw all of my turkeys and pumpkins and KNEW they needed their moment too ;)  And now that I have them up I'm so glad I do!

Pretty much I couldn't NOT hang this banner up ever for a couple of weeks ;)

It was made by an Etsy shop several years ago and that shop is no longer in business which just about breaks my heart!

The fabrics are all so good and the little vintage lace touches make my heart happy.

On the console table I added a few velvet pumpkins to an antique cast iron bowl...

... and then a turkey and pumpkin below.

The dog isn't part of the decor but OH MY WORD look how stinking cute she is.

Another little turkey next to my out-of-control prayer plant...

... and does anything say the first week of November like a turkey bowl full of Halloween candy?!?!

My FAVORITE decor piece is this plate with Luke's toddler handprint...

... and then at the end of the island I have a few Thanksgiving mugs.

The shelves in the living room...

... and then the summer swan that has turned into a year-round swan in the dining room ;)

This is right next to the kitchen and I've loved having some of my seasonal serving pieces mixed in here for easy access.

UGH! These plates are just TOO GOOD!

Next up - CHRISTMAS!!!

HAPPY Tuesday, friends!!!


  1. LOVE that you give the turkeys and pumpkins their moment!

  2. I love all your neutral turkeys and pumpkins!!


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