Friday, September 15, 2023

Friday Favorites

  Erika and I are so excited that lots of y'all are linking up with us every week.  Make sure that you're grabbing our graphic, linking back to us and sharing your own Friday Favorites post ;)

Y'all! It's Homecoming Week which you KNOW is one of my FAVORITE things ever!  Lots of blue and gold content for y'all this week :)

G's FAVORITE part of the week was getting to carry this mum down to the field for Tailgate last night.  Luke had to be there early for band and so we brought this from home for him to exchange and she has never been more proud.  She's also counting down the DAYS until she gets a long mum. hahaha

These cuties are my FAVORITE!  They were the last-remaining 5th graders in cheer and I'm so glad they've gotten to do this every year TOGETHER!

Mum/garter exchange - couldn't be cuter!

When your friends dog is your FAVORITE ;)

Luke got the Rick Flair award for his meet last weekend...


One of my FAVORITE people ever came over this week so we could do some crafting!  I can't wait for you to see what we made!

Crazy hair day was a FAVORITE...

... as was hat day ;)

Mason and I didn't have any dress-up days because I'm organizing a brand new MIDDLE SCHOOL spirit week in October!  I can't wait to share!

Y'all know that drawing questions are one of my FAVORITE ways to do a bonus and this week in Algebra it was draw an octopus wearing a funny hat...

... but look at my FAVORITE one.  Drawing an octopus while wearing a funny hat ;). LOVE IT!

Besties are ALWAYS a FAVORITE!

These girls watching the middle schoolers was a FAVORITE...

and a FAVORITE memory popped up this week.  Anyone remember when Mason found this GIANT frog in our pool and asked his teacher if she could bring it to school and she said yes?!?!?!

And then it got loose on the deck after school and MASS CHAOS ensued and I had to chase it down and catch it?!?! hahaha

Another FAVE was a middle school chapel in our "dungeon" last week...

... and this girl getting to hang with one of her FAVORITE varsity cheerleaders ;)

Whew! That was a lot!  This weekend we have a football game, Christmas show rehearsal, school dance (for Luke, not me!), HoCo after party, worship night and Cowboys game.  It's going to be a good one!

HAPPY Friday, friends!!!


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  1. What a week of JOY!!!! I love all of the smiling faces!!

  2. Love Homecoming week!! Looks like lots of fun and spirit was had! :) Have a fun-filled weekend!

  3. Such a fun and busy week leading into what sounds like a fun and busy weekend!


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