Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Day In The Life

Last Monday I started off my day on the wrong foot... waking up almost 30 minutes later than I had intended.  No idea why/how.  But let's just say I hit the ground running.

I still had wet hair from the night before so that was task number one and then it was time for the rest of everything.  You can fin out about all my current beauty faves HERE.

Ignore the wreck of my bathroom and focus on this giant kid who popped in to fix his hair...

I was seriously running super late so I skipped an outfit (or any other pic) in favor of throwing my salad together in a giant bowl and then running out the door.

Everyone was loaded up and ready to go by 7:15....

... and we dropped this cutie off and then got into my classroom, got everything up and running for the day. 

Quick bathroom break and then it was go-time...

My first period was a 7th grade PreAlgebra class - with my own cute kid in the second row.  I taught a lesson on two-step equations, did a quick review activity and then let them loose for some independent practice.

My second period class was a Math 7 class that was taking a test which was PRAISE HANDS because in between answering questions I was able to work on making sure my Parent Night slides were updated.

In between 2nd and 3rd periods we have a 10-minute passing period so I inhaled half a peanut butter and jelly, filled up my water bottle and chatted with some friends in the break room while hole-punching some copies.

After the extended passing period I taught another section of Pre-Algebra, gave a test to my Algebra class and then a 5th period Math 7 test.  I worked on some grading and a few other things for parent night...

... and then it was lunchtime.  I heated up a few chicken skewers...

... to put on top of my giant salad....

... and ate that while grading some of the tests from earlier in the day. 

After lunch I taught one last section of Pre-Algebra...

... this class ALWAYS asks for music while they work and on this day it was Michael Jackson ;)

... and then Disney ;)

When my last class is over a Bible class meets in my classroom so I put in my airpods, crank up the volume and try to get a ton done.  I graded tests from earlier in the day pretty much the entire time.

... and broke into my stash of skinny pop.

When Bible was over I made some tea...

... and enjoyed some banana bread while continuing to knock things off of my to-do-list.

Mason got done with cross country around 3:45 and then he worked on some homework...

... while I listened to a podcast...

... and then once Luke was out of his cross country practice (around 4:45) Dave came and grabbed everyone to head home.  Mondays are his day off and since I had parent night that night I decided it was easiest for me just to stay in work mode and knock things out.

UGH! She's the cutest!!!

Middle School parent night started at 6:00 pm so our principal catered in dinner for all of us to eat around 5:15 which always makes a LONG day a bit more manageable. 

I thought I was taking a pic of my classroom door looking all cute but apparently I just snapped this ;) hahaha

Starting at 6:00 it was pretty much non-stop until after 8:00 pm.  This night is when parents follow their students schedules and teachers have a chance to introduce themselves a bit more than what we do at meet-the-teacher, talk about our class, curriculum, expectations, etc.  I teach 1st through 6th so I did those six sessions, packed up and headed home...

... as it was getting dark.

Once I got home I sorted through some mail...

.... got to tell Griffin what parts she got for her Christmas dance show...

... and FINALLY got to wash my face, shower and get into pjs ;)

Cleaned up and pajamas on I found this cute scene...

... and then I pretty much limped into bed to put up a "see you tomorrow" blog post and pass out ;) hahaha

And there you have it! So grateful that Dave was off so I could just get work stuff done and grateful that my kids are at ages that make days/evenings like this so much easier than when they were toddlers.  

HAPPY Tuesday, friends!!!



  1. I feel all of this! Parent nights are always good but so exhausting! So glad Dave was able to help you out with the kids. :)

  2. Nothing like waking up in a panic!

  3. Can you share where you got your smiley face background on your computer?!


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