Monday, May 8, 2023

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday, friends! I'm back from my West Texas school trip and officially in the final countdown of the school year.  This is our last full week and I'm SO EXCITED!!!

Luke and I got back Friday night and then I hit the ground early Saturday morning at a friends house helping her prep for a grad party.

I got to try my hand ad making a candy charcuterie and it was SO MUCH FUN!!!

I bought the letters at Joann's, cut off the fronts and then filled them with tons of fun and colorful candy.  Some was from the grocery store and some from a specialty candy/popcorn store downtown McKinney.

One of the grads is Mason's besties sister and he and Jack were in charge of getting the pool balloons situated... which of course meant they had to get in ;)

During the party these girls manned the polaroid guest book ;)...

.... and at the end of the night I saw this and MAY have lost it.  TIME IS A THIEF, y'all!!!

Other weekend highlights included some Sunday lounging for both me and Rosie ;)  I'm pretty sure the change from dessert conditions to 95 degree and 95% humidity has done a number on my lungs and I'm bound and determined to finish out this week without a sub!

I also finally had the time to get our calendar together for summer and tackle some planning and scheduling. 

And we had some quiet creative time which was much needed during some busy weeks.

Happy Monday, friends!!!


  1. The candy filled letters might be the most genius thing I've ever seen!

  2. Love the candy and my husband and I graduated from Howard Payne. Go Jackets!


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