Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Day In The Life - Christmas Break Edition

I documented our day last Tuesday since it was supposed to be a pretty "normal" Christmas break day with not a whole lot on the agenda.  The day kind of went off the rails thanks to a migraine and when I decided to document the day I forgot we were having a game night with friends but such is life!

 Dave left for work around 8:00 and I was "kind of" up after that.  By "kind of up" I mean I laid in bed, read a bit, dozed a bit and pretty much just did anything to avoid getting actually out of bed.  I wish I was one of those moms who was up hours before her kids and super productive and all of that but I'm just not and I've come to terms with it ;)

I keep things simple on the daily but on break I'm EXTRA simple.  I used this bar cleanser...

... and topped off a clean face with some Vitamin C serum and called it good enough.

Threw on  some leggings and a top...

... put the kettle on for tea and tackled getting the bed made and my room straightened up a bit.

Surprisingly my house was still super quiet so I enjoyed some breakfast while making a quick meal plan and grocery list.

Griffin was my first one up (at almost 10!) and brought her art bag down with her ;)

I got started on some laundry and ran the vacuum a bit and the boys trickled downstairs after that.  

I had to pick a couple of things up from downtown so Griffin and I headed to run that errand and go to Trader Joes.  We were in and out of our errand pretty quick...


...  made our stop at TJs....

... and were home around 11:45.

Groceries unpacked...

... and some fun Amazon packages were waiting on the porch.

As was a SUPER fun Glitterville deal I found after Christmas.

The perk of big kids?  Everyone making their own lunches ;)

The kids made lunches and I prepped a dessert for a game night we were having with friends.

After lunch the kids cleaned up a bit...

... and then they walked Rosie around the neighborhood while I answered a couple of emails.

Back and tired.

This is where the dull headache I had been fighting revved up a bit.  Thankfully I don't get migraines too often but my tell-tale sign is wavy peripheral vision and I can lose a whole day if I don't get a handle on it so since I could feel a migraine coming on I decided to take some advil, turn the fan on high and close my eyes for a bit.  Another perk of big kids is being able to do this.  I told them to read for 30 minutes and then they could get on screens for 30 minutes and then to come wake me up.

Shocker - they started watching a movie and didn't come wake me up - hahaha. 
I laid down at 1:00 and woke up around 2:45 to find them all happily absorbed ;)

We plugged up screens, Luke got back to a lego set he was working on, I made a quick plate of lunch and after getting the mail these two started a collage...

We weren't planning on doing an art project, but they were looking for something to do and so I suggested they try to write a "random note" using cutout letters and the project quickly evolved...

They collaged while I got a few things done in the kitchen, turned over some laundry and broke a Christmas ornament in the process.

They cleaned up the collage stuff and then emptied the dishwasher...

... and then they went outside to jump on the trampoline, do some basketball, etc.

4:30 and I got some calendar stuff done...

... and Mason and G took off on a bike ride.

I got started on my Bible recap...

... and the kids and I played a couple rounds of Farkle Party before Dave got home and I finished the pie and we headed to a friends house for dinner and game night!

6:00 and SO EXCITED to see their new puppy!!!

CAN YOU EVEN with their treehouse?!?!  We seriously sat outside and talked for two hours while the kids played and finally came inside because it was cold and time for pizza ;)

We played games for a few hours and I took one whole pic ;)

10:25 and headed home (another perk of older kids!)...

We got home and sent the kids upstairs to shower...

... Dave and I tidied up a bit while the kids showered quickly and then I hopped in the shower and we hurried into bed to watch some Yellowstone while I double checked my blog post for the morning.

My guess is that we were asleep by 12:30 since we've been trying to limit ourselves to one episode a night. hahaha

And there you have it!  A pretty low key day in the life of Christmas break!

HAPPY Tuesday, friends!

PS - this post contained affiliate links... thank you so much for reading and supporting my blog!


  1. AHHHHH!!!! How I LOVE Christmas Break!

  2. I'm so sorry you had a rough migraine. However, that's awesome that your kiddos are so sweet and independent. Love that little collage craft! And that pie looks delicious!

  3. Can you give the details on the burnt orange pullover you're wearing? Thanks

  4. Okay, so that tree house is AMAZING! Can you share pics of it in the day time? We are in a newer subdivision so we have ZERO mature trees. My tree envy is so strong when I see stuff like that!

  5. Have you ever tried the ice globes when you have a migraine? I find it pretty soothing to rub them all around my eyes and temples...in the dark...with the air all the way down.... You have probably tried all the things and know what works for you but in case you haven't seen the ice globes they were a game changer for me. I got mine from Amazon, naturally.

  6. Do you have a link for that calendar? It is so cute!

  7. Gosh, I love a day in the life post. So fun!

  8. I need that calendar in my life with a fresh box of Flair pens!!

  9. Can you please link the quilted, orange pullover? SO CUTE!!


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