Last year on my birthday I shared 37 things that bring me joy and two years ago I did 36 things you may not know about me. My birthday was this yesterday and today I'm sharing a revised "you might not know" list with a couple of additional items for the extra years since the last post ;)
1 - Cereal is my favorite dessert. Seriously. I'll take a bowl of Cap'n Crunch or Froot Loops over a cookie pretty much any day of the week.
2 - I HAVE to have a heavy blanket on when I sleep. Dave can sleep on top of the covers with no problems which I just don't understand. I need everything to be covered by sheets and a blanket except for my face and MAYBE a foot.
3 - I had a cat growing up named Snowball the Snow Queen Snow Princess. And she wasn't completely white.
4 - When I get stressed out I clean/organize. Making one area of my life feel "together" somehow makes the rest feel more manageable.
5 - I'm a "sympathetic blusher". If something happens to someone else that's embarrassing my face will turn bright red.
6 - In the third grade my mom and I sponge painted my bedroom and I don't think I've ever been so happy with how a room makeover turned out. It was purple and turquoise and pink and SCREAMED 1993.
7 - My favorite chips are salt and vinegar. I'll eat them until my tongue hurts :)
8 - In the 8th grade I went to Hurricane Harbor (a local water park) and my bathing suit bottom got caught on something on a slide and RIPPED. I hit the water at the bottom and the lifeguard kept blowing his whistle for me to get out. I had to wait for a friend to bring me a towel and still have a hard time going down a waterslide without shorts over my suit.
9 - The only team sport I played growing up was soccer when I was about 5. My team was The Fraggles and I loved braiding grass on the sidelines :)
10 - I have a really hard time eating eggs that other people have prepared. Buffet eggs are a definite no.
11 - I won an art contest when I was young (like 4/5) and the prize was an armoire (seriously). That white armoire was in my room almost through high school :)
12 - My locker in 7th grade was #711
13 - I read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn no less than a dozen times in middle and high school. Cried every time.
14 - My mom and I used to knit scarves and sell them at craft fairs.
15 - I attended the '86 Olympics in Calgary (I was 2)
16 - My least favorite noise in the entire world is sniffling/snorting. JUST BLOW YOUR NOSE!!!
17 - When I lived in NC I used to ride horses and I competed in hunter jumping. I rode an ex-race horse who was almost 18 hands tall and loved every minute of it.
18 - As far as I'm concerned the only gum anyone should be chewing is Spearmint :)
19 - I'll pick a mechanical pencil over a regular pencil all day every day.
20 - I don't like ice in my water. I like it chilled... but not icy.
21 - I went to year-round school in NC and would switch to year-round school in a HEARTBEAT if it was offered here.
22 - I had no idea that tea could be "iced" until I moved to NC
23 - I don't eat anything that comes from the ocean. I've tried it all and I'm sorry... but it all tastes fishy. All of it. Everyone always raves about fish and I really wish I liked it, but I just can not.
24 - After an unfortunate "exorcist-style" incident my Freshman year of high school I can no longer drink red Gatorade. Even the smell of it makes my eyes water a little bit.
25 - I stink at bowling. Also, my thumb hurts every time I bowl.
26 - I had my appendix removed in the 5th grade.
27 - I went to a sleepover with a new friend in 6th grade and didn't realize until I showed up that her dad was the surgeon who had removed my appendix the year before.
28 -I once ate chicken foot stew in Jamaica.
29 - In college I got a job as a hostess at Rock Fish... I quit during training because it smelled too much like fish.
30 - I love the smell of coffee but can't stand the taste.
31 - I got banned from kayaking at camp after multiple tipovers and rescues :)
32 - I use the seat warmer in my car every day. Even when it's 100 degrees outside.
33 - I had my ears pierced when I was around 5 and they grew over. I had them repierced by a friend in the bathroom during a middle school dance. I know.
34 - I spent over a week on a boat on the Amazon river during college - the sky at night was UNREAL and is something I'd love to experience again.
35 - My middle name is Jean after my dad's grandmother Nana Jean who, from the stories I've been told, was a PARTY ;)
36 - I once made a model of the Colosseum out of a cheese wheel box.
37 - I used to have a pair of parakeets named Fettuccini and Alfredo.
38 - My achilles heel is my closet. I can keep MOST of my house together MOST of the time but my closet is a disaster probably 361 days of the year... I get super organized maybe once a quarter but other than that it's a HOT MESS. Whatever you're thinking I guarantee you it's worse. hahaha
HAPPY Wednesday, friends!!! Leave something people may not know about YOU in the comments and I'm going to send a Starbucks card to a few of y'all. ;)
I love the thrill of an adventure-parasailing, zip lining.
ReplyDeleteI love this post! I am in total agreement with you about eating anything that comes from the ocean. :( I cannot stand cantaloupe either...everything about it is just gross! I hope you had a great birthday! Mine is today!
ReplyDeleteI once got to dress and walk around as a giant Jelly Belly at a candy convention. There was a fan inside the suit.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great list! I hope you had a fabulous Birthday full of salt & vinegar chips and no fish!! :)
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in 7th grade, we had a swim party at the end of the year. My swimsuit had smocking/shirring on the bodice so it was stretchy, and I was flat as a board. I saved and hid two Wonder Bread plastic wrappers, and when I got to the pool, I wadded them up and stuffed them in my swim top to make instant boobs. However, when I finally jumped into the pool and came up to the surface, one of the boys was holding up a Wonder Bread wrapper and trying to figure out where it came from. Needless to say, I immediately sunk below the surface of the water and got rid of the other one, then pretended nothing had happened. But my best friend, who knew what had happened, still calls me Wonder Woman to this day. LOL! Thirteen is such a difficult age!
One afternoon when I was a teen, I drove near a fresh plane wreck accidentally and a man stepped into the road and told me to turn around because it was a new TV show set. That show came out a few months later- it was "LOST."
ReplyDeleteI loooooove this!!!! Why have we never discussed our mutual love for salt and vinegar chips?!
ReplyDeleteI won a coloring contest at McDonalds growing up - the prize was a Ronald McDonald doll.
ReplyDeleteI love it! We have a lot in common - no coffee, and a lot different - I love seafood! This was fun to read.
ReplyDeleteI love this! I also dislike seafood. I was able to visit Germany with my Oma to meet her side of the family. I love salt and vinegar chips too!
ReplyDeleteI went to year around school too and loved it! I wish it was more common.
ReplyDeleteSomething someone might know about me- I dream of pulling an Angelina Jolee and just wearing all black even though I love color- I hate figuring out what to wear
My favorite way to make a PB&J sandwich is with the heels of a bread loaf - bizarre, I know :)
ReplyDeleteI love chicken noodle soup but I rarely eat the chicken. I blame my mom. She made a homemade chicken noodle soup in which she simmered ALL of the chicken with the intention of fishing out the nasty bits before serving. Well somehow she misses the heart which my five year old self found. After that gruesome discovery I can only do chicken flavored broth.
ReplyDeleteThis was such a fun post. I hope you had the best birthday!!!!
ReplyDeleteOn a trip to Mexico I got in the ocean and held a (heavily sedated) shark at some touristy thing in the middle of the ocean. (Even though I can't swim and am generally afraid of water.)
ReplyDeleteI threw the javelin my senior year of high school. I was burnt out on all my sports and just wanted to hang out with my friends on the track team. I was pretty terrible :)
ReplyDeleteI learned how to juggle at work (sales for an insurance company). Our company had purchased juggling stars for us to hand out to clients and I was determined to know how to juggle to show my clients how to use them.
ReplyDeleteBiggest pet decorated as reindeer at Christmas time!
ReplyDeleteI won tickets to a Michael Jackson concert from a raffle at Taco Bell when I was 15!
ReplyDeleteHappy, happy birthday! I hear you on the eggs. Eggs are not my issue - it's tuna. Can't comprehend eating it anywhere but home (or my moms!) Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteI was maybe 1st or 2nd grade and won a drawing at the local grocery by guessing closest to the weight of the giant pumpkin. it was bigger than me and I made my Mom carve it for Halloween that year into just the basic jack-o-lantern face. was so proud of that!
ReplyDeleteHappy, happy birthday! I hear you on the eggs! I cannot eat tuna prepared by anyone other than myself, or my mom! Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteI also enjoy the smell of coffee but do not drink it. Give me tea (Lipton tea)
ReplyDeleteI got engaged at the finish line of a marathon.
ReplyDeleteLove this post. So many interesting things to learn about you! In the 5th grade I wrote to the Trident Gum Company and pleaded my case for them to create a peanut butter flavored gum. I was thrilled to receive a response, even though they politely declined my suggestion! ;)
ReplyDeleteLove reading your blog daily! You have an adorable family. Happy belated birthday!
ReplyDeleteCalgarian here, we loved to have you come back. Olympics were in 1988 and I will remember it always. It is fun to see our city mentioned here. Also, you share a birthday with my son!
ReplyDeleteI can’t stand peanut butter and everyone always thinks that’s so odd
ReplyDeleteI can't stand peanut butter either, except for Reese's peanut butter cups. LOL
Delete2, 16, 20, 30 and 38...all things I feel in my soul...particularly 38, I can't keep it together.
ReplyDeleteSomething about me. I love a musical. In person on a stage only though. I HATE movies (other than like a Disney cartoon) that are musicals. If people are breaking into song...hard no for me. As such, I've never seen movies like Grease, Sound of Music, Wizard of Oz, etc. most people look at me like I'm from Mars when I say that. Hope you had a happy birthday!!!
I am terrified of otters....just do your research lol
ReplyDeleteFirst, Happy Birthday! I loved reading these little quirks about you. I didn't know most of them and I've been around here for a long time! I laughed when I read that you tried working at a seafood's not surprising you had to quit. I hope you're having a great week!
ReplyDeleteYou lived in NC? That's so cool! I'm in SC. And I don't care about sweets. At all. Give me appetizers any day!
ReplyDeleteSo fun to read this! I hope you had a beautiful day!
ReplyDeleteMy unknown fact....I have an odd ability to guess how many "whatevers" are in a jar. I once guessed how many jelly beans were in a jar and I was so close (within a few) that everyone thought I cheated somehow. No...just a weird "gift" :)
This is so fun! I won "dinner with an Indianapolis Ice hockey player" when I was 10. You put your name in one of those spinning things, they drew a name towards the end of the game and I WON! I close my favorite player and his PR team picked up me, a friend and my family in a limo and took us to a rib place, it was so fun!!
ReplyDeleteI had three children in one year. Our first child was born in February and premature twins were born the same year in November.
ReplyDeleteI had three kids in one year. Our first child was born in February and premature twins were born the same year in November.
ReplyDeleteI was voted Most Likely to Live on a Farm my senior year of high school --- Nope, never have since HS and most people I know now would never believe that fact.
ReplyDeleteHappy, happy birthday! Love these lists- so fun!
ReplyDeleteHBD!! I feel seen... I hate all things that come from the ocean too and everyone thinks I'm nuts for it!
#23: accurate
ReplyDeleteI'm 5'9 and have size 12 feet. I know, it's wild. And it's my favorite thing to hold my foot up against someone else and either have them be in shock that they are so big or compare to a man's foot and be about equal hahah!
ReplyDeleteI survived a tornado while in Tracy Lawrence's trailer home in a small town in Arkansas.
ReplyDeleteI survived a tornado in Tracy Lawrence's mobile home in a small town in Arkansas.
ReplyDeleteI love posts like these! From birth to high school, I have been to Mount Rushmore 7 times. Born and raised in Texas, but had family in Nebraska so when we'd visit in the summers, that was the closest vacation-y thing to do. Also, my daughter's birthday is today, so y'all are almost birthday buddies!
ReplyDeleteI live in the house I grew up in; we have remodeled almost every space from top to bottom. I ran my first ultra 50k trail race in October and my favorite snack were the pickles, potato chips, snickers, and flat coke.
ReplyDeleteI was on the TV show "BOZO" when I was in kindergarten.
ReplyDelete2 of my teeth are implants due to a bike accident when I was in grade school.
ReplyDeleteI like flies! When a fly lands on me I hold still so that it will crawl around and not leave.
ReplyDeleteHappy, Happy birthday! Fun to read your list! =)
I completed a full marathon, it was horrible. An 80 year old man that ran barefoot finished before me.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was young, I would rub a blanket with my fingers and say "smooth" in my head and then spell S M O O T H out loud. I made the mistake of telling my husband this fun fact. He now busts out with it randomly. It makes me laugh everytime.
ReplyDeleteI read this SMOOTH comment last night and I have not stopped laughing. This is the greatest thing. I am laughing right now. It's both terrible and great that you shared this with your husband.
DeleteTotally agree with #26😊. I think feet are gross… and the people who have the grossest feet always wear flip flops…
ReplyDeleteI am scared of birds
ReplyDeleteMy mom rocked me to sleep until I was WAY too old to be rocked. Now I have to "rock" (I gently shake my leg, rocking my body) myself to sleep almost every night--I'm 45!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove these kinds of posts! I'm with you on the food from the ocean.
ReplyDeleteMy Random Fun Fact: I've been a maid/matron of honor five times. I can hold that bridal bouquet like a boss. 😜
There were a couple of these that made say SAME! Like being a sympathetic blusher - I think I turn more red than the person in the embarrassing situation 🙈
ReplyDeleteFun Facts:
I went to 4 elementary, 3 middle & 3 high schools.
My favorite school lunch was in 7th grade - every meal was made from scratch by a pair of sweet grandmas at our cafeteria, but the best day was when they served chili, cinnamon rolls & kiwi fruit.
I changed my college major 7 times.
My parents let me decide my sisters name between two when she was born - she’s never forgiven me that her name means ewe and mine means princess.
I blush when other people are in embarrassing situations too!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely do not enjoy roller coasters or theme parks!
ReplyDeleteI was on the boys cross country team in high school and it was as fun as you imagine for a high school girl😉
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness the sponge painting in pink and green took me way back! We painted multiple rooms like that when I was a kid! Happy birthday! 38 here too! 🙌🏻
ReplyDeleteI also had my appendix out in 5th grade
ReplyDeleteI would add excessive coughing to the sniffling annoyance. It makes me feel like a bad mom because I cannot listen to anyone, including my kids, cough more than once. It’s like, I really want to care for you during this time, but you have got to quit that right now.
ReplyDeleteI have a chemical imbalance in my blood and can make time stand still :)
ReplyDeleteIf I put a watch on (digital, analog, Fitbit, anything like that), it will either: a) stop working or b) the hands will spin or the numbers will flash. If I take it off, it will reset itself.
Because of this sometimes at school the SMARTBoard won't respond to my touch and I have to get a student to move stuff around!
I'm almost 65, but when I was 37 I had a heart attack followed by open heart surgery! Happy belated birthday!
ReplyDeleteI cannot stand repeated noises-clicking of a pen etc. It’s hard to be a teacher with this pet peeve!
ReplyDeleteLoved this post!
ReplyDeleteI can’t eat coconut; it reminds me of toenail clippings!!🥥
I love this post. Happy birthday!
ReplyDeleteAfter reading the book Flowers in the Attic a LONG time ago, I have never been able to buy powdered donuts - not even for my grandchildren that wanted them.
ReplyDeleteThis post is so fun!! Yes to 1,2, 7 and 13 especially 1 :) I am not a fan of boats but love white water rafting 🤣
ReplyDelete#32 … me, too!
ReplyDeleteI have to be touching my face with my hand to fall asleep. Hope you had the best birthday! 🥳
ReplyDeleteI was in the Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade with the choir when I was a junior in high school. I was recently able to pull the 2003 parade up on YouTube and show my husband and daughter the performance!
ReplyDeleteI’m an IVF baby from the 80’s 😁
ReplyDeleteI threw up cherry hi-c on the playground in kindergarten. I haven’t had anything cherry since. I’m 40!
ReplyDeleteI won tickets to Disney on Ice in Houston Texas when I was in kindergarten from Channel 2 and it was my Birthday 🎉
ReplyDeleteThis was fun!!! I was the first girl, besides the queen, to ride up front of the Sooner Schooner in college as a Ruf Nek Lil Sis - after OU scored a touchdown.
ReplyDeleteThis was fun!! In college I was the first girl, besides the queen, to be able to ride up front of the Sooner Schooner as a Ruf Nek Lil Sis. We went onto the field after an OU touchdown!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE A Tree Grows in Brooklyn!!! My fact would be I received a Congressional Nomination to the Naval Academy. However, I didn’t get the appointment so didn’t go. People I know now would never guess that about me 🤣
ReplyDeleteI once had a homeless man living in my basement for a few months without me knowing it! 😳
ReplyDelete#34 sounds so cool. I'd love to hear/read more about that ☺️
ReplyDeleteI broke my arm in 4th grade at a roller skating party. For the rest of the year people called me the Reckless Roller!
ReplyDeleteI met Matt LeBlanc (Joey from “Friends”) while on a family vacation road trip in Arizona when I was in 6th grade. 1996!!
ReplyDeleteI got engaged to my husband after dating for 6 weeks. We will be married 31 years in June. When you know, you know.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a fan of chocolate and will pick off the chocolate on candy bars to eat the yummy insides
ReplyDeleteI got to go to the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics!
ReplyDeleteWe share the same birthday, February 15! And I turned 38 as well…40 is right around the corner and I’m having a hard time with it 😬 I just lost my last baby tooth last year! It never had an adult tooth under it so with braces, my orthodontist left it. It was starting to cause some problems and my dentist pulled it. I called my parents and said maybe the tooth fairy should come visit 🤣
ReplyDeleteIn 8th grade i mannequin modeled in the store window of the Limited at the mall..we got to pick out a cool outfit to wear, and had to be completely still while modeling in the store front. I thought it was the greatest thing ever! 🤣🤣
ReplyDeleteWhat mall? I remember seeing teenage mannequins at the limited in TX
DeleteI was involved in a bank robbery when I worked as a teller during college. 😳
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! Three things, since I’m 3 years older: I love writing with the thick beginner pencils, I only like coloring g with crayons and the smell of maple syrup makes me want to gag!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!!! 🎉
ReplyDeleteLove your list!
I didn’t get my license until I was 19-I was terrified of driving because my drivers ed teacher was so mean (yelled, pounded his fists if one of us made a mistake, etc)
I was on The Late Show with Jay Leno. I got to ask him a question during one of his little audience segments. It was such a fun experience!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday!! Something about me is that I fall asleep during every single movie I watch. It doesn't matter if it's in the theater, at home, or somewhere else. I cannot stay awake no matter how hard I try!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun list! I lived on a big hill as a kid & never learned how to ride a bike.. and still don’t as an adult!
ReplyDeleteHope you had a great birthday!
Oh man, I'm a car seat heater kind of girl too! People are always surprised to hear that I worked as a limo driver in college!
ReplyDeleteI love to bake and love to share my goods with friends and family.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun post! I can't smell skunks. :)
ReplyDeleteLove this post! Random fact about me: I dislike chocolate (e.g., ice cream, brownies, cake) but love a nice old glass of chocolate milk. :)
ReplyDeleteAfter all this time, I didn't know your middle name was Jean!
ReplyDeleteSomething about me - I want to keep a journal, but I'm such a perfectionist that if I make a mistake, I rip the whole page out. I never get anywhere!
When turning up or down the volume on anything it must be done in even increments. Never stop the volume at 35! Never!!
ReplyDeleteYes!! 100% agree with this! It drives me nuts when it's on an odd number!
DeleteSuch a fun post! Happy birthday!
ReplyDeleteI have never broken or sprained any bone (knock on wood!)
Happy Belated Birthday - random thing about me my family doesn't know I was married to my husband before our wedding. We eloped in Vegas and then re did the whole thing 2 years later for family and friends
ReplyDeleteI'm a teacher. The office prints our monthly newsletters and menus for us to send home to families. I looked at March's and it was on pink paper...why not on green paper?! Green goes with March...haha.