Thursday, December 17, 2020

FREE Printable Nativity Craft

Y'all.  This may be my favorite craft project of all time.  

I was cleaning out my craft closet the other night and came across an old planner where I had doodled a nativity scene in the margins.  I decided to redraw them a bit larger (and with a few additional people) and make them printable...

.... I colored the set in yesterday while watching The Mandalorian with Luke and then cut them out...

.... ran them through my laminator and cut them out again.  I rolled out some little balls of air-drying modeling clay to act as the bases and LOOK HOW CUTE!!!

I'm going to put this one on my bookcase in my classroom and I printed off pages for Mason and Griffin to color next week during break to make their own.  I AM OBSESSED!!!

Here are my rambling thoughts about them....

- Have your kids watercolor paint them

- Do one (or two) pieces a day leading up to Christmas

- Have each member of your family color/paint a few pieces to make a complete set

- put magnets on the back of them to create a fridge nativity

- punch holes in them and create a set of Christmas ornaments

- if you have a whiteboard, put magnets on the backs and then draw a manger/scene around them

- since it's just paper you could prep all of the pieces (color, laminate, cut) and then mail them to family/friends who you aren't able to see this year as a gift!

They're fun, right???  I am seriously so excited about how they turned out and can't wait to see how my kids make theirs come to life next week!

So, here's the deal.  I have NEVER ever charged for a printable... dozens of free valentines, doodle towns, stationary, etc. because I've always considered it a little thank you gift from me to you.  

I have people tell me constantly that they would totally pay for them SOOOOO this time around they're still free but if you print and love them and would like to make a donation 100% of the money will go to an organization near and dear to us - The McKinney Little Free Pantry.  I just thought that if there is even a small way that I can turn this into a blessing for others then I should do it! So... print, use, love, enjoy and if you can give GREAT and if you can't that's totally fine too!

My paypal is and my venmo is @Andrea-McAnally-1 (it's a picture of me holding my poop emoji trophy for losing fantasy football).  $1, $5, $10... whatever you want is AWESOME and then next week (more than likely Monday) we'll take the money and go buy what the pantry is in need of.  I'll share pictures and the totals and all of that when we purchase the food/toiletries and all of those items get distributed to pantries all over McKinney where people can come and take what they need. 

I appreciate y'all SO MUCH and hope you and your family have as much fun with this project as I did.  I would LOVE to see pictures of what you do with the printable so when you're done email them to me at

Click HERE to download the set for FREE! :)

If for some reason you can't access the file through Google Docs send me an email with a screenshot of your donation and I'll email you the PDF directly


  1. LOVE this! SOoooooo cute! I would also love ideas of activities and things you're gonna do to keep your kiddos busy next week!!!

  2. Amazing!! There goes that awesome talent again!!!

  3. Love this! You’re so talented Andrea!

  4. I’m in awe of your talent. Did you notice your artistic gift in high school? I’m happy to donate, and can’t wait until you publish a ton of beautiful children’s books about God’s love :)

  5. So cute and what a great way to bless others!

  6. LOVE these!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!! ;-)

  7. These are perfect! I know what my 5 year old and I will be doing this weekend.

  8. So precious! I have printed them and can't wait to do them with our Sunday School cuties next year (great idea on the magnets...I was also thinking popsicle sticks/finger puppets). Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to see how much you're able to drop off at the food pantry xo

  9. I love this!! Totally printing and making a donation!

  10. Thank you for sharing! We always love your pintables!

  11. Thank you for this! It's so precious!

  12. My kids and I loved doing this. We put magnets on ours and hung it on the fridge. Everytime my daughter sees it, she says it needs a star. 😂😂
    Thank you for doing these!


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