Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Weekend Top 10

Happy Tuesday, y'all!  I had another post planned for today but then life got in the way and so instead I'm sharing 10 quick snapshots from our long weekend ;)

Saturday was a cleaning day and as I was taking everything off of the shelves and dusting I got the itch to put out "just a couple" of pumpkins. Well.. one thing led to another and our house is ready for Fall whenever it decides to arrive :)

I mean - we should have all seen this one coming :)  Princess Rosie!

Fall... is that you? 
Nope - just more 90 degree weather :)

My mom came by on Saturday afternoon and got Mason and G working on a "collaborative drawing".  They had a BLAST working on it while I got dinner ready and did another on Sunday.

Lots of walks this weekend...

... and Luke made cinnamon sugar muffins (the box mix from Trader Joe's... we wouldn't recommend).

This weekend I got my GoCleanCo on and tried her jetted tub cleaning method, wiped down all my cabinets and doors with the tide/bleach combo and got REAL ambitious and tried to clean my dishwasher... but I broke it.  Like snapped a piece off.  It's the thought that counts, right? 

We watched Mulan which was WAY more Marvel than Disney but we all really enjoyed it.  It was visually stunning and I've always loved Mulan just handling things.  It was definitely way more intense than the animated version but so good!

Griffin whipped up some rice krispy treats...

... and we finished off the weekend lounging around at a football scrimmage :) 

HAPPY Tuesday, friends!!!


  1. Rosie. That's all I have. Rosie. Rosie. Rosie.

  2. I love Rosie! And now I want rice krispie treats :)

  3. I love your bookcase shelving!! Where can we find a piece like that? It is beautiful!

  4. I am OBSESSED with GoCleanCo! I now only use powdered Tide for---everything. LOL

  5. That sounds like a lovely weekend! We ended up decorating for fall too; even if it has been in the mid-80's all week.

  6. Where did you get all of your soft/cloth pumpkins? So cute!


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