Thursday, October 24, 2019

Scary Good Sunday Smorgasbord

Last Sunday I put together a "Scary Good Smorgasbord" and it may be my favorite dinner I've ever prepared.  We all love a good "sampler plate" and this was the PERFECT spread to snack on while we watched Halloween Town and relaxed after the end of a busy weekend.

Yes - I'm aware that this is completely and totally "extra" and I'm going to own it because it was fun and delicious and the looks on my kids faces were PRICELESS.  I'm hoping that whether or not you do a spooky spread to this extent that you glean a few fun ideas to use at your house :) 

I started off with a pot of super easy frozen turkey meatballs and sauce that I heated up on the stove (in this pot) while I got the rest of the spread prepped. This made it feel like more of a "meal" and since there wasn't too much sauce they were still easy to eat while watching a movie.

If you haven't tried candy corn and peanuts drop whatever you're doing and go grab some because OH MY WORD it's awesome.  I'm not really a fan of candy corn or peanuts alone but together they're awesome!

The world's best hummus and pita chips both from Trader Joe's...


... celery sticks with peanut butter and candy eyes...

Cheese sticks (not sure if that's exactly what they're called) and mini chocolate chip cookies.  Yes, ma'am. 

My absolute FAVORITE part ended up being the skeleton...

I set out some dips (spinach yogurt dip and pimento cheese (a crowd favorite at my house) along with Wheat Thins, chopped cheddar, garlic and herb Boursin, pistachios and Halloween cookies.

There was also some guacamole (the reduced guilt kind from Trader Joe's is the BEST!), tortilla chips, Reese's Pieces and...

PB&J spiders!  Just regular peanut butter and jelly, cut into circles using a measuring cup with pretzel legs and candy eyes.

Oh, and I spy gummy worms :) 

You GUYS!!! Look at their sweet little faces!

This literally blew their minds and I'm not sure I've ever received more compliments and "moms! this is awesome!" for a dinner before... and let's be honest I didn't even cook. 

We all ate and snacked and then the kids got out their Yumboxes (snack and lunch) and we pretty much packed their lunches and snacks for Monday which was AWESOME!

This would be such a fun and easy idea for pre-trick-or-treating if you're hosting a group at your house.   The few "spooky" touches really make it festive and I have a feeling that this will be a new tradition in our house. 

PS - the links used in this post were affiliate links... thank you so much for reading and supporting my blog!


  1. Their sweet faces is right!!!! Everything looks great!!!

  2. love it! I love that you called it a smorgasbord!! My dad always made these when he was in charge of lunch and that's what he called them. I haven't heard many people use the term, I use it all the time!!!

  3. That peanut/candy corn combo is amazing! Just like eating a PayDay candy bar!

  4. You are the coolest mom ever! I just LOVE your blog! It's my fave :) I am a new mom and love getting all these awesome ideas! You are giving your children the ultimate childhood!!!

  5. Umm, do you want to come to NC and make this Sunday for my book club! I love this festive spread.

  6. Birthday party menu (that I have been fretting over for a week) is now planned. Thank you Andrea!

  7. So cute!! Check out the YumEarth candy corn at Market much better than the regular kind.

  8. Love this! We had a lot of snack boards this summer and it was so fun.

  9. So cute! I'm sure you've answered this before but where is the pumpkin dutch oven from? Love it!!

  10. I absolutely love this! I just love how creative you are!

  11. So fun! Halloweens so busy at our house (lets face it , at everyones house) So I think I'll do something similar tomorrow evening for our movie night. Thanks for sharing!!!

  12. I love this so much!!!!! My kids are 19, 17, and 16 and I think they'd even love it!

  13. You should have called me...I'd have run right over to help eat it.😉 Soooo cute!!!

  14. Love their excited faces and comments! I could totally get into a dinner like that for movie night!

  15. What a crazy awesome spread! I think the googly eyes would inspire a lot of fun things.

  16. What a great idea! I know what I'm be putting out for dinner on Halloween 🎃!

  17. Extra? This just looks extra FUN! I love it

  18. The memories you are creating are priceless....I love this and I'm sure they did too! I'm a firm believer in celebrating everything!!

  19. I'm not sure what Andrea's is but I have a similar one by Le Creuset!

  20. Love! I can't seem to pin your pics - I always want to pin the recipes but for some reason your pics aren't pinnable. Maybe it's something wrong on my end?

  21. I love so many of your ideas and recipes and often try to pin them to pinterest, but I've noticed they aren't pinnable. Is something wrong on my end? Thanks!

  22. Love it! You're such a fun mom!


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