Friday, March 8, 2019

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends!  Spring Break starts today at 1:30 and I am READY!  My report cards are done, my lessons for the week after next are entered and copied and it feels glorious!

As always,  ErikaNarci and I are sharing our FAVORITES from the week and if you'd like to join us just link back to one (or all!) of us and make sure you grab our graphic and add it to your post.

First up on my list of FAVORITES from the week was watching Mason work on his Flat Stanley project.  He had BIG and definite ideas of exactly how he wanted it to look and it was just so cute.

"Mom... it needs to be a big map with those pin things and red string connecting them"

We had some SUPER amazing hosts for Stanley and I'll share about his adventures after Spring Break.  But in the meantime...

That's Flat Stanley with a bobcat in Arizona!  How cool is that?!?!

And look how PROUD Mason is of his poster!  FAVORITE!!!

I meant to share this picture last week but somehow left it out - some of my FAVORITE women in the whole world right here!

So we had some abnormally cold weather earlier this week and this Facebook post from a weather/storm info page was my FAVORITE thing I read all week.  "Northerly winds of DOOM, y'all!"

I'll take the cold any day of the week and the brisk (but sunny!) days this week have been absolute perfection.  My FAVORITE!

I mean!

Can you spy Jelly Bean in her favorite spot???

Apparently her favorite thing is giving my kids a heart attack :)  She loves to be perched up anywhere high (did you see my instastory where she was on the very tip top of our roof?!?!!)

And if she's not perched up high she's probably in a box somewhere...

Did I mention that checking this stack of papers off of my to-do-list was a FAVORITE?!?!?! ;)

I've had several comments lately about how bit our fiddle leaf fig has gotten and apparently this spot in our front hall is it's FAVORITE because WOW!

Soccer practice is her FAVORITE!

Excited to wear some of my FAVORITE pieces from my closet next week - hahaha  

And do a little bit of this as well...

HAPPY Friday, friends!!!



  1. Oh Jellybean. So cute but she would give me a heartache being perched that high too. HA.

  2. That fiddle leaf is WOW worthy! And Mason's project is awesome! Too cute!

  3. I love his project! It looks so great! I am also now officially following Texas Storm Chasers on FB because I don't want to miss any winds of doom lol

  4. Enjoy spring break! We have one more week and we can't wait :)!

  5. I am beyond ready for winter to be over!! Great pic of Jelly Bean in the box. My cats love boxes.

  6. Happy Friday and enjoy spring break! Ours in April and we cannot wait. I love the Flat Stanley project.

  7. Can you share the brand for the gray hoodie you've been wearing? Its so cute on you!

  8. Our cat once fell off the balcony railing when he was just a tiny kitten; we were so surprised he walked away unscathed... though he never jumped up on the railing again.

  9. My old cat used to do the upstairs railing too all the time for 10+ years. Even after twice falling (landing on all fours and not caring at all) she would still walk the rail constantly.


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