Monday, January 15, 2018


The kids and I are off today (and so is Dave! WOO HOO!) and I'm hoping that lots of y'all are home enjoying the day with your kids as well.  Today I wanted to share two really quick little things that wouldn't take a ton of time or preparation but could bring some attention to the reason today is a holiday and spark some great discussion within your family.

First up is this video that I thought was so simple yet really powerful...

"Love does that, it just keeps going.  Even when things are dark." 

I mean - so good, right?

Last, Mason came home on Friday talking about this activity they did in class and I thought it was really great for early elementary (but could be appropriate for lots of ages).  His teacher had several eggs of different colors out in front of the class.  Next she cracked the eggs into the same bowl and asked the kids which egg was which.  They couldn't tell the insides apart even though the outsides looked different.  They had a class discussion and a writing assignment and when he came home and talked about it we could tell it was something that he'll remember for a long time.

Happy Monday, friends!


  1. Love, love, love what Mason's teacher did in class!!

  2. Thank you!!! That Kid President video will be perfect to watch with Elle tonight.

  3. I did the egg activity with my kindergarten class and I was shocked at how quickly they picked up the connection between the eggs and people!

  4. Thanks for posting something relevant to what makes today meaningful. It seems lost on many people at a time when it needs more focus than ever. Just another reason why I find myself on your blog so frequently.

  5. This is perfection-I showed my three this morning "Love does just keeps going." love it!

  6. Just watched this video with my 6 year old, thank you for sharing 😊

  7. Awesome video! And love the lesson from Mason's teacher. Enjoy your day off with the whole fam!

  8. Such a wonderful example!!! Love it! Your blog posts are always so encouraging and I feel like I am constantly coming away with good ideas I get from you! Thank you so much for being a light for Christ and a mom who encourages other moms!!

  9. Thank you so much for taking time to recognize this holiday through your blog. I really enjoy reading your blog.

  10. Great video! Many thanks for sharing. I'll share it with my students this week!

  11. Love that egg lesson so powerful for all of us to remember!!!!


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