Monday, July 18, 2016

Weekend Recap - Trade Days Edition

Friday morning was a lazy one... Thursday night my Girls Night plans went awry (think babysitter cancelling on me and an earache for Mason) and so I threw in the towel mid-afternoon, ordered pizza for our crew and let Luke have a friend sleepover... and so Friday morning we were all dragging a little bit ;)  A big storm rolled through and GG and Mason and I got our craft on while the big boys played.

We spent the rest of the day cleaning up the fort from the previous night, watching movies and swimming and having light saber battles.  Perfect lazy day.

Saturday morning Dave, the kids and I hit up a local monthly flea market for cabinet hardware (which we got!  So excited to install it!) and whatever else struck our fancy.  If you're local and haven't checked out Third Monday Trade Days you should totally make a morning of it.  We only go a couple of times a year, but we had so much fun this weekend I foresee a lot more of it in our future :)

We were there pretty early to beat the crowds (and the heat!)...

... and these three were ready to find some treasures :)

Trade Days literally has every. thing.  Vintage finds, new decor items, rocks, random toys and tons of your typical flea market "junk" ;) 

Luke's favorites stops :)

Ready to get her shop on :)

There's a big section of the market for pet sales... lots of breeders come out here once a month and there are always tons of cute puppies to look at.

We're suckers for the labs :)

The sweet gentleman who had the lab puppies invited Griffin to come in and play.  She would have stayed all day if she could have ;)

He had the prettiest blue labs!

Luke got in as well, but Mason opted to watch from outside the pen :)

We stopped to get some kettle corn and they were about to make a new batch so the awesome guys who owned it got out the step stools and invited the kids back there to watch them make it.  SO SWEET!

Dave and I were laughing at the "Breaking Bad" moment happening :)

They also made their own fresh squeezed lemonade so of course we had to give that a try as well...

How he felt about having to give his sister a sip :)

This is the point where it started getting H.O.T.  Dave asked GG to close her eyes and he surprised her by putting the cold cup on her cheek... so stinkin' cute!!!

We came home to cool off in the pool (and apparently test out Lego boats in the water)...

Sweet scrawny boy ;)

 The rest of the afternoon looked a lot like this...

And then yesterday looked a lot like this...

With a late-afternoon IKEA run thrown in because we're determined to organize #allthelegos

We ended with got dogs for everyone and a full evening of Lego sorting :)

It was a fun-filled, low-key weekend and we had so much fun.  This weeks big projects include the Lego organization project (if it works I'll share!) and finally finishing up our garage. 

Tomorrow is Show and Tell Tuesday - Home Tours Edition and I'll be sharing a few more rooms of our new house.  I was laughing because when I planned out these topics I had NO IDEA we'd be in a new place!  I can't wait to browse through everyone else's homes, so snap some pictures and get ready to share!

Happy Monday, Friend!


  1. I always forget about Trade Days! This post makes me want to go next month though!!

  2. So fun!! The picture of Griffin with Dave is precious!! Xo

  3. Lego boats!! I love that! And I'm pretty sure my last trip to McKinney trade Days was with you!

  4. I did a Lego organization day 3 years ago or so, and it took me like 6 hours to sort the colors. And I"m not sure it was even the right thing to do? I can't wait to see what you are going to do!

    1. Yes - We just sorted by colours (because it looked pretty - LOL). But I don't know if it is the most functional set up. Have you two checked out this Ikea Hacker lego table? My husband made it for my son and it is AWESOME!

    2. Yes - We just sorted by colours (because it looked pretty - LOL). But I don't know if it is the most functional set up. Have you two checked out this Ikea Hacker lego table? My husband made it for my son and it is AWESOME!

  5. Please share the Lego sorting idea. I need help in that department! Your kids a beautiful! :)

  6. I love the photos of Mason and Griffin on the stairs. It's almost as if you can hear her laughing through the photo. Such joy! :) ... and those puppy photos! *insert heart eye emoticon* We have a lab mix rescue and we wish so much that we had been able to have her as a puppy. Lab puppies are just the sweetest. Happy Monday!

  7. Those labs are making me want a new dog in our life! I actually had a girls day with my sisters and mom in McKinney on Saturday. We planned on possibly going to the trade days, but with it being our first time to check out the square, we spent the majority of our morning and afternoon there. We'll definitely have to go in the fall!

  8. How do you organize legos? PLEASE SHARE! :D

  9. Looking forward to your Snaps on the legos!! and seeing your new cabinet hardware!!

  10. Hi,
    Would you share where those trays are from? The ones that the kids use on the table when they do their crafts? I know you mentioned it before, but, I've forgotten the source. Thank you.


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