Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Spring Break Snaps - Part Two

Thursday of last week we picked up one of Luke's friends, Trae, and headed down to the Perot Museum.

Griffin LOVES her some big boys :)

So much so that she levitates :) hahaha

Trae hadn't been before and my boys were excited to show him the ropes.  First up, the Children's Museum...

and of course the water table :)

Mason LOVED the art lab (no surprise!) and I love how creative he was!  He turned the little ice cream spoon into a guy who was holding stamps from other countries.  No clue where he got all of that!

We walked through the human body section (with lots of boy giggles)....

and then made a beeline for the engineering/robotics area...

It may have been because it was Spring Break, but they had lots of robots working and available which was awesome.

We checked out some cartesian divers...

... and the boys worked on a bridge.

Music lab...

... and then we headed up to see the dinosaurs.  This is where it started to get REALLY crowded.

Not sure it gets more #momlife than this! hahaha

The boys hit up the gift shop, so Griffin and I hung out outside and watched the pigeons :) 
(Read about her stroller HERE)

Snuggles!!!  I can't remember whether this was in the morning or after a nap. Either way - perfection.

Thursday afternoon the sun started peeking out and so we hopped in a golf cart to cruise and soak it in.  The temperature kept dropping though and there was only about 20 minutes of sunshine, but we made the most of it :)

We played a TON of Rummikub and Mason is totally getting it now which is so fun.

Griffin takes about as long to pick her color as it takes to actually paint her toes :)

Friday night Luke went over to Trae's house with Lincoln...

... and they went and ate Hibachi...

... went to pole position...

... and then went to iCream.  It was pretty much the greatest day of his life :)

And it was pretty much the greatest day of mine because I had time to shower, blow dry and actually fix my hair. WIN!!!

It was Dave's last night off work and so he and I headed to Harvest because I pretty much think about their deviled eggs continuously.  Seriously.  I don't think they have any mustard in them (maybe?!?!) and they have this amazing jelly and candied pecan on top that is to die for.

So much so that I took two pictures of them.  #sorrynotsorry

We had pork enchiladas and wagu shortribs with polenta - it was heaven.  It's a farm to table restaurant and everything is super fresh and locally grown.

And look how cute the atmosphere is!  I was a little picture happy because it was freaking Friday night and we were out. hahaha  Dave has been in the service industry for 15+ years and so Friday nights out are few and VERY far between.

We were stuffed, but managed to find room on the way home for an oreo blast ;)

Saturday morning we had one last hurrah - breakfast at The Ranch.

Apparently I forgot to brush their hair before we went :)

Dave went into work on Saturday and the kids and I spent the afternoon/evening cleaning and organizing a weeks worth of being at home. 

It was a FANTASTIC week as a family and I put together a little video of it for memories sake.  The kids have asked to watch it at least a dozen times and I love that we'll have it to look back on.  

Happy Tuesday, Friends!!!


  1. Good for you, girl!! Going out on a Friday night! I can understand. As soon as football is over, I'm ready for date nights...on the weekend!

    1. Right?!?! It was so fun! Although I do love our Friday nights :) More of those next Fall for sure!

  2. soooo precious!! that museum looks amazing!! do i remember correctly that you have time slots in each area? does it usually feel like enough time? and how did you make that video?? i've been obsessed with snapchat lately (are you on it?? triplekidney is my username...i have THREE kidneys, haha!!) and the kids LOVE to watch our "story" that i save to the camera roll. it'll be so fun to look back on. :)

    1. When you get your tickets you purchase them for a certain time... but, as far as I know, you can stay as long as you want in each section. I haven't done Snapchat... should I? hahaha

    2. We LOVE watching our 'story' back at the end of the day as well!

  3. So fun!! I love that you two were able to get w date night!! Also, the Perot museum is soo fun!! It looks like you had a blast!!

    1. Thanks, girly! Me too! They don't happen often and so we were extra happy to squeeze one in :)

  4. Such precious memories!! Perot looks amazing. Your hair all fixed looks amazing! And that restaurant looks amazing! Fancy deviled eggs? Sign me up! Happy Tuesday!


  5. I had so many things to say...but then I saw the Harvest eggs and forgot all of them :). See you tonight friend! xo

  6. Great pics! And yes, the great day of Luke's life for sure!

  7. Love how much fun you guys had even though the weather was yuck. Simple family fun is the best!

    1. We tried to make the most of it - our plan was to do a ton of yard work, but this ended up being way more fun :)

  8. So glad that you got a chance to take your beautiful self out on a Friday night date with Dave! We have a Harvest restaurant in our area, I'm absolutely ordering those deviled eggs next time;). Sorry that it rained so much on your Spring break but you guys always know how to have a good time no matter the weather.

  9. Sounds like the perfect week. That museum is amazing; I'd love to visit myself!

    I've been to a farm-to-table restaurant only once, but my meal was terrible. Maybe because I'm just used to so much processed crap, but I just couldn't do it. That's awful of me.

    1. I'm laughing so hard!!! You should definitely try a different restaurant - because it shouldn't taste gross - only fresh!

  10. That video is so cute! Love it!

  11. Love that precious video! What a great idea to capture a vacation or any kind. Ok so please tell me how you made it???? I was asked to make a video of pictures for my niece that just had a baby and Windows Movie Maker is awful!!!! I need help! Also your hair looks so cute like that, but you always look cute!

    1. Thank you! I made it on iMovie on my phone. hahaha If I can do it anyone can!!! :)

  12. Would love to know how you made that video!!

    1. Thank you! I made it on iMovie on my phone. hahaha If I can do it anyone can!!! :)

  13. Love love love the video!! What a sweet treasure the kids will have to look back on. I'm also curious how you made the video. We are planning a trip to Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine this year. We are looking for other things to do as well. The Perot Museum looks like a great option. Any other suggestions? Thanks girl!!

    1. Thank you!! I made it using iMovie on my phone.
      Shoot me an email (dave-and-andrea@hotmail.com) and I'll come up with a list of fun stuff for y'all :)

  14. Mason got a haircut! Little cutie. I literally laughed out loud at Griffin levitating. Precious!

  15. There was a restaurant back in Charlotte that had the best darn deviled eggs I e ever eaten! Glad you had a great week !!

  16. Loved the video! Your family sure made the most of a rainy week :)

  17. I need details on Griffin's Dolly Parton tank. I have a 5-year-old who is obsessed with Dolly!

  18. I'm sorry if you've already mentioned it, but where did you find Griffin's glittery sunglasses? My sparkle obsessed girlie needs them! Thanks.

  19. You should do snap chat.... It's fun!!!

    1. I JUST got one yesterday. I've been snap chatting with friends, but have no clue how to go "public". hahaha

  20. What a precious video and a beautiful memory for sure!!! Now if I can just remember to take videos! :)

    1. Right??? I forget A LOT but that's why I love making these videos because the clips don't have to be long because when you put them all together it's cute :)

  21. Hey Andrea :) I love to read your posts everyday and check out your too cute family but I especially love it when you include a video. It's great how you switch it from slideshow photos to video and back again. Sam (a huge fan of yours from Queensland, Australia) xo

    1. Thanks, Sam!!! I am working hard to take more videos because the kids love watching them and I know we'll LOVE having then in years to come. Thank you so much for reading and following along!!!

  22. I read your blog like every day but rarely comment because..,.im a loser I guess ;)

    This looks absolutely fantastic!!!! That children's museum looks like it's worth a trip to Texas just for that!!! Is it expensive to get in??

    GGs grey cardi has me with all sorts of heart eyes, she and my Ellie are only a month apart in age and I'm always impressed with what GG can do!!

    Farm to table restaurant now that is where it's at!!


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