I love a good Day In The Life Post, mainly because I'm super nosy. ;) I loved when Erika did her photo an hour post and so here's my take on that! (except with more than one picture an hour... because I'm a habitual over-poster. hahaha
5 AM
Little Miss Early Riser crawled into our bed pre-6 am.
We snuggled, snoozed and watched some Sofia with Daddy.
6 AM
Working on some Slightly Askew stuff and sneaking in a little Gilmore Girls
Finished up my makeup and second cup of tea :)
Gel, jackets and out the door!
7 AM
I got a little carried away with how much Slightly Askew I could get done and didn't have an outfit planned so I threw on this comfy sweater and lace layering top and called it a win.
(THANK GOODNESS I skimmed this post before calling it a night - no one needed to see a bra on the floor of my bedroom. hahaha)
There was horrendous traffic on the way to school (a medical helicopter had to land - so scary! Update - the student involved in the accident is going to be okay!) and we had to take a pretty major detour and ended up getting there after the bell rang. I like to have time to get organized and gather my thoughts before teaching from 7:45 - 1:15, so walking in after the bell to a room full of 7th graders threw me off my a-game.
8 AM
I taught a section of Math 7 and one of my three PreAlgebra classes. Today was Function Rules and we wrapped up our unit on geometric measurement. #thrilling ;)
9 AM/10 AM
It was class picture day today... and this was before the entire 8th grade had to line up in height order. It's always fun to watch the boys jockey for their position in line. hahaha
11 AM
Mid-morning snack and some last minute prep for my Honors Algebra 1 Class.
12 PM
I got to see Mason's class in PE! He's the one running with the coach :)
This is my first break of the morning after teaching five back-to-back classes and I was able to have a few quiet minutes (praise Jesus! hahaha) and make a few phone calls.
1 PM/2PM
After lunch I teach one more section of 7th grade and then I have two planning periods. This is when I try to get papers graded, lessons planned and copies made. Today I worked on answer keys and tests.
3 PM
After school tutoring happening! Lots of kids with questions and/or trying to skip basketball practice :)
4 PM
The boys and I picked up Griffin and the first order of business when we get home is 30 minutes of kindle time while I get dinner prepped. I used to feel guilty about this - but it's better for everyone ;)
And this happened...
Jack Bauer hasn't been feeling like himself the past few days - it's been rough.
Small victories, friends. Small victories.
5 PM
Meatloaf is prepped and in the oven and Daddy is home!
We're stopping to smell the flowers...
... and Griffin insisted on being rocked like a baby. Yes, ma'am.
6 PM
Dinner is over, kids are changed and ready for Wednesday night church.
Kicks for Christ, here he comes!!!
7 PM
Home right before 8 pm. And yes, he picked out his own clothes. And shoes.
8 PM
We found a lizard in the hall! In one motion Luke was on the ground and caught it! NUTS! hahaha
He chatted with it for a bit, looked it over, and then found a great spot for it in the ivy in the front yard.
Bedtime for Little Miss ;)
And letter practicing time for this sweet boy.
A few rounds of arm wrestling and then it was teeth brushed, stories read and back rubs for these crazies. It was later than a normal school night because of church - but they were both in fantastic moods.
9 PM
Finishing off a tea, pondering painting my nails and working on this post!
That was fun!! Mason's style is my fave. :)
ReplyDeleteYes! I love a Day In The Life posts! I can't believe G always gets up so early, you salad looks delish, and yay for JB! :)
ReplyDeleteI will admit your day makes me tired...you rock! We do screen time right when we get home from school as well...it helps the kids take a breather, I'm much more likely to get a good answer to "how was your day?" when they are done, I can go through folders and lunch boxes and we can head outside afterward. Win! Seeing the pic of the "Hey Girl" notebook I sent you made me smile! I hope it makes your to-do list more fun ; )
ReplyDeleteSo fun!! I love those early morning snuggles with Griffin!! So sweet!!
ReplyDeleteLove these kinds of posts - but it makes me feel a little less productive LOL
ReplyDeleteThese are my VERY FAVORITE posts! I mean, I know what you do during the day, but seeing it via pics is like my absolute favorite!!!
ReplyDeleteI love Day in the Life posts... The pics are great but your commentary adds flair and fun... I will do those function rules work sheets in lieu of balancing my checkbook!
ReplyDeleteI used to teach and I always requested to teach all morning and have planning periods in the afternoon. It was like a big sprint marathon every morning, but the afternoons made it all worth it.
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I'm amazed at how much you fit into a day. Way to go, Momma!
I love these posts too! So fun to see what everyone does in their day to day life. I may have to try this....if I can remember to take a pic every hour.
ReplyDeleteAnother thought- have you ever thought of making your replies to comments go to email? A lot of times, I don't come back to check comments and miss your replies. Some other bloggers, including myself, reply in my email, and it just goes to that person's inbox so they can see your reply. Just a thought.
Love these posts! And I can't even imagine my kids waking up before 6 am!
ReplyDeleteI love these posts. Thanks for sharing!! Would you consider sometime sharing a post about how you handle chores, homework time, kids' rewards system, etc.?
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm terrible at math so I immediately had huge respect for you, for being a math teacher!!! Not only do you understand math, but you can teach others!!! I'm amazed, seriously. :-) Loved this post!!
ReplyDeleteI love these posts!! And I love seeing as a teacher how you use your time during "breaks" at school!!
ReplyDeleteIn my book, anyone who understands math is a genious, like Einstein genius. Anyone who can TEACH math is just out of this world :) Loved this post!
ReplyDeleteLove this! Such a fun post to read. I like seeing what other moms' days look like! And I am DYING that your dog is named Jack Bauer. That's amazing.
ReplyDeleteThis is such a fun post! I think I'm exhausted just reading how busy your day was! Shew...
ReplyDeleteIs that Ryan Gosling in your notebook? :)
ReplyDeleteYay for the Yeti! We got them for our teachers for Christmas this year. How do you do it all? And the best part- you clearly make time for your school kids and your own kids!
ReplyDeleteI just ordered my first bracelet from farmgirlpaints. I'm so excited to get it!
ReplyDeleteHahaha, I need a Luke! I found a lizard in my apartment once and was too terrified to do anything than throw a giant mixing bowl over it until my maintenance man could come attend to it!
ReplyDeleteA Day in the Life posts are my favorite! Loved seeing and reading about yours:)
ReplyDeleteThis was fun! Mason is the most stylish kid I know - i love how he adds personality to his outfits. :)
ReplyDeleteYou are the most productive person on the planet! How do you do it?! With three kids also! Most of the time, I read your posts and think I should go run a marathon or something haha. Being productive is obviously something I need to work on!!!
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed the post! I'm a teacher as well and although I can get a good idea of what other teachers do all day it's still fun to get a glimpse :) I am unmarried (although engaged) and without kids so it always makes me nervous on how I will have time for a family some day when school is all-consuming. Do you have any tips for time-managing between teaching and having a family? You seem to have the system down pretty well.
ReplyDeleteLoved this one. I am a teacher as well! I loved your honesty about the 30 minutes of Kindle time. My kid is currently playing Elmo on my phone (insert mom guilt here) while I have a few minutes to myself to decompress! I agree, it is healthier for everyone if I just allow it. Momma is happier and more prepared to deal with what the evening might throw at me when I've had a second to breath! Happy Friday Eve!!
ReplyDeletewhat a busy day! love your Hey Girl notebook, and omg where are your shoes from??? need to know!