Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Show and Tell Tuesday: Costumes!

I have been excited about today's link-up party for FOREVER!!!  I love costumes and can't wait to see what you and/or your kids have been over the years.  When I think back to my childhood I have super fond memories of spending months deciding what I wanted to be for Halloween and then my mom always handmade our costumes. 

Here I am in PreK as an Indian Princess... which apparently I took super seriously :)

And I think that this is fourth or fifth grade where I REALLY wanted a store bought costume and so I tole my mom I wanted to be the world so that she would have to admit she couldn't make that and I'd get to pick something out at the store last minute.  Well, she came through.  With a geographically accurate costume of the globe made out of fuzzy toilet seat covers.  :)   #touche

For Luke's first Halloween he was a "Halloweenie" :)

we had a friend come over and take a few pictures (they were his 6-month pictures as well) and when they suggested Dave and I don an apron and grilling tools we happily obliged.  I'm not sure what we were thinking, but hey, it's a cute pic now :)

When Luke was 18 months old he was the cutest bat you've ever seen.

The little goldfish that he's smothering is Ebby Lee and the adorable dragon is Carter. :)

Dear time,
Please stop. 
Love, Andrea.

In 2010 I was pregnant with Mason and Luke was 2.5.  I remember that the swelling had already started and I was EXHAUSTED.  Apparently I snapped an entire two pictures of him in his monkey costume :)

And do those sweet girls look familiar??? :)

In 2011 I was on my A-Game and we had a little hamburger and hot dog.

Oh, Mason. :)

I hosted a Halloween party that year and we busted out the family costume.  Dave and I were ketchup and mustard.

For that year's Harvest Party the boys had a second set of costumes.  Because I am crazy and a clearance shopper :)

They were the cutest little pirate and robot EVER.

In 2012 they sported two costumes again.  The shark was a hand-me-down from a friend and if the dragon looks familiar it's because you saw it in the picture of Carter above :)  A shark and dragon for the Harvest Party...

and Wizard of Oz for trick-or-treating :)  The costumes Dave and I were wearing were actually a hand-me-down from a parent at MCA and they spurred on the idea of the theme.  The lion I picked up on eBay and I made Mason's costume myself by hot gluing the silver shiny fabric onto an old navy fleece he was about to outgrow.

One of the sweetest little pictures of Mason!

In 2012 we went as a farmers and animals to the Harvest Party (Mason is a dog, GG is a chicken and Luke is a horse... and a farmer).  That horse costume has been used so many times in creative play and for school things - I picked it up at Kid to Kid and it's been a fantastic addition to our dress-up box.

I remember that Luke didn't want to remove his sunglasses, the mustache I drew looked creepy and Mason pitched a fit because he didn't want to wear the dog.  Good times.

On the actual day of trick-or-treating MAson opted for Buzz Lightyear and Luke chose a werewolf (we have a big tub of dress up costumes)...

... and earlier in the season at the pumpkin patch we had Buzz and Woody.

Last year we sported lots of costumes again. On actual Halloween we had an owl, hamburger and astronaut.

And at the Harvest party we had Spiderman, an owl and an astronaut (with a baseball helmet as an astronaut helmet).  

On a different day we all dressed up our kids and did a costume parade at a local nursing home.  Griffin switched it up and wore the CUTEST peacock costume EVER that I found at Kid 2 Kid on clearance earlier that week.  Mason's face, though!

This was what they wore to the Harvest Party this past weekend (read more about it in yesterday's post) and I'm not sure what they'll pick out to trick-or-treat in.  Griffin has a super sweet cupcake ensemble and I'm pretty sure that the boys are going to want to wear their camo gear again and do face paint since we couldn't do it on Sunday because of the bounce house.  

So bring it, girls!!! I can't wait to see everyone's costumes!!!



  1. I love how their little personalities shine right through their costumes :) And, going off of the first two pictures of you as an Indian Princess - your oldest son could be your twin!

  2. How big is that costume bucket?? It's like a magician's hat! Haha! You guys always have the best costumes!

  3. Hi Andrea!

    I love allure kiddos costumes! My son has been the dragon, pirate, and cheeseburger from Old Navy too! I wish they still made costumes like that. Have a great day!


  4. So much fun through the years! I love that they switch costumes - my kids do that too for all the parties we have! Quick question - did you call the nursing home prior to showing up? That's an awesome idea and I know my group of friends are always looking for ideas to serve together and we may just need to try that out! Thanks so much!

  5. Oh my goodness, that first picture of you taking the Indian princess seriously is AMAZING...I may have literally laughed out loud! Griffin's costumes are my fav, I love how creative they are!
    Linds @ Not A Mom

  6. SO many great pics of your sweet kids through the years! This years costumes are fantastic!

  7. Goodness! So cute and Andrea!!!!! You look adorable with that short haircut in the first photos! ADORABLE!!!

  8. I love all the costume pics through the years. Your mom making you a world costume, awesome!!;)

  9. Wow you have had some amazing costumes throughout the years! Loved looking at all the pics :)

  10. Griffin's owl costume is adorable!!!! I think I love the hamburger and hot dog the best!

  11. Mason always steals my heart with his cute-as-button face through the years! My goodness! Your kiddos would be a HIT if you took them for a nursing home visit in the Rosie The Riveter/Army costumes! ;) That would be priceless!

  12. Too much cuteness in this post - the peacock though....too much!!!

  13. OH MY GOODNESS THAT LITTLE PEACOCK COSTUME!!!! That might be the sweetest little costume ever!

  14. Love all the coustmes they are cute. This will be Luke's first Halloween so I am looking forward to it. He is going to be batman. Hope you have a great day.

  15. your kids are the cutest in mckinney!!! so adorable, and good outfit choices. having a big bucket of dress up clothes is the best

  16. the world. haha! Thats awesome. My mom made all of our costumes too but I mostly got the hand-me-down costumes since I'm the youngest. I was a genie 3 times because of that haha.
    That peacock was awesome though!

  17. Andrea! That first picture could legit be Luke! Twins! Your kids are adorable. :)

  18. Love your hair cut short!!

  19. You and your family are so cute! Such creative costumes! Loved you as a globe and LOVE your daughter as a peacock. Adorable!

  20. Those kids are just the cutest! I love the hot dog and hamburger, and of course GG's peacoak costume!
    But I have to say, your globe wins! I absolutely love homemade costumes from when we were kids! So much thought and love went into them :)

  21. Where do you buy your halloween costumes! None of yours are cheaply made like some of the ones I find in the stores.


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