Thursday, April 30, 2015

Praying for my kids...

The past few days have been HEAVY on my mama heart.  I'm typically an upbeat, optimistic, joyful person - but lately have found myself weighed down with the burdens of raising kids in a fallen world.  Last week I found out that one of my former students took his own life.  A student who sat in my classroom, who joked around with me, who acted goofy and silly with his peers... decided that the best option for him was to end it all.  This news came only about 2 weeks after a student from a local high school made national news by killing himself about 3 miles away from my house after being bullied.

This week I've watched high school students face very adult consequences of extremely poor decision making and immediately thought of their parents and felt completely overwhelmed.  I'm sure if you asked their parents they'd tell you it felt like yesterday that they were tucking in their kindergarteners after bath and book time. 

How can I protect my kids?  How am I going to make sure that they know they can talk to me?  How am I going to make sure they have great friends?  How am I going to make sure that the pressures and temptations of this world aren't too much for them?

The charmed life my family and I live in an affluent, "sweet" bubble is NOT reality.  The reality is that our world is fallen.  Satan is at large and will stop at nothing to wedge his way in between me and my Savior.  He wants my kids for his own and the kids I teach and I get overwhelmed thinking about how I can protect them.  There's too much risk, too much temptation, too much "of the world" and I'm left feeling helpless and defeated.  

Monday of this week sucked.  I was tired, didn't feel great and was in a MAJOR funk about the helplessness I was feeling.  The world "got to me" and all I wanted to do was hide under my covers.  As I laid there in bed and cried.... cried for my kids, cried for my students, cried tears for myself and how "small" I was feeling amidst big world problems and fears... I felt God tap me on the shoulder and whisper, "It's too much, Andrea.  It's just too much.  There is NO WAY you can protect everyone.  There is NO guarantee that your kids are going to turn out okay.  NO contract that says by following me and doing the right things that nothing bad is going to happen to those that you love.  But that's why you have me.  LET IT GO.  Let me take it.  It's too heavy for you, but I've got it.  I've got your kids.  I've got your students.  I'VE GOT THIS!"

Well, okay then :)  I got up, went to my bookshelf and started searching for the book, "Praying Circles Around Your Children". I opened up the book and opened it up to the part I had highlighted, underlined and starred when reading it several years ago...

“You don’t have to do everything right as a parent, but there is one thing you cannot afford to get wrong. That one thing is prayer. You’ll never be a perfect parent, but you can be a praying parent. Prayer is your highest privilege as a parent. There is nothing you can do that will have a higher return on investment. In fact, the dividends are eternal. Prayer turns ordinary parents into prophets who shape the destinies of their children, grandchildren, and every generation that follows.” 

And so I hit my knees.  I cried out to the one who has volunteered to carry my worries and fears.  The only one big enough to heft my doubts and anxieties around for me.  I will admit that I don't spend as much time in prayer as I should.  I find time for lots of extra things (TV, social media, etc.), and have felt super convicted about making the time to stop, be still and pray.  

The past few days I've been setting aside some distractions and have been making a concerted effort to bring my concerns to Him.  I've been praying FERVENTLY for my kids, their friends and the kids who sit in my classroom every day.  I'm a "doer" - I like my lists and checking things off.  I'm busy and scheduled and like to see the end results of my actions.  Prayer isn't any of those things and it's definitely something I"m working on.  

I was talking with my mom about praying for my kids and knowing what and how to pray for them and she sent me these pictures of notes that she's had stuck in her Bible for 20+ years....

I knew that my mom prayed for me and my brother growing up, and I'm honored to get to pray for my kids in the same way.

I feel like I've rambled today, but sharing what's on my heart has never steered me wrong in the past.  I hope that you found some encouragement in today's post and I hope that you find some time to lift your kids up in prayer today.


  1. Great post! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Beautiful, heartfelt post that will speak to a lot of mom's. I have raised two lovely, respectful, healthy children. My daughter is 27, married to a wonderful man and teaches special ed middle school. My 24 year old son graduated from college and decided to enlist in the infantry and serve this nation. I still worry about both of them, especially Michael. Like you, I have turned my worries to God and pray every day for their continued safety and health.

    1. That's great to hear, Patrice! Much thanks to your son!!!

  3. I loved everything about this post! It's exactly what I needed to hear. I am too the same way. Having a list and checking things off. Not knowing what or how to pray. Thanks for this and sharing your deepest thoughts.

  4. I don't feel at all like you rambled. This is one of my favorite posts of yours since I started following your blog. Thanks for sharing :)

  5. so true!!! thank you for sharing your heart today!

  6. I found myself with a poor prayer life last year and I have made a very concerted effort to improve it. It's amazing how much my life has improved since then! Not just my circumstances, but my reactions and my attitude! Not that you need another thing to do, but Prayer by Timothy Keller revolutionized my prayer life and changed my thinking radically. A meaty read, but well worth it!

    1. I just added it to my Amazon cart! I'm making more time for reading, so once I finish up a few things it's headed my way. Thanks so much for the recommendation!

    2. Agreed - 'Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God' by Timothy Keller is the BEST book I have ever read on prayer! MUST read.

  7. Amen. The best artillery we have in this world is the reliance on Christ. It is overwhelming to see what all is happening so close to all of us. I worry over the future that my children will have and what this world will be like in 5, 10, 20 years. We're actually in a prayer study at church and it is the only thing that we have found that will keep us going and thriving in a broken world. xo Amanda @ ABW

    1. Thanks so much for reading, Amanda! And I totally agree!

  8. You are a remarkable woman! I love how raw and honest and Godly you are. Don't let anyone tell you that you are not enough or are not doing the best you can. I, and I'm sure many other women reading this, struggle with exactly what you wrote about here. I often find myself asking did I pray today? I'm usually in my car at that moment. Then I'll close my eyes and pray for my children. I wonder what those parked around me are thinking. Lol. I applaud your bravery and inspiration. Thank you! You are just what I needed today. ��

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! And I pray in my car ALL THE TIME!!! Glad to hear I'm not alone :)

  9. How is it that my favorite post came out of such troubled times? I'm so sorry for the burdens you have felt as a teacher this week. I am honored to do life with women like you and your mom. Both of you have encouraged and loved me in my own motherhood. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

  10. Andrea, you can call it "rambling" but it is "caring" in the most wonderful way. I enjoyed reading this post straight from your heart and I pray that your sweet heart is feeling much better today. I am sorry for the loss of your former student. God please watch over his family. And those prayers from your mom?........priceless.

  11. Love this Andrea!!!! Thanks for sharing!

  12. What a beautiful and powerful post. I have been reflecting on my need to pray more and increase my relationship with God for the sake of my children and this has given me such encouragement and insight. Thank you for your honesty!
    ( )

  13. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing Andrea. Straight from a mothers heart. I appreciate you. Brandi Cox

  14. This is beautiful! How awesome that your Mom shared her prayers with you that she made so long ago. Being a teacher in a Title I school, I pray for my students constantly in this fallen world. I ask the Lord to give them hope in this fallen world. Thank you for sharing your heart!

  15. Thank you for sharing your heart!!! It ministered to mine!!! God bless you & your sweet, precious family!!!

  16. Thanks for sharing Andrea. I often feel the way you have been feeling. It is too much, but not to much for God. I also really like the books by Jodie Berndt--praying scripture for your children and for your teens. We use them in our moms high school prayer group and also at home. Choose not to feel defeated. Don't let satan have that victory either! Blessings!

  17. I know exactly how you feel. We live in a world that is so scary. I constantly worry about my children, to the point that it consumed me. At one point I had to tell myself that alls I can do is teach my children and pray that they take what I have given them. After hearing of scho shooting after school shooting I seriously considered home schooling my children, but the sad reality is there is no way to 100% protect them and as a mom its so scary. Thank you for sharing this today. Xoxo

  18. Omgoodness this is EXACTLY what I needed to read this morning as I woke up worrying about my two young girls and if I'm doing enough for them. This is my reminder that prayer is the MOST important thing I can do for them. Thank you! You are simply beautiful-inside and out.

  19. Great post, girl! Love you!! ❤️

  20. The only thing that ever calms this mama's worrying heart is when I just give it to God. I'm gong to get your book today. Great post friend!

  21. I have been feeling the same way this week! There is so much scary stuff in the world. It can be overwhelming. I am totally copying that list your mom made and sticking it in my bible. Good stuff. Thanks for sharing. It was perfect timing for me!

  22. I loved this, Andrea! Thanks so much for sharing.

  23. Andrea, this brought tears to my this morning after being up most of the night worrying about the exact same thing. I have been praying so hard for my little guy who is having a tough time in school right now. I realized that I just need to give it to Jesus, pray for him, and have faith that we will get through this season. You made my day and gave me the hope I needed. Thank you so much. Jamie

  24. Andrea-Amazing! I love your post and it hit home in so many ways. Thank you for listening to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and for never being afraid to share JESUS with the world!

  25. You are so right. There are so many more hard things for teens to face in school now than when I was in middle or high school. Prayer is the only thing that will make the difference.

  26. This is beautiful Andrea... thank you for sharing this.

  27. I have been having the same feelings lately and my son is only 2! Will he have good manners when I'm not around will he always be kind will he know to make the right decision. I just bought the book you talked about. Thank you for being honest and opening up your vulnerable side it is refreshing and comforting to know that us Mama's aren't alone in this crazy world.

  28. Andrea,

    I am a counselor and I often cry my way home at night. Students disclose abuse, rape, the feelings of hopelessness and low self worth. I pray for them every day and I feel your pain as an educator.

    This week I am praying extra hard for one of my former students. Gagi and I worked together every day last year. When he came to me he did not speak 1 word. By the end of the year he knew his name and could identify the other teachers in the room. His mother constantly blessed myself and the other educators and now she needs our prayers.

    If I am add this link to help Gagi and his mother ...
    Gagi's Cry For His Mommy:

    Thank you for being you and sharing

  29. I absolutely love this. Thank you for sharing your heart!! It's so easy for me to get caught up in doing & to totally forget the most important thing - praying. I am a therapist, have close friends, & am a wife & mom - the weight of what others are going through can build up week to week can feel overwhelming. Every Sunday in worship I am comforted as I quiet my anxious heart & lay these burdens at the feet of God who is the only one big enough to carry them all. Thank you for your voice & sharing so honestly & vulnerably.

  30. Your post meant a lot to me today! I have two little girls and I pray for them a lot, but sometimes I feel like I don't know what to pray. I will be looking for that book and taking a closer look at your mom's prayer list. Thanks!!

  31. I posted this week How To Pray for Your Children with scripture may find great encouragement from it. I know it is hard, but it will all turn out okay. I've been following you for a few weeks and you are a terrific mom. The world can be hard place, just keep lifting up to the one who cares more than we do for our kids.

  32. Andrea- I am so moved that you trusted us with your true feelings and thoughts this morning. As a mother of 4 who are now in college, high school and elementary school, I know EXACTLY the sentiments of which you wrote so eloquently. And you are right- the only solution that keeps me sane when my children go out into the world without me is that God adores them 100x more than me (beyond any understanding on my part) and is walking right beside them. Hugs to you during this season - know we are praying for you too <3

  33. You are such an amazing and inspiring mom/woman, thank you so much for sharing! xo

  34. Thank you for sharing! Our world is uncertain, but so thankful our GOD is and always will be there to lift and carry our daily burdens. Prayers to you and your sweet family.

  35. Thank you for sharing this! As a new mom this is absolutely one of my biggest fears. Your post is exactly what I have been looking for. Thank you!

  36. What a beautiful, God-inspired post. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing the burdens of your heart. Absolutely loved reading your mother's prayer for you and your brother. It is so good to be reminded of the awesome power of prayer.

  37. Thank you for sharing your heart today! God bless you and your family and your students!

  38. This was beautiful. Thank you for sharing your heart and always encouraging us to have a stronger relationship with the Lord.

  39. As a family and at school we pray standard prayers, but I am lacking in speaking to God from my heart, especially in asking for guidance and protection for my kids. Thank you for sharing your heart. It was a big push for me to remember to set aside time to just speak and listen to God.

  40. What a beautiful post! I'm not a mother, but I too have struggled with this. When precious babies are born they are so full of purity and grace that my heart aches for what they will have to endure in the world. We can't solely change the state of the world around us, but we can pray, surround our families with people that will love and teach them, and learn from those that don't. One of the greatest blessings is knowing that we are on a divine journey with the Lord, and that his will prevails. Kids are under so much pressure to be smarter, better, and more successful than their peers, but I believe the greatest thing we can teach them is to be kind. I pray for your family and the families that have robbed by the cruelty of the world.

  41. This was perfectly timed for me. I feel like the past few weeks I have been cruising through my life, thanking God here and there, but not really taking any time for reflection and prayer. I need to slow down and be more prayerful and mindful, otherwise I may reach a point where I am forced to slow down, and I don't want to get to that point. I love this post about praying for your children. I know how you feel, I get so overwhelmed by the bad things that happen.
    Take care.

  42. So glad you shared. I am struggling with the same kind of burden for my children and the world we live in. This brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for allowing God to use are a blessing!

  43. Thank you for sharing! After a horrible mommy day that left me in tears yesterday, this was just perfect! Adding this book to my list!

  44. Andrea, not sure why, but this has me in tears. Thank you for reminding me that I can can turn all my fears and worries concerning my kids over to God and He will take care of them for me. Also, thanks for sharing your mom's notes. I have that saved and am going to use it as a guide when I pray for my kids. Thank you!!!

  45. Always read your blog and love your family and the way you show us your authenticity. Just wanted to say that this post is perfect for all of us that are struggling with the same. God used you to deliver a strong message to all the mommas that read you out here... I'm thankful for that

  46. I found this blog post after my quiet time this morning. I have felt EXACTLY the same way this week, defeated and deflated. I will never be able to do it all. I can't even seem to teach my children in righteousness all that well it seems. Thankful for a God who's GOT THIS! Blessings to you my sister in Christ.

  47. Whew...what sweet words that I needed to hear TODAY! My oldest is a freshman in High School and has not had the greatest year. Between the name calling and having his track shoes stolen, I've seen him slowly slink into despair. As a mom, that is a horrible thing to watch. As I get overwhelmed watching it all, I too have heard the still small voice, "I've got this, I've got your son, I've got it ALL." There is hope in Christ, and I rest in that. If I may, I want to print off that list of prayers your mom made all those years ago. It's so much easier to pray with some sort of prompt. Today, I choose to follow Christ and trust that He has it all under control.

  48. I can definitely relate to the feelings you're having. Yesterday on Instagram, the perfect quote came up for this type of situation and I felt instantly comforted

    "When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I"---Psalm 61:2

    Prayers to you as you navigate these challenges!

  49. Thank you for this post. I am newly pregnant and have been praying for my sweet child and guidance as I embark on this new journey. It is a fallen world, a scarier place than when we grew up. Thank you for your insight and encouragement, it brought me to tear or course :).

  50. I love this post! My heart has also been heavy for our children in our nation. I know prayer is wonderful and it works. I am agreement with you to save our children.

  51. I love reading all of your posts, but these kind of my favorites. The guard is down and you shared your heart and that means so much to me! Thank you for sharing your heart in this difficult time. Thank you for encouraging myself and others to keep our eyes on God!

  52. THANK YOU for this!! Also another good book is "Power of the Praying Parent" it has several prayers for all situations.

  53. Thank you for the encouraging words today.

  54. Thank you so much for writing from your heart! I really needed to read this today! Thank you for living your faith out loud!

  55. Andrea, I do not have kids but I have worries and burdens of my own. This week has been challenging for me as well and this post has brought me to tears. Your blog is my morning read every day and I am so thankful I found it. This post is a great reminder to just let it go and give it to Him. Thank you for this. I hope that your babies and students know what an amazing person they have in their lives.

  56. As a teacher, my heart felt broken for you as I read this post. It's so hard to communicate the love and bond that is built inside our classrooms. Even though the world is fallen there is something to be said for having people in your life that are there for the good and the bad, praying at every turn. As a stranger across the country, know you are in my prayers too!

  57. Very inspiring post today. We should never get so busy we forget to pray--but oh there are such distractions! Thanks for the reminder.

  58. Amen! I loved hearing your heart!!

  59. Thanks for posting this! I am a "doer" also. Last night I read something that made me stop and go WHOA, and your post is just confirmation of what I read last night. Alright God, I'm hearing you loud and clear.

    Here is what I read....

    Doing can be an idol. Being never is. Doing can obstruct our view of Christ. Being invites Him in.

  60. Sometimes we just need a good cry and then to be still and pray and know, that He is in control. So thankful for a faithful and mighty God.

  61. I love that you shared this! We don't have children but I know the power of a mother's prayer and treasure my own mom's prayer for me, my husband and my brothers. As a teacher you have such a great way to impact children's lives and praying for them is the best! I see that in my mom and am so thankful for the impact she's had on countless students over the years. Also, those moments where God tells us that He's got it - aren't those the BEST!? He woke me up from a very sound sleep this morning and I started on my devotional early - thank goodness, because it was one I've been struggling with and needing clarity and encouragement from the Word on, so it was a long one! God is great!

  62. Thank you for being a light in this world! I needed this post. I need that book, too.

  63. Wow. What an amazing gift that your mom (and dad I'm sure) prayed for you and raised you in a Bible-believing home. I know you felt like your testimony was a little dull when you shared it, but this brings tears to my eyes. What a gift!

  64. YES! I am in a bit of funk the last few days and after reading this, I realized I need to spend some time in prayer over it and my family. Thank you for being so honest and vulnerable. The real-ness of your post is sow thing we can all relate to. To be honest, it is something I think about frequently, since receiving a diagnosis of severe anxiety for my son. I have been trusting that he is made perfectly and that God has a plan for him, but when I remember the hurt, the pain, and the messiness of the world I become fearful and bogged down with worry for him and his future. I need to make some prayer lists for my littles. Thank you, Andrea.

  65. I read this post while sitting in the er with my 7 week old. We were waiting for tests results to come back and although I had been praying all morning, it was good to know that I'm not the only one that struggles with carry a burden that we were never meant to hold. Thank you for sharing you heart :)

  66. Thank you. I often lay awake at night and worry for my 4 year old son and what he faces starting kindergarten this fall. In a fallen world I worry so much for who will cross his path and his safety in situations. I worry for his pure heart that it he will be beaten down by others. Thank you for the reminder that prayer covers us and will carry us. I have been holding onto the promise of this verse lately. Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to ME and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Thank you for your post.

  67. I work with teenagers also and totally understand how parenting can be so overwhelming and terrifying!! Thank you for sharing your heart.

  68. Dearest Andrea: I'm so sorry about your students and the loss of young lives... THANK YOU for baring your heart and soul and fears, for being vulnerable... for admitting you don't spend enough time in prayer... I don't have kids, but I worry for my 2 teen nephews and 1 tween niece. They are being raised in a Christian, Bible-believing home, but still... I cried when I read that you cried and God's whispers to you... There's a saying .. "Reach up as far as you can, and God will reach ALL the way down". Let us reach for Him in all we do. Have a blessed day... Much love...

    P.S. Your mom has beautiful handwriting!

  69. You have no idea how much I NEEDED this today! Blessings!

  70. This is by far one of your best posts and one that as a parent I needed to read! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are such an awesome witness for Christ!

  71. Andrea this was beautiful. I do not have children yet but I work with teenagers at church and I love them all like they are my own. When they graduate and head off to college I always feel so nervous about "letting them go." Thank you for sharing your heart and always being so willing to share your faith! I also believe in the power of prayer and am so thankful for the peace that comes when we truly turn our struggles to Him.

    1. You don't have to post this - just wanted to say sorry if you got a request to post this several times - my phone froze up and it didn't look like it went through!

  72. LOVE this post...both the mama and teacher in me can identify so much with it. I see so many children in my district that are abused, neglected, have severe problems, and more. There is unfortunately no way to help all of them except to pray for them. I worry about my oldest as he gets a bit more independent and pray for good friends and good decision making for him. Loved this post, thank you for sharing your heart!

  73. Amazing post! This is a great book and great reminder as parents on how to pray for our kids. I read this book right after my first son was born. Now that I am expecting my second you have only reaffirmed what is in my heart and that's to take it out again and read it. Thank you :)
    Winks and Eyerolls

  74. Love that book so much..and this post. This is one of the hardest things about being a parent. Thank you for sharing! And oh my word, your mama's notes and prayer for you! Bless her heart! I am about in tears!

  75. This post brings these 2 verses to mind. Deuteronomy 11:19 "You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, that your days and the days of your children may be multiplied in the land of which the Lord swore to your fathers to give them, like the days of the heavens above the earth. " Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."

  76. This is such a great post, Andrea... thank you!

  77. WOW Andrea!! How awesome your post is and just what I needed today, I really need to be reminded to pray more and to let the everyday business take me away from that, thank-you! I need to read this book, you are truly amazing and I bet the best teacher ever!

  78. What a wonderful post. I can relate to this in so many ways. Nothing has driven me to my knees more that having children. And unfortunately I too had a former student commit suicide a few years ago. There are many times when I still think of him and his family.

  79. That was a very heavy post and I relate to everything you said. I feel prayer is so powerful and helps to calm me in this constant storm of a world.
    I too have found myself so down about the state of our world and the evil that seems to lurk everywhere. My pastor said something that has helped me in times of deep sorrow. "Don't let so much dark in that you forget the light"
    This just made so much sense to me and hit me so hard. When praying each morning I include a prayer for every man,woman,child, and creature on God's earth. I pray for silly things and lighthearted things too..I pray on serious issues and thing's that seem never ending..but I never let too much dark in that I don't see the light...I pray for the student's you mentioned who are no longer here on Earth..I hope you find comfort in God's word.

  80. Speaking from the heart is sometimes best. :) I love praying over my children at night and they like it too. It helps them feel protected.

  81. A post I feel everyone should read! Thank you for sharing!

  82. Can you please tell me what number 12 says. I have written these down and will pray them for my own children . Thanks

  83. Love this Andrea. I, too, am a teacher. While I don't have children of my own, I do try to pray for my students, not as often as I should, but I do pray alot for the school situation that I have had to deal with this year. I have been reading your blog for several weeks and enjoy it as I, too am a blogger.

    Keep this up because it is a huge encouragement to me.

    Sunny Walker, Summerville, South Carolina

  84. Oh Andrea. I know exactly how you feel. Our area was in the same situation three years ago. It ended with 3 teenage girls taking their lives all within months of each other. I know at least one of them had a problem that was very fixable. Praying Circles... {all of the books} are great reads.

  85. This was very meaningful to me in several ways. Our church family is going through a difficult time as our pastor had emergency brain surgery to remove a cancerous tumor two weeks ago. We also know a family who lost a parent in a car accident with young children. A friend miscarried at 19 weeks....I think all of this is weighing on my mind and of course influencing my thoughts but I told my husband yesterday I can't seem to shake the feeling that something bad is about to happen. I don't know why but I feel it. His response was perfect. He said yes, bad things happen but good things happen too. He's right. Good things do happen. The most important thing we can do for the people we love is pray for them. I'm going to be more diligent in prayer. Thanks Andrea!

  86. Thank you. Your post was exactly what I needed. I often feel that when I pray I ramble. Your post gave me the guidance I needed to continue praying for my children.

  87. Thank you for sharing your heart - I love when our brothers and sisters do this because they are really uncovering a bit more of Gods heart. I am motivated to make a list similar to your mom's. Prayer is so powerful and calming.

  88. Wow, thank you for sharing. Great reminder.

  89. Andrea,

    This is beautiful. I have been following your blog for awhile and love it. Praying for our children is so important! I love that it is one of the few things I can control :) I recently did a blogpost {} on praying for our children too- so I love that you wrote about it too! I've heard a lot about "Praying Circles Around Your Children", but haven't read it yet! The book I mention on my post is called "While They Are Sleeping, 12 Character Traits To Pray For The Children You Love". It's a GREAT book!

    Thanks for always being so real & open on your blog!

  90. Love this and love your heart - these books are amazing and get us right back to the heart of God!

  91. I needed this! Your kids are always your children. My daughter is an adult dealing with infertility and she needs my prayers! You never stop praying for your children

  92. Seeing this blog almost 3 years after you wrote it and it's still a good word! Thanks for sharing your heart and your struggle, I'm sure a lot of people can relate to how you felt and needed to be reminded of what God revealed to you thru this! God Bless!


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