Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Valentines Mood

Valentines Day is ONE MONTH away!  How exciting is that?!?!  I haven't pulled out a single decoration, but a super fun surprise at the end of this post got me thinking and excited about it.... so.... I decided now was the time to share some fun printable Valentines for all of you planners :)

These are all ready to be right-clicked, saved and then uploaded to your local Walgreens, Target, etc. and printed in size 4x6.  Usually prints run about ten cents a piece and then I get clear cellophane bags at Hobby Lobby and put little goodies in them. 

This was Luke's Valentine from two years ago....

And then last year...

I picked up the Lego shaped candy at our local "vintage" candy store :)

This was Mason's last year and it had one of my Monster Cookies inside...

Griffin's were apple-themed :)

These were little food tents I designed for a small group dinner a few nights ago, but last year lots of people were super creative and used them for lollipops, pop rocks...

... applesauce, goldfish, swedish fish...

... clementines, banana runts...

... uncrustable sandwiches and berry fruit snacks...

And I got the biggest kick out of seeing everyone's pictures! :)

Here is what I'm going to be doing for my kids this year, and feel free to grab them for yourself!  Luke is Minecraft OBSESSED and so this is his...

He's REALLY into KitKat bars right now, so even though it has nothing to do with MineCraft, that's probably what will go in the bags :)

This one is for G and I'll probably put some cheerios, mini marshmallows and maybe a few pretzel sticks in the bag.  She and Mason will be at their sitter's house, and I'm sure she'll appreciate one less piece of candy :)

Speaking of their babysitters house, there are several boys Mason's age there and they all love Hot Wheels, so this is what I made for him.  He's going to pick out cars for his friends (since there are only 4 other kids there... 5 including his sister... it doesn't get too crazy expensive).

And since we're on the topic of Valentine's Day... I have a SWEET surprise for y'all!!!
Jill at Sprinklings Girls Beaded Necklaces is having a Pink and Red Sale where she's offering THIRTY PERCENT OFF anything in her shop that's Pink and/or Red!

I found Jill on Instagram last year and was immediately intrigued by her FIVE little girls.  Yes, ladies.  Five.  They're ADORABLE and Jill is so stinkin' cute herself!  I ordered G an ivory necklace to "try it out" and it was love at first sight. 

Griffin LOOOOOOOOVES her necklaces and points to them every morning. hahaha  I know, I know.  I've created a little diva :) 

Sprinklings necklaces are SUPER chunky beads (which I LOVE!)...

... and I've never had one break or chip.

They wipe clean and add some serious pizzazz :)

I love that she'll be able to wear them for years and years and they're definitely something I'll stick away in her little memory box.

The sale items are at the bottom of her page (they're labeled pink and red) and you'll need to enter code love30 when you check out.  The code ends tonight at midnight and everything will ship by the beginning of next week (but probably sooner!).  

Here are a few of my favorites from the sale...

(this is her "Hot Item!" and is on sale and then an ADDITIONAL 30% off!)

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These would make fun birthday or Valentines gifts and could definitely be worn beyond Valentines Day with the right outfit.  Everything is limited quantities, so make sure you order quick!

Last thing, Jelly The Pug is on HauteLook today!  They always have FABULOUS prices and look how cute these are for Spring! (they'd look great with a Sprinklings necklace!) 

Hopefully I got y'all in the "Valentines Mood" today and left you with some fun ideas for treat bags and accessories :)  I have lots of Valentines up my sleeve over the next few weeks that I can't wait to share.  

Happy Wednesday!!!


  1. Yay thanks for sharing the printables!!! I dont have kiddos but I'm going to print them for my little cousins and I know they'll love them!
    I absolutely love Valentines Day so I can't wait to see how you decorate and celebrate with your family!
    Thanks again!! :)

  2. Just yesterday I realized it's only a month away! Those valentines are fabulous!!

  3. Looooooove the Valentine cards! Thanks for sharing, Andrea!

  4. Is there a code for the necklaces? I am dying to get my little girl one!

  5. Never mind I just saw it. Missed it the first time.:-)

  6. Andrea, you are SO stinkin creative!!! Love all the little valentines! Have a great day! xo

  7. I love Valentine's Day!! I am thinking about pulling out our decorations today! The Valentine's are so cute! Thanks for sharing! ;)

  8. I might get a wild hair and actually assemble some this year! Don't hold your breath..but MAYBE!
    They are all so dang cute!

  9. Thanks for the printables!!! And, the chunky necklaces will break if they drop from a high spot (we hang ours on hooks) and down to the tile floor. I think I've only had one or two chip, that I thought were hung up and then I let go, and bam. Down they went. Sometimes my girls will pull on theirs and they break. I'd love to find something to do with all of our beads that we have lying around. I love putting bumblegum necklaces on my girls, but man, I cry when they break. I need to find a repairman. Ha!

  10. I love these printables! Thanks for sharing

  11. Where did you get those valentine digital papers?? They'd be perfect for my daughters digital scrapbook album. It's all pink and red. Please let me know!

  12. I used one of your templates last year for the bear ones and they were a hit! I might have to steal one of these for this year. Thanks!

  13. You are awesome!!! These will be great to use this year! Thank you!!! :)

  14. So cute! Word of caution (that I'm sure most of you know but as a former room mom I'll share anyways), always check before sending in things with peanut butter. :)

  15. Just ordered matching necklaces for my 2 girls. SOOO cute!!!

  16. love the printables! so excited to find a mine craft valentine. so for the unsavy, you print on 4X6 cards?
    thanks for holding my hand!! kelly

  17. Same question here. print on cards? or as a photo?

  18. Simple adorable. All of them !!! You are so very talented ! Do you have a program that you use, or do you do it all free style ?

  19. Does anyone know, should these be printed on photo paper or cardstock? If cardstock, where can you have that done?


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