Our master bedroom is accessible from the eating area in our kitchen and also has french doors that lead into the office (I'm standing in the office taking this pic). .JPG)
Far door leads to our kitchen, middle door is the closet. .JPG)
Yesterday was CRAZY! Typically Dave is off on Monday, but he had a golf tournament and so he was at work. I picked the littles up from their sitter and we were home around 4:40 and then I had to turn around at 5:30 and head back to school for Parent night. That left me about 3 minutes to snap these pictures in between getting everyone in, snacked, changed, dinner made, etc.... so I'm keeping it real with the messy bed, unvacuumed carpet and laundry basket :) Also the miscellaneous pictures scattered throughout.
Door on the far left goes to the office..JPG)
While I was taking these pics I realized how cheesy and ridiculous the fake tree looked in the corner - you'll be happy to know I hauled that sucker out to the garage right then and there. :) hahaha Nevermind the laundry - tree has to go.
Our bedroom is really the one room we haven't messed with really at all since we moved in. Honestly, it kind of freaks me out. I would love to paint - but there's this weird wallpaper border that looks like it's stenciled (it's really paper) and I'm afraid of what has happened to the wall texture under it...
I would like to revamp it - but then I feel like that leads to painting the office as well since they're so connected and currently the same color. Sigh.
The biggest thing prompting this revamp is our need for a bigger bed. We currently have a queen and are RAPIDLY outgrowing it on family movie night :)
Here are a few ideas that I have saved... this should show you how "Scattered" my inspirations are...
LOVE this headboard..... not sure how I feel about not having a footboard...
I don't love the dresser on the right - but I do love the nightstands/side tables.
I'm not sure white bedding will work for us - but I like how the nightstands don't "match" the bed. I think when we are ready to re-do some things we definitely won't do a "suite" of furniture.

Okay friends - I need inspiration. What's going to happen when I rip that border off? What color do I paint the room? Keep pieces of the furniture and have it refinished? I need major help. MAJOR.
I'm thinking that this would make a great summer project - keep in mind that we want to replace our carpet as well.
Link up and show me what you've got!!!
That full wall of windows is just gorgeous!!
ReplyDeleteI love the design piece above your headboard. I would love something like that in our room.
Oh my goodness, I laughed out loud at the tree! I've been in your room so many times and I absolutely do not remember a fake tree being in there! That is too funny! And I know I've said this a hundred times before...but I loooooove your study off of your master. Love. It. It's the most perfect space EVER. XO
ReplyDeleteYou have such a great base to start with! That huge window is amazing! I think whatever you choose to do will look great. I will say, I wish I hadn't bought our bedroom furniture as a full suite. Every other room in our house is organically layered in so this matchy matchy room bugs me. But we spent too much to start over!
ReplyDeleteGirl it looks fabulous now!!!! And get the king bed. It was our best investment ever. Lol
ReplyDeleteI love how bright your room is--all those windows!!! I have to tell you that we just redid our room (went from forest green walls with a rose patterned wallpaper border to a just barely grey/blue theme--looks awesome if I do say so myself!) and while we were stripping the border, I wanted to pull my hair out! I will NEVER have any kind of wallpaper in my house again, lol! Some of my friends said they just painted right over their wallpaper, but I am so OCD that I knew it would bug me to see any kind of unevenness on the wall! We were lucky that there were only a few spots we had to spackle after getting it down--when we took down the border in our kitchen, it destroyed the wall--what a pain THAT was to try to fix! So, I guess what I would say is, if you aren't too OCD, I'd recommend painting over it!
ReplyDeleteI just want to assure you that not having a footboard won't kill you. 😄 my husband is 6'9", so footboards are a hindrance to him. We haven't had one in our whole married life (17 years). I think, for some weird reason, makes a room look more open and less cluttered. BUT, i do like the dark metal bed..... (I'm a contradiction!)
ReplyDeleteI'm partial to the first bed because it's ours...we love it! I don't know how we ever slept on a queen.
ReplyDeleteWe just upgraded to a King Size bed ourselves, and buying the bedding is costing me a small fortune!!!! BUT I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!! And we are currently on the hunt for side tables too!
ReplyDeleteI love that big window in your master, nice natural lighting.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all let me say that I love your bedroom/bathroom/etc! I love the space, the ceilings, the big window! Jealous! And starting to think I should not have linked up today! lol!
ReplyDeleteAnd those inspiration photos need to be added to my Pinterest board now! Loving that little pumpkin! The mix and match furniture is great too!
Thanks for sharing Andrea!
I think your room looks great! That said, we have a California King (my husband is 6'4'') and LOOOOVEE it! It is so nice to have a large bed - I tell all of my friends that are married and buying a new bed that sizing up is totally worth it if you have the space...and then it's still worth it if you don't, haha! Our bedroom isn't large enough for two night stands and our bed, so my husband has one on his side for his CPAP and I have a wall. ;) But I love our big bed so much, that it is totally worth it. We also have a white down comforter, and I love that thing. It may not be super fashionable, but it is cool in the summer, warm in the winter and it washes BEAUTIFULLY! (And we live on a ranch - I mean it when I say something washes well.) I just throw it in our front load, pour in the detergent and bleach and then dry it.
ReplyDeleteI laughed at the thought of your hauling that tree to the garage...so funny what we get bees in our bonnets about as my grandmother would say ; )
ReplyDeleteWe have a queen bed and I think that's high on my "next house" priority list. I'm loving your inspiration pictures and am leaning towards no footboard since Blake is so tall. Choices, choices...
Have a great day!
I love your layout for your master. I also really like the third pictures headboard with the green and white florals. Maybe you can make your own and get fabric. I also love the side tables in the last picture with the mail drawers. Id check Craigslist and see if you can repurpose anything. Also I vote for a log mustard color for the walls. Because a bright color will keep it open and who doesn't love mustard am I right? Faithfulfollower since you found out you were expecting Griffin! Love your little family.
ReplyDeleteAmanda from Michigan
LOVE your room! it's so large and inviting. I also love the room with all the pictures on the back wall behind the bed!
ReplyDeleteoH I love your bedroom, even if it is old and hasn't been revamped! My bedroom...well it has a slide and a bunch of toys in it...not worthy of posting, hehe.
ReplyDeletewhat brand of steamer is that? I've been looking for one!
ReplyDeleteWe love that our bed doesn't have a footboard...it's so much easier when making the bed and changing the sheets. Plus, I think it makes the room seem more open. We love our TempurPedic mattress and so does our corgi--haha! ;)
ReplyDeleteI linked up my blog, but really the post isn't much about my master bedroom besides one picture. Sorry! It was all I had! I do love all white bedding. Some people think I'm crazy because I've got 4 small children, but me and bleach have become best friends. Seriously, it's SO easy and I really love the crisp look! I also love that you can change the look when you get tired of it and all you need are new throw pillows and paint. Oh, and I highly recommend a California King! We've had one the past 10 years and I can't imagine going back. It's quite a bit longer than a regular King and just a bit narrower (but still wide enough to fit at least one kid between us--ha!). Are you into grey? I think a light grey on the wall, with all white bedding and some accents of yellow and teal would be really pretty! I love the gallery wall idea, too. So fun to re-decorate! If I had all the money in the world, I'd be a decorating fool! ;-) Good luck!
ReplyDeleteLove your bedroom! Wallpaper sucks! When we bought our house it had 29 colors of paint and/or wallpaper... Lots of wallpaper! In one room the wallpaper was put right onto the Sheetrock, so we had no choice but to get "nice" wallpaper to cover it up. DIF is a good wallpaper remover. You can get it at a paint supply store. It's still a pain to get off but not as bad. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI think you could paint your bedroom without doing the office. I think a light gray or blue would be pretty. A dark headboard with white bedding and white nightstands. A gallery wall would look awesome. You defenitaly need a chair where the plant was. I agree not a "suite" of furniture.