Although I didn't snap a pic of myself this morning when my alarm went off, this pic of my mini from yesterday morning pretty much sums up my feelings exactly..JPG)
Today we're going to rewind to our last weekend of Summer.
Thursday GG spent a solid 5 minutes blowing herself kisses in the oven window :)
We spent the rest of Thursday hanging at home (it was rainy and ick!) and Friday it was Trunk Show time!
So many of y'all have commented that you love the ruffle pants, but on me.... not on you :) hahaha
I will take the compliment - but challenge you to try some ruffles! I always buy what I love.... and I love the ruffles. Do I look a little eccentric at times? Sure. But life is too short to wear anything but what you love. Soapbox rant over. hahaha
We spent the rest of Friday relaxing, playing in the backyard and folding laundry. #glamorous
Saturday morning Dave took the kids to do their Home Depot Kids Workshop project while I got the house ready to have some friends over for lunch. I'm sure all you mamas understand HOW MUCH you can get done when it's just you at home :) Can I get an Amen?!?!?!.JPG)
After Home Depot they decided to run by the library and were surprised to find a new program called "Reading with Friends" going on. There were several "therapy dogs" there for the kids to interact with and read to.
Dave and I had a yellow lab before we got married (click HERE to see some cute puppy pics and even cuter baby Luke pics), and when I was about 35 weeks pregnant with Mason we made the decision to give her to a family who lived on an actual farm in a town about 30 minutes north from where we live. Cadence had TONS of energy and we just didn't have the time to devote to walking her, taking her to the park to swim, etc. like we did before we had kids. It was seriously one of the hardest decisions we've had to make - but in the end it was what was best for her. At some point, we would love to get a dog (I was THIIIIIIIIIS close at the beginning of summer to coming home with a puppy!), but right now we just don't have the time necessary.
So..... therapy dogs at the library once a month means I just bought myself a few more years :) hahaha.JPG)
Saturday afternoon some sweet, sweet friends came by for lunch.... but I'm going to talk more about that tomorrow (or maybe Thursday). It was so fun it requires a post of it's own! :)
Saturday afternoon I busted out the ruffles AGAIN! I can't get enough! The cardigan is by MOTH and was from Anthropologie several years ago and I bought the tee on HauteLook last month. The brand is Go Couture, and there is a similar sweater HERE on Nordstrom rack..JPG)
Saturday night G took her regular sink bath and the boys got a big kick out of her antenna. :)
I'm going to miss when she doesn't fit in our sink anymore!!! (PS - Shay... when she outgrows my sink I'm bringing her over to yours, k? K.)
Mason hadn't napped at all on Saturday and it had been a busy, busy day and after a couple of meltdowns during an early dinner and then walking into the kitchen to find him sitting on my kitchen counter eating chili cheese fritos (he had dumped the entire bag out on the counter) I decided it was best for everyone that he just go to bed. It was 6:10 p.m.
Fast forward to 11:30... he's wide awake :) We snuggled in bed and watched a Paw Patrol and then he went back to bed after Dave got home from work. It was unexpected sweet time with my little monkey..JPG)
Our church has golf carts to shuttle people from their cars to the building and Mason LOVES our very favorite driver, Mr. Zakarian. :).JPG)
Yesterday I took zero pics. Well - other than the one of GG first thing in the morning. I got my driver's license renewed, we played in the sandbox, I TORE IT UP in UNO and I attempted to get organized for starting back to work.
If you missed it yesterday, there are super fun wishlists to look through so be sure to check them out HERE!
Have a FANTASTIC day, friends!!!
Have the BEST day back at school today!!! I loved spending the summer with you but I'm always excited to see you in your "teacher" roll too (because you're freaking awesome as a teacher!). And listen...Andrew might not be praying for you today, but I am ;). See you tonight!!
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU!!! :) I know your kids are public school all the way - but I think they should come to MCA just for 7th and 8th grade so I can have them in class! hehehe
DeleteThat picture of Mason in the golf cart?! LOVE it!!!
ReplyDeleteDoesn't he look so big?!?!?! WAAAAAAAAH!!!
Delete"Griffin shopped her pants off" and "frat-tastic". HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat's how you end up after a day at Nordstrom, right?? :)
DeleteLove the ruffled cardigan outfit!! That is totally my style! And I miss baby sink stinkin cute:)
ReplyDeleteThank you! I am going to be so bummed when she outgrows the sink. I may have to upgrade to a farmhouse sink JUST so I can continue to bathe her in the sink :) I'm sure DAve will be totally on board with that, right??? :)hahaha
DeleteWhat a super fun weekend! Have a great first day mama! We will miss you!
ReplyDeleteI already miss my girls!!! Y'all eat some tacos for me! :)
DeleteI just bought a pair of MJ Finn's! I wasn't sure about the ruffles, so i'm trying those first!
ReplyDeleteYAY! You'll love them! Seriously - I didn't think they were for me and now I have them all. hahaha You're going to be so impressed with the fabric! Can't wait to hear what you think!
DeleteHope you and Luke have a great first day back at school! Fun weekend pictures!! GG blowing kisses to herself in the oven, love it!!!
ReplyDeleteI know, right?!?! I loved that picture too. She runs laps around our kitchen and stops to blow herself kisses. cutest. thing. ever.
DeleteFun pictures of your weekend! And I love the line "Griffin literally shopped her pants off", ha! Have the best week back at school - I imagine that's quite a transition.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Darcy!!! The first week takes some getting used to - getting back into routine is always hard. The amount of clutter around my house right now is driving me BATTY! hahaha
DeleteI've been reading your blog for a while but I don't think I've ever commented. Even though I'm in a totally different stage of life than you (single, graduated college a year ago and then got my teaching credential, etc.) your blog is one of my favorite daily reads! Your family is adorable and you clearly make the most of your time together. I start teaching first grade at a Christian school next week and am so nervous (any tips??)! I love that even though you are busy with life, you still look put together every day and I think that is a huge accomplishment! I feel like I'm going to be so busy this year, but your blog has inspired me a bit to be put together every day. Totally random rambling, but basically I'm saying I've enjoyed reading your blog! Enjoy your last bits of time with your family before you go back. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Laurie Ann!!! So glad you decided to finally comment :)
DeleteMy tip would just be to relax!!! I know that's hard when you probably want to laminate all. the. things., but maybe try to take a few minutes to pray over your classroom and for those little bodies that are going to be sitting there in a few weeks! If you ever have other questions - feel free to email me at HAVE THE BEST YEAR, GIRLY!!!
Thank you so much!
DeleteWhere are Masons blue shoes from? I love them and think they would be so easy to slip on and off for Cole.
ReplyDeleteHey, Sara! I posted about them yesterday.... did you see it???
DeleteOh my goodness, sweet friend!! ~what a busy, fun-filled weekend! It was SO much fun to be a part of it!! You & your family are just so sweet & fun!! As always, the pics of GG just melt me!! :)
ReplyDeleteYou need to come back this weekend, k?? :)
DeleteLove the kids at the Home Depot workshop! I've been wanting to take my son, Mason, to ones at Lowe's or Home Depot (though I think Home Depot said they have to be 5???). When did you start taking Mason and Luke? My Mason is only 2 and my husband thought he was too young and he would have to do most of the work, but I thought it would be fun anyway.
ReplyDeleteThe ruffles do look fabulous on you! I am taller and hippier than you but I took the leap anyway and LOVE mine! Love your style and LOVE LOVE your blog :)