Well, people! The end is in sight! We're no more than 17 days away from meeting Sweet Griffin! I have thoroughly enjoyed this pregnancy (knowing FOR SURE it's my last), but I'm over it at this point. Swelling has started, I'm up every 1.5 - 2 hrs at night to pee (and pee about 2 oz... which makes it super fun) and I just feel giant. Plus, knowing that she could come "any day now" is doing wonders for my patience :)
Here are a few Instagram pictures documenting some pregnancy moments from the last few weeks. Feeling HUGE I decided to go back and compare with pictures of my pregnancies with both boys. The pic on the left is me at 36 weeks with Luke and on the right is about 35.5 weeks with Griffin. I don't have any pictures with Mason because I was sooooooooooo puffy. Plus, I don't think I was upright long enough at the end to get a picture. hahaha. I obviously had more time on my hands with Luke's pregnancy - judging my the fact that my hair was done and I had on makeup. I'm pretty sure I snapped the picture from this pregnancy while on a brief trip to the bathroom... both the boys were probably standing outside the door calling my name. :) hahaha
I've had MAJOR ice cravings. I'm obviously a fan of Sonic ice, but I've found that the pellet ice from the Race Trac gas station is actually better. Yuuuuuuum.

Actually, my principal JUST found a sub on Friday. THANK GOODNESS! I've lesson planned (made copies, SmartBoard lessons, etc. through the end of the year), but knowing that they have a certified Math teacher in place ready to take over is a huge relief. He's coming in this week to shadow and get a feel for my classes and I am ready to "pass the torch" off to him. My plan is to stay home until next August, but I'll probably go in to proctor my exams during the last week of May. I'm also planning the 6th Grade Movie Night and 7th/8th Grade Spring Semi-Formal, so I'm sure I'll be up at the school on a regular basis... just not teaching.
Mason is a BIG Mama's boy and he insists on sitting on my lap. I've had to improvise and find a little bit of room for him...
Not sure if my sweatshirt is going to make it all the way to the end :)
I don't have much of an appetite anymore (heartburn, coupled with having NO ROOM left in my abdomen for food), but I did have a crazy craving for Sicily's pizza the other day. I think I managed to eat one piece and then I had to follow it up with a handful of Tums... but it was totally worth it :)

I had an appointment last Wednesday where I was "slightly dilated" and I go back this Tuesday - I'm crossing my fingers that I've made some progress and that we'll get to meet our little girl sooner rather than later.
Andrea, you make pregnancy look so good! it's actually putting the idea in my head that I want to experience it again! I'm glad your sub is certified in math, so hopefully you won't have to worry too much about him. can't wait to see how these next two weeks play out for you guys!