Last Saturday we loaded up bright and early and headed to the Perot Museum. Our tickets were for 9 a.m. and I don't think the boys had been up much before then all week long. It was a blankets and breakfast in the car kind of morning...

Since we were there so early, the boys had almost the whole children's area to themselves. Luke was ECSTATIC to play on the construction site again :)
Last time we were there it was cold and rainy, but this time it was nice and sunny, so the boys got to go outside and dig for dinosaur bones...
After lunch and a quick stop at the outlet mall we were back home, riding bikes shirtless in the garage :)

Luke has been coming in to "big church" with us and he does better and lasts longer every week. He's growing up so fast!!!

Sunday morning the boys looked ADORABLE, but Mason wasn't feeling the whole after-church picture situation :)
Sunday afternoon Dave, Luke and Haha went and played 9 holes at Stonebridge...
Sunday night Luke was in the bathroom, and when we checked on him he was brushing his hair. Dave asked him why and he goes, "Daddy - tomorrow is chapel day... I need to look GOOD!"

Monday was DEFINITELY an early morning after a week off (and Springing forward!) and it required a couple of favorites - tea from Starbucks and Twizzlers :) Breakfast of champions, right???

Luke's new shoes came in the mail and he insisted on striking this pose every time I tried to take a picture...

Tuesday marked 35-weeks for Griffin and I and I couldn't be more excited. I really enjoy some aspects of being pregnant, but I'm not sure where another month of growing is going to go. I'm outgrowing my maternity clothes and I see a lot of the same 4 maxi dresses in my future. Thankfully jewelry always fits!

Tuesday morning was BRUTAL (Monday we had some "back to school adrenaline" going - but Tuesday was just exhausting) - but getting to see the sunrise on our way to school perked me up a bit.

Mason was feeling the Tuesday morning blahs as well - Dave had to wake him up and when he did Mason goes, "Stay in bed, peez?!?!"
I ordered a gown for Griffin and it came in Tuesday afternoon. I have to admit that the whole monogramming aspect of girls clothes is SUPER fun - I didn't think I'd be into it, but I totally am! I have some adorable onesies in the works to go along with some super fun babylegs.

Wednesday morning was a BIG deal for us, as Luke buckled himself in for the very first time! We've been trying to get him to do it for MONTHS and it finally happened. It's a good thing, because wedging my big pregnant self back there is getting harder and harder. both the boys are in the backseat of the van and Griffin's carrier will go on the passenger side captains chair in the middle row, so it's super great that he can buckle!

Just in case going to the bathroom every 7 minutes wasn't enough for me I decided to pick up 30 ounces of iced tea. :)

Wednesday night was a busy one - one where Mommy didn't feel like cleaning up the kitchen :), so the boys had a picnic in the family room while watching Brave.

For "Throwback Thursday" on Instagram I posted this pic of my boys last year in the bluebonnets. This picture cracks me up and completely captured all of our emotions that day :)

Thursday morning Luke's teacher t4exted me this picture of Luke and some of his classmates after they built a castle together. Love all the "white knees" on their uniform pants. :)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Petunia Pickle Bottom "Cake" diaper bag, but am really looking forward to this one coming in the mail. It's fun and springy and can be carried as a backpack (a must!)

Thursday night I was working on Slightly Askew projects and Luke brought me a couple of "helpers". They didn't do much work, but they sure did make me smile!

One of my co-workers has three boys (fifth grade and up) and she gave Luke a couple of boxes of well-loved army men. I promised the Boese boys that their army guys would see LOTS of play time at our house.
Friday night Carter and Sheaffer came over to play... These sweet boys played with Legos the ENTIRE time! When did they get big enough to play with Legos?!?!?! Weren't they just babies playing with hot wheels in the little pool???
Saturday morning the boys slept in until 9 a.m. - did you hear that people?!?!?! NINE O'CLOCK!!! I got in a couple hours of grading and then they joined me in bed for some snuggles :)

Luke spent ALL DAY today playing Legos (do you see a common theme here???) and he built a cable car which we suspended across the kitchen. I can't get over his creativity and ingenuity!

Luke was eating cake and got icing all over his cheek... so what would any great big brother do??? Have his little brother lick it off his face of course! Crazy boys :)

so cool that the boys could dig for bones at the museum!
ReplyDeleteI love the photo of them post-church.
you look great at 35 weeks!
your new PPB bag is very cute, love the pattern. did you see the new Vera Bradley baby line?
Love the throw back thursday picture! So adorable! And the museum looked like a blast. Can't wait to see pictures of miss Griffin in all her cute outfits!