Monday, July 25, 2011

It's A Pirate's Life...

As everyone already knows, it's been 5 million degrees here lately. So hot, in fact, that it's almost too hot to play with water outside (unless you're submerged in it). One afternoon last week Luke really wanted to play outside with his pirate water table and since 1) it was 5 million degrees and 2) I had a dishwasher to unload and laundry to put away I decided to bring it inside. Luke thought it was just about the coolest thing to ever happen to him, and it kept him busy for several hours.
"AAAAARGH! I love my pirate water table!"
Pirate table/car wash :)

1 comment :

  1. Looooooove it! That was obviously a good investment. I'm glad that when I asked for anything you absolutely DID NOT want Luke to have you didn't say "I absolutely do NOT want Luke to have a pirate-themed water table! arrghh!!!" hahaha


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