Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Since we're about a week away from Christmas, I thought it would be an appropriate time to post my pictures from Thanksgiving on my ol' neglected blog. :)

I decided to cook a 25-lb turkey this year, mainly because I like to bake the stuffing inside the turkey, and the bigger the turkey, the more stuffing you can fit in there. That said... our turkey had to be in the oven fairly early in the morning. Gibi came over to assist (and lift the turkey into the oven - my sciatic nerve has been acting CA-RAZY) and Luke wasn't going to turn down an early-morning opportunity to help. His first task was to help tear up the bread for the stuffing: Yes, we're from the North, so we make stuffing the correct way, with white bread - NOT corn bread :)
This is a fairly gross picture of myself, but I couldn't resist posting a picture of me and my little "Thanksgiving Chef" as he called himself... even if it meant that the blog world would see my bed-head and previous day's eye makeup (just keepin' it real). hahaha
After the bread had been torn, it was time to add in our secret ingredients and then squish it all together (this is fancy cuisine, I'm aware)
We thought that the little chef needed his very own apron...
After it had been sufficiently squished it was time to stuff the bird.
This boy wouldn't even stick his hand into the jack-o-lanterns we carved at Halloween, so you can imagine my surprise when he stuck his little hand right into the turkey to "stuff it good" as he said:
Gettin' after it...
Very pleased with his stuffing:
Gibi and I didn't just let him participate in the "fun parts" of cooking, we made him pull his weight in the dish washing department as well :) (I see a summer job at the country club in his future!!!)
This picture of me was so horrible I thought that maybe if I made it black-and-white it would be better - NOPE! *(But look how cute my little man is lookin'!)*
After a morning and afternoon of helping with various other tasks (snapping green beans, washing potatoes, etc.) as well as a nap, it was finally time to see the fruits of our labor...
Luke-man loved him some cranberry...
It was a very low-key and relaxing Thanksgiving day, but super memorable as well. Luke still calls himself a "Thanksgiving chef" and every day that we ate leftovers (which was A LOT) he would tell me that he had helped make the dinner. SO thankful for that little guy (and the other people around the table, too) :)

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