Saturday, February 13, 2010

Lukes New-OLD-Favorite Book

This post will pretty much only be interesting to my parents and Auntie Sandy... just a warning :)
Now that Luke is more interested in patiently reading books and not just turning (and ripping) the pages, I was able to get out all of my paperback and other special books that my mom and I saved from when I was little.

His favorite (BY FAR) is the book Just a Snowy Day.
This cracks me up, because I can remember reading this OVER and OVER and OVER again and again... scratching and sniffing the hot chocolate cup and turning the wheel to make the snow fall in the window and now Luke LOVES it too!

In case you can't read it... this says December '85 Love Auntie Sandy. I was two months away from being two when I got this book and Luke happens to be two months away from being two right now as well.
I bet that when Auntie Sandy book 25 years ago she never imagined that I would keep it and read it to my kids!

1 comment :

  1. I am glad to hear that Luke enjoys that book. Kelly and Jessi's favorite book by far, was one that your mom gave Kelly called "Goodnight Moon" by Margaret Wise Brown. They enjoyed it so much that I will have to buy a new copy should they ever have children....


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