Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Break - Part II

Since we're moving on Friday (hopefully, there's some hold up with our buyer's loan - say a prayer for us!) I spend most of the break packing our entire house and as the labeling on this box shows, by the end of the week I was a little over the whole packing thing: Okay, so I always get super jealous when I'm on someone's blog or at someone's house and they have something really cool and then proceed to tell me how they picked it up for $5 at a Flea Market or found something amazing at a thrift store - so I have to brag about my $3 garage sale find: a really fun, framed botanical print. It made my day:
Luke playing in his "corral" while packing palooza 2009 continues:
My mom, Gibi, spent a good part of the week at my house filling in nail holes and touching up paint (since I like to "eyeball it" when I hang pictures and often end up making 3 holes for every 1 I need), but she took a break from her diligent work to watch the garbage truck with Luke:
We've been getting boxes from friends (thank you, Danny and Jessica!) as well as from work and since Dave works at a Country Club (where the alcohol is a'plenty) our new neighbors are going to think that we're raging alcoholics :)
While Paul fixed our back door (part of the moving repair list) we had to block Cadence off from the rest of the house (or else she'd spend her day sniffing and licking Paul while he tried to work) and Luke thought it was the funniest thing ever. You can see from the picture below that he's also discovered how to stand on things to get a better look over his fence:
Luke laughing at Cadence: More laughing:
Here's Luke getting to know the Shop Vac
He was determined to look inside (and put it in his mouth)

Puttin' him to work :)

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