Friday, January 31, 2025

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends! Erika and I are so excited that lots of y'all are linking up with us every week.  Make sure that you're grabbing our graphic, linking back to us and sharing your own Friday Favorites post ;)

Last Friday we had a little mini dodgeball event and this team of 8th grade boys was one of my FAVORITES...

... as was this cutie group of 6th graders who MADE THEIR OWN SHIRTS.  A crew after my theme-loving heart!

Last weekend was also Winter Formal and all of these pics are my FAVE ;). Luke went with his friend Bailey and they looked SO CUTE in their black and gold (the theme colors).

I grabbed these shoes for Luke thinking he'd FOR SURE pass but he was totally into them and he had a blast wearing them.  The soles light up and they were a total hit.

He had a blast and their group looked darling.

Mason's FAVORITE weeks are those where we serve in the nursery at church ;) 

... and another FAVORITE this week was when Mrs. Boese's grandson hung with us after school.  ISN'T HE PRECIOUS?!?!?!

Mason takes my phone any chance he gets and takes ridiculous pics which are always a FAVE even if they're not the most flattering pics ;)

This pic of MAson and my dad at Mason's bball game last weekend is a FAVE...

... and another FAVORITE has been a TON of projects going on over here.  My FAVORITE to see my kids hard work and their FAVORITE that this week is almost over ;) hahaha

Last, but not least - this meme from earlier this week made me laugh so hard.  We've had SO MANY students out with the flu this week and I'm not sure I've ever been so glad to see January end ;)

This weekend we have one last indoor track meet and, hopefully, a pretty solid Sunday afternoon nap on the books ;)

HAPPY FRIDAY, friends!!!

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  1. Fab photos of the kids. Luke looks so smart and I love his shoes! What fun!
    That meme did make me chuckle, we almost made it through January without any illness but my youngest was hit with a cold earlier in the week, she's fine now.

  2. But let's talk about Luke's gold shoes! I mean, THEY ARE AMAZING!!! Love, love, love!

  3. I love those winter formal photos! Those gold shoes are fabulous.


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