Friday, May 17, 2024

Friday Favorites

  Erika and I are so excited that lots of y'all are linking up with us every week.  Make sure that you're grabbing our graphic, linking back to us and sharing your own Friday Favorites post ;)

WHAT A WEEK!!!  It's officially summer and WE ARE READY!  Mason, G and I finished up yesterday and Luke finished up today with his last two exams and then we're free for SUMMER!  PHEW!

This post is pretty much just going to chronicle G's last week of elementary school because, honestly, all of her activities and then exams are really all we've been up to.

I'm fairly certain we've had at least one end-of-the-year activity every single day this week and while it's been a whirlwind it's also been a blast.  

Monday night was 5th grade graduation...

... with some of our very FAVORITE teachers...

... and friends.

Griffin earned the Headmaster's honor roll, was awarded the JOY character award, placed third in STAR reading and was recognized for placing in ACSI speech.  

PROUD of our favorite girl!

Griffin had field day on Tuesday and she was Team Turquoise ;)

I'm sorry - but there's nothing better than a parachute on field day.  NOTHING!

They made "awards" for each other and her sweet friend Ethan made her this "Joyful" award.  

Wednesday morning was G's "last walk" on the deck (the deck runs through our elementary school) where the younger students line the deck and the 5th graders walk through and high five them as well as their previous teachers.

When they reach the fifth grade part of campus they make a big circle and their teachers talk and there's a student-led prayer and it's just really really precious.

We have been SO BLESSED by the 5th grade team this year - an incredible group of women who have touched G's heart and mind in so many ways.  Thank you will never be enough for these sweet friends!

They had framed photos of each student with the teachers from Monday nights awards ceremonies which was just icing on the cake.

FAVORITE little brothers!

... and then after the walk they headed to Pinstack for a fun afternoon.

Friday morning there was a parent-student kickball game for 5th grade...

... where the parents had no mercy with the kids ;) 

Mason ROCKED his finals this year - he's really come into his own in 7th grade and we're SO PROUD!  He and I had a couple of lunch dates this week when we got out early and I loved every second of it.  He had academic awards yesterday and I didn't get a single pic but he got awards in PreAlgebra and Tech and also earned our highest honor roll.

Another FAVORITE pic from the week ;)

Mason and some friends headed to the state baseball playoffs earlier this week...

... and Luke ended the track season with a banquet.

And last, but not least, Luke has been trucking along - acing finals and driving ALL THE PLACES for me.  He's headed out on a band trip this afternoon and cross country practices start next week.  He can't wait.

PHEW! Less of a FAVORITES and more of a recap but it is what it is because this week has left little to no time for anything other than #allthethings ;). You better believe that if you need me this weekend I'll be in the bed and nowhere else.  Cheer camp starts bright and early on Monday (seriously!) so I'm going to take a few days to really rest and do pretty much nothing.  

HAPPY Friday and happy SUMMER, friends!!!

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  1. How in the world can G be done with elementary school. Seems like you were just sharing her first pictures with us. You and your family are truly Blessed.

  2. Have a fab summer!! It sounds like a great last week of school. Well done to Griffin with the awards and to Mason with his finals. You must be so proud.


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