Tuesday, January 9, 2024

DITL Teacher In-Service Edition

My plan was to do a "day in the life" during Christmas break but I ended up forgetting so I decided to do one on my first day back at work!  It was a teacher in-service day and I thought it might be fun to see what that looks like if you're not a teacher and maybe compare if you are.

First of all - my alarm went off at 6:30 and IT WAS BRUTAL!  We had been staying up super late and sleeping in daily and MAN did I pay for it on this morning.

I got up and showered pretty quickly after laying in bed for way too long contemplating all of my life's choices ;)

... as well as some eye patches...

... and then got to the business of drying my hair.

Yes.... I read while I dry.  I've done this for as long as I can remember and I honestly thought that everybody did it! hahaha (dryer / heat protectant)

I was pretty crunched for time at this point (ooops!) so I threw on a sweater and leggings (I knew I'd be doing a bunch of cleaning in my room)...

... and my giant bag and I rolled into school right around 8 a.m.

I unlocked my classroom and dropped my bag off...

... and then headed to our Student Life Center to grab a breakfast taco before the day started.

We had an all-school meeting and then headed into a middle school meeting at 9 a.m.  That meeting lasted about an hour and then...

... I went straight into a curriculum meeting from 10:00 - 11:45.

Thankfully Cowboy was there for some entertainment ;)

I headed straight from that meeting to lunch at 11:50 that was provided for us (love that!).  I didn't take a picture of my sandwich before I inhaled it.  Whoops!

We ate and chatted for a bit and then had the rest of the afternoon to work in our rooms. 

I started with making lesson plans for the week and then making copies...

... including fresh mercy passes and a New Year's "Matholution" assignment I was going to use on the Monday we get back.

I fielded some Facetime calls from the kids who were at home by themselves for the day.  They each had a chore list and were working through those as well as having some screen time and playing mandatory games with each other. hahaha

I worked on some slides for the week...

Took down some Christmas decor and cleaned my boards...

... changed out my background...

... took down this bulletin board...

... and tried to get organized. 

I loaded up and headed out around 3:30.

HOME to my peeps!!!  

Griffin was SUPER excited to show me her completed chore list including the times she did them ;) 

And they were all excited to show me what they had worked on (details on Luke's room storage coming next week!)

I started my "after school tidy" where I gave myself about 45 minutes to pick up, run the vacuum, start laundry, etc.

I had a cup of tea while checking some emails...

.... opened the mail (which included this stadium chair - which is a LOVE!)...

... and got the candles going to get our "cozy" on.

My mom had picked Luke up around 3:00 to get him to track practice and she waited for him and brought him home to save me the trip.  She hung out for a few minutes and then took Mason to basketball practice for me at 5:15 since it was on her way home.  Seriously SO HELPFUL!

After she and Mason left I turned on a podcast...

... and decided to tackle this puzzle.  And no... I don't mean working on it I mean cleaning it up because I realized that I wasn't going to have time over the weekend, we had a busy week coming up and I knew the "mess" would make me feel unsettled so I cut our losses and packed it away.

I turned the laundry over...

... got some pasta cooking...

... and got changed into comfies.

Dave got home around 6:00 and the four of us ate dinner.  I keep big bags of pasta sauce frozen for days that I know I won't have time to cook and I had pulled one out the night before and let it thaw in the fridge and then just heated up the sauce on the stove.  

Kept things simple with Ceasar salad and pasta and meat sauce.

Dave left around 7:15 to pick up Mason from basketball and G and I shared some sourdough toast with butter and strawberry jelly and hung out on the couch for a bit.

Dave came home with three hungry boys instead of one ;) and I was super thankful I had a bunch of pasta and sauce for everyone.

Followed that up with some ice cream sundaes...

... and a couple rounds of games.  Not a whole lot makes me happier than having a house full of kids!

All the kids went upstairs to blow up some air mattresses, get settled in for a sleepover and play some video games and I got my self-care on ;)

I start with  this cleansing balm...

... followed it up with  this bar...

... and finished things off with  this eye serum and face oil.

Last, but not least I ice rolled mainly because it feels SO GOOD!

I checked a few things off of my to-do-list, had some quiet time, cracked open my book and was asleep by 11:00. 

Whew! What a day!  Hope you enjoyed following along ;)


  1. I could read these posts everyday! ❤️

  2. I love, love, love me some classroom content!!! :)

  3. I'm so confused as to how you read while you dry your hair? I need both hands to dry my hair--how does that work? No judgment--I think it's great; I just don't know how that would work 😀

    1. I do it too! My hair is so thick. It's easier with a kindle but when I have a 'real' book I use a giant claw clip to hold it open. My old bathroom had a little window next to the mirror, and that windowsill was the perfect spot to stand up my book😅

    2. I use two hands for my hair and use a hand mirror thing to hold the book open on my counter ;)

  4. Where do you get your cute computer backgrounds?


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