Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Teacher Tuesday (on a Wednesday) - 7 Questions Edition

4th - 8th Grade Generalist which means I'm certified to teach all subjects for 4th - 8th grades. 

It can depend on the KIND of difficult but get them in face-to-face!  I know that it's the last thing you want to do but I've found that an in-person conference can typically resolve most issues.  Tone is SO HARD to read in emails (this goes both ways!) and communication is so much better in-person.  If the situation is really difficult ask another teacher or admin to sit in with you.  If the "difficulties" revolve around boundaries I've found that being very specific about those boundaries can resolve overstepping.  I know my tendency is to be a "peace maker" (read: doormat - hahaha) and I've learned over the years to set firm boundaries and stick to them - that's with parents and students. 

Oh, gosh! SO MANY!  I've fallen in the courtyard right in front of a touring group from the Chamber of Commerce (think suits) so hard that I ripped both knees of my pants and my hands were bleeding.  I tried to laugh it off but it was BAD!

I also was giving a "stern" talk to a class and when I went to get off my stool/chair my heel caught on the foot rest bar thing and I ATE IT right on the ground.  I think the kids thought that I had fallen to my death I hit the ground so hard.

I've also thrown up in the courtyard (apparently I need to avoid the courtyard) and a high schooler was walking out of class and goes, "whoa! Mrs. McAnally's puking out here" and kids came to the window to look.  I'm not sure if that was as embarrassing though as when a few days later a friend of mine was speaking at chapel and as I was walking with him a kid goes, "oh! hey, Mrs. McAnally's friend... isn't this right where you threw up the other day???"  

I've also had a few freudian slips and an especially phallic drawing of a thermometer that are pretty memorable :) 

No! I've taught my friends and coworkers kids for years and it's never been an issue!  I will say that if a social relationship texts me about something academics-related I'll typically respond to them via my school email address.  "Hey, so and so!  In reference to your text... blah blah blah" and that way I have the same communication records I do for other parents and it kind of sets the tone that academic stuff is communicated via email.  But I have never ever minded being asked about school stuff at social events or sports or anything like that.  

FLAIR PENS!!!! I also couldn't live without my document camera.


It can vary but in general kids have an assignment from my class daily.  How much of it is left for home depends on how long the lecture was, if we did an in-class activity, if we graded the previous night's assignment in-class, etc. as well as how well they managed their work time in class.  I also do a lot of in-class "quizzing" and assessing because sometimes homework can be an inaccurate picture of how well they know a subject if they worked with a friend or got a lot of help at home.

I'd like to say that. have this under control and then this is the scene on my bed at 11:30 p.m. on a random Tuesday night :) hahahaha

I think it ebbs and flows like most people's jobs - as much as I try to "leave it at school" I would much rather bring it home and get it done than have it waiting for me the next day.  Also some days I have the best of intentions to get everything done in my planning periods and then I have a meeting that takes way longer or a kid needs to talk or the copier isn't working or I have to sub band, etc.  I do try my hardest to not bring things home on the weekends!

If you asked me a "teacher question" on IG and I didn't answer it today I have it on a post for scheduled for a couple of weeks down the road :). If you want to ask me a question shoot me an email ( and I'll add it to the list! 

Happy Wednesday, friends!!!

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