Monday, February 15, 2021

37 ;)

Last year on my 36th birthday I shared 36 things you may not know about me and today I'm sharing 37 things that bring me JOY as a nod to my word of the year and hopes of LOTS of these things this next year!

1 - Snuggling a sleeping baby

2 - A sip of tea that's borderline too hot but exactly right

3 - Oversized sweatshirts

4 - Hearing my kids laugh when they're playing with each other

5 - God "winks"

6 - Warm sun on my skin on a chilly day

7 - Holding hands

8 - The sound snow makes when you're walking through it

9 - Glassy lakes

10 - A really good pen :)

11 - Fresh flowers

12 - Freckles on sunkissed noses and cheeks

13 - Sunday afternoon naps

14 - Watching my kids do what they love

15 - Vacuum lines

16 - The smell of laundry

17 - Fall leaves

18 - Open doors/windows

19 - When a student has a "lightbulb" moment

20 - Snail mail 

21 - Hanging out in a hammock

22 - Raisinettes at the movies

23 - Walking in the grass barefoot

24 - When you go underwater and sounds get muffled

25 - Clean counters

26 - Reading outside

27 - A picnic

28 - Gilmore Girls

29 - Dinner on a patio

30 - A fountain diet coke with nugget ice

31 - Live music

32 - Witnessing my kids unprompted politeness/kindness

33 - After dinner walks

34 - Sunscreen smell

35 - Making food my family loves

36 - "God winks"

37 - Family reading time

HAPPY Monday, friends!!!  I'd love to know something that brings you JOY! Let me know in the comments :) 


  1. Happy Birthday! I really love your blog and IG. I'd love to know what you mean by God "winks" and "God winks". Take care!

  2. Birthday blessings!.......clean sheets!

  3. The sound of my children and grandchildren laughing brings me great joy! I love God "winks" too! My word of the year is peace...I find peace in all the little "normal" things at home that help me feel centered.

  4. Seeing my kids succeed in their careers, the excitement my dog shows every time I come home, cozy pajamas, yoga, late night walks with my husband, dark chocolate salted caramels, iced coffee, straws, fun pens... thanks for helping me start my day with joy! Love your list. Happy Birthday!

  5. Happy birthday, Andrea! What a sweet post to look at all the happiness life brings.

  6. Happy Birthday!! Things that bring me joy: when puppies find their bark, baby belly laughs, homemade frosting, blogs, my son, Donnie Wahlberg, diet ruby red squirt, my 85 year old grandma. I know your sweet family is going to treat you well today, enjoy!

  7. Happy Birthday, Andrea! Thank you for providing such a wonderful corner of the internet. Wishing you a day filled with all of the above JOY.

  8. Happy birthday! A couple for me - and I love most of yours too - burning fireplace, the smell of charcoal, smell of sunscreen + marine oil :) I know that last one is weird, but man, it's going to be a good day when you're smelling both of those!

  9. Giggles from our 4 yr old granddaughter! Ultrasound of our second grandchild!

  10. Happiest of birthdays! This is one my favorite blogs. My girls’ giggles bring me so much joy!

  11. The colors in sunrises and sunsets in the winter!

  12. Happy, happy birthday! I love clean sheets, snow and the sound of my husband and daughter laughing.

  13. Happy Birthday! Love your blog so, so much.

  14. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a fabulous day and feel celebrated and loved!

  15. Happy Birthday! Ditto on the Diet Coke and so many other of your joyful things!

  16. Slow morning. Hugs. Fresh flowers.

  17. What do you recommend as a good pen? Thanks!

  18. These are great and I think we share quite a few of them in common. Happy Birthday!

  19. My granddaughter’s giggles.

  20. What a list! Happy birthday! I admire your big, creative heart! Your kiddos are SO lucky to have you as their mama!

  21. Your blog!!! It’s my very favorite and I look so forward to reading your posts.

  22. Your blog! It's my very favorite.


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