Thursday, December 19, 2019

Paper Plate Nativity

Happy Thursday, friends!!! I'm in straight up denial that Christmas is next week - planning on soaking up as many twinkle lights as I can between now and then. 

I saw  this craft on Pinterest and fell in love with how simple it was.  The end results were SO CUTE and it really was so easy! 

I took a paper plate and drew out a basic Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus and stable.  Then I just cut around the pieces and let the kids go to town with watercolors.

Fold it in half and DONE!!!  Seriously so easy and SO CUTE!!!

If you're looking for any additional "craft-spiration" make sure to check out one of my very favorite crafts of all time...

... and print off a few sets of my Christmas doodle town.

Happy Crafting, friends!!!


  1. You are always so creative! I love the nativities.

    1. This was totally a Pinterest idea but I'm already brainstorming other ways to use this same method!

  2. Love all the crafty ideas, thank you!
    Have a merry, merry Christmas!!

  3. So sweet! I would still need a template to trace :)

  4. What time works for you today to have my kids come over and craft? 4:00? 4:30? Maybe 5:30 and you could feed them dinner too? Awesome. Thanks! ;)

  5. I love all of these! So sweet and such good memory makers!


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